Page 23 of Tempt Me

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Hestood up abruptlyand strodetowardsthecounter.She tooktheopportunitytolookathim. Nomatter howhard shetried,shecouldn’tshaketheimageofMaxstanding in atowel fromher mind. Hishard sculpturedchesthad featured heavilyin her dreamslastnight,and theway thematerialhad clung tohishipswasthebestsupporting actor.

Thesound ofErin laughing toreGigi’s eyesoffofMax’sass. Ablush crept up her cheeks. Maxreturned then,touching hisdaughter’scheeklightlybeforesitting backdown.

“I ordered you a coffee,” he said.

“Thank you.” Her reply was more like a squeak.

“So,have youmadeadecision yet?”heasked,placingboth elbowsonthetableand pinning her in placewith his stare.

“You’vehardlygivenmea lotof timetothinkaboutit.”

Heleaned backin hischair,his eyesunwavering. Hefinallygaveher atightnod.“Of course. I’m justanxious togetthe position filled.”

“Howmanynannieshaveyou alreadyinterviewed?”


Hehadn’tinterviewedanyoneelse?“I’m noteven a qualified nanny,”shemuttered under her breath.


Shepeeredathim.“Howlong haveyou been lookingfor someone?”

Hisnostrilsflared for amoment,and sherealized hedidn’tlikebeing questioned. “Lessthan forty-eighthours.”

Shesatforwardin her chair. “Max,Ithinkyou need tofind someoneelse.Therearehundreds of nanniesin NewYork. I canguaranteeyou’ll find someoneyou like;you’ll find someonequalified for thejob.”

“I don’twantsomeoneelse,Gigi. Iwantyou.”

For a second,shecouldn’t breathe… Butthen her brain wheezedand shegotbackwiththe program. Hewanted herasa nanny.“Max,I’mfocused onmystudiesatthemoment.”

“You haveclassesduring theday,right?”Shenodded.“Well,I workatnight,so you’ll still beable tolookafter Erinand itwon’timpacton your education.”

“All right,”sheconceded. Buttherewasstill thematter of living arrangements.“ButI’d rather not livewithyou andErin.”

His lipspressedtogetherintoahard line.“Would youreconsider if Imade mycase?”

Sheshrugged. “Sure.”

“Okay. Here’sthereasonwhyI’d like you tolivein.Lastnightwasa primeexample. I could get called awayatanytime,day ornight,weekend or weekday. If thathappens,I need tomakesureI can leavestraightawayifneedbe. Ifyou livein,Iwillbeabletogettotheclub assoon asIcan. If I call you and havetowaitfor youtocomearound,theemergencyI’mrequiredtoattend towill be outof control bythetimeIgetthere.”

“Fair point,”shesaid.

“Right,soit’ssettled then,” hesaid.


“Onecoffeeand onetea,”thewaitressannounced,arriving attheir table. Gigi lookedatthe woman and accepted her drink. “Yourmealswill be outsoon.”

“Thankyou,”Maxreplied,ripping open a sugar stickand adding ittohistea. Ashestirred,he looked atGigi. “Youweresaying?”

“Yes,Iwassaying it’snotsettled. Istill don’twanttolive in.”

“Why not?”heshot back.

“Because…because…”shefloundered.Dammit,whycouldn’tshethinkof something?Hetooka sip fromhis cup,a smirkonhis lips. Sheglared athim.“We can talk about this later.”

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