Page 24 of Tempt Me

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Heshrugged. “Fine.Whatelsedo you want to discuss?”

She was too flustered by Max to think of anything else. “I thinkthataboutcoverswhatI need toknow,”shesaid stiffly.

Heraised abrow. “Areyoutelling me that that’salltheinformation you need from me?”

Unsureforamoment,she nodded slowly.

“You don’twanttoknowhowmuch I’llpayyou?”

Themention ofmoneygaveGigi pause. Cash wasthecentreofeverycollegestudent’suniverse.


Sheblinked athim.“Excuseme?”

Resting hisarmsonthetable,heleaned in.“Givemeanumber. HowmuchwouldI havetopay you inorder tohaveyou livein and lookafterErin?”

Shestudied hisface. Hewasbeing completelyserious.Butshewould seejusthowserioushe was. With a smug smile,shecrossed herarmsoverher chest.“Twothousand a week.”

Max’sexpressiondidn’tchange. “That’saround fiftydollarsan hour basedon aforty hourweek.”

Gigi picked up hercoffeecup and tookasip. “Youtold meto giveyou a figure.”Itwasoutlandish and therewasnowayin hell hewould acceptit.

“Done,”hereplied,reaching outhishandtoshake hers. Shewasdumbstruck.


“I said,Iagree.Twothousand a week. Butthis is for being availabletomesevendaysaweek,day or night. If there’sanytimewhereI don’thavetowork,you arefreetodowhatyouwant. However, anytimethatI amatwork,I expectyouto belookingafterErin.”

Gigi jerkedher chin up in defiance.“Ihaven’tagreedto this yet.”

Hesmirked ather,hisexpressiontelling her thatshesoon would. Shethoughthewasjust arrogantenough tobelievethat.

“I’ll needto go homeand thinkaboutthisbeforeI give you an answer.” Shetookanothersip of her coffee.“Isuggestyoustartinterviewing othernanniesin the meantime,justin caseitdoesn’tworkoutlike you’ve planned,”sheadded asan afterthought.

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