Page 35 of Wickedly Innocent

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I followed Ian with my hand firmlygrasped in his as he pushed the door open and pulled me out withhim. The still cold air took my breath away for a moment as mylungs adjusted. At least I was pretty sure it was the frigid breezethat took it away and not the scolding man in front of me.Everything was happening so fast that I didn’t even get the chanceto gauge his reaction to my admission.

Was he mad?Surely hewasn’t, what was there to be mad about? It’s not like I’d outrightlied to him or anything. I just hadn’t felt the need to divulge thetruth with him. Although, some people thought that a lack oftransparency was the same as lying.

I frowned as he kept pulling mealong, as though he was in a hurry to get as far away from thatbookstore as possible.Or maybe he’s just in a hurry to get awayfrom you, you idiot,my inner voice taunted me as my feetstruggled to keep up with his long-legged strides.

The sidewalk was still very muchfull of other shoppers but I paid them no mind as I focused on thelooming presence in front of me. I thought once we exited the storehe would pull me aside somewhere and talk to me. He was proving mewrong as he continued to lead me to the restaurant we were supposedto meet the others at.

“Are you going to say anything atall?” I questioned in an all-too-small voice. Ian said nothing butI saw his shoulders bunch up as if my words made him tense.

I felt an unfamiliar anger coillow in my gut with each step he forced me to take. This wasextremely childish of a grown-ass man. He was ignoring me andacting as though I hadn’t divulged such personal information tohim. I’d just about had enough of people ignoring me or treating melike I wasn’t worth the waste of breath.

In the back of my mind, I knewthat wasn’t what he was doing. I knew logically that I’d thrown himfor a loop and he was probably just processing that informationbefore saying anything. That’s what mature people did—took in info and expressed themselves in a calm way.But right now I didn’t want a mature conversation. I wanted him tocommunicate with me even if I hadn’t really given him the time todigest what I’d told him.

I could see the restaurant just upahead when I dug my heels into the sidewalk and halted our forwardadvance. I wasn’t going to sit with his daughter at the table andact as though everything was fine when it clearly wasn’t. I rippedmy hand out of his and tried not to pay attention to the immediateloss of his warmth. “Is this what we’re doing then?” I grittedbehind clenched teeth as he turned to face me. His heated gaze boreinto me like a laser but I stood my ground. “What? I tell you I’m avirgin and suddenly you don’t want to have anything to do with meanymore?” I seethed as I stalked closer to him.

His hands squeezed and released ashe stared down at me like it was taking enormous restraint to keephis hands to himself. Random people along the busy sidewalk veeredaround us, some outright scowling as we effectively made aroadblock for them to go around.Let them look. I didn’tcare what they thought of me. If this week had proven anything tome it was that I didn’t really care whatanyonethought ofme anymore. This was the only life I got to live and I was donemaking myself smaller for others.

“Did my admission make you notwant tofuckme anymore?” I held my hands out gesturing tomyself. Ian’s eyes flared at my curse and I tried to ignore thetightening in my core as my arousal spiked. I stepped up to hischest and looked into his heated gaze.No more backing down.“Because you were singing a different tune this morning with yourcock in my mouth,” I said proudly.

I saw the moment his restraintsnapped and felt a grin tug at my lips.Was it terrible to beturned on by that wild look in his eyes?He gripped the back ofmy head and slammed his lips to mine. I went up on my tiptoes ashis tongue forged its way past my lips. I’d broken the last of hisrestraint and reveled in the way he demanded his dues. This newversion of myself loved the dominant man he’d suddenly become.

Without taking his mouth frommine, he shoved me backward and crowded me. I stepped back blindlyuntil my back hit the cold brick wall of a nearby department store.I never opened my eyes as his hands traveled lower until theygripped my ass. I felt the vibration of his deep growl as he thrusthis erection against my belly.

“Does it feel like I don’t want tofuckyou anymore, Bambi?” he grumbled against my lips. Iwhimpered as he squeezed me and kissed me again. Our breaths meldedinto one as I focused on those lips. I nipped his bottom lip andwas rewarded with another deep groan before he ground against meagain. He felt impossibly hard under all his layers.

He moved one hand and traveled upmy coat-covered back until reaching the back of my head. I emittedanother whimper as he dug his fingers into my hair and pulled hard.My scalp lit up at his rough treatment and turned into an odd heatthat sank into my core. I could feel myself becoming needy for thevery part of him that pressed firmly against my belly.

“I’m only going to say this once,so listen well,” he growled as he released my lips. “Look at me,”he ordered and my eyes sprang open. I wondered if my eyes mirroredthe same carnal lust he displayed.

“You caught me by surprise justnow but that does nothing to cool my feelings toward you. Ifanything it makes me want to plunge my cock so far into your tightlittle cunt you will be able to taste it. I wanted to bend you overthat table and show you just exactly what it means to be fucked bysomeone. Maybe it makes me the villain to want to be the one thattakes away your innocence, but so be it. I want to be your firstand lastin everything, Bambi,” he admitted.

Maybe it made me stupid, orimmature. Maybe it made me a bad friend and needy. But I didn’tcare anymore. I wanted everything he offered and more. I wantedhim.

I pushed my hands between us andgripped the seam of his jeans, allowing my fingers to dip in andfeel the coarse hair there. I stepped up on my tiptoes as high as Icould before I grazed my lips against his. “Please,” I whisperedbefore kissing him lightly.

I could feel his smile against meas he gripped my hair tighter. I swear my eyes rolled into the backof my head as pleasure raced down my body straight to my sex. “Thatwon’t be the only time you utter that word tonight, Bambi,” hepromised.

When I thought he’d kiss me againhe did the opposite and pulled away. My chest deflated as the coldof the winter day replaced where he’d been moments ago. I tried notto look as crestfallen as I felt as he stepped away from me.

“I can’t fuck you in the middle ofthe street, Lindsey.” He chuckled as he held his hand out for me tograsp. I looked between it and his face as a smile creased mykiss-swollen lips.Maybe this new Lindsey wasn’t so bad afterall.

I clasped my hand in his and hepulled me to him. I could’ve swooned when he tucked me under hisarm and pulled me snuggly to his side. I smiled up at him and hereturned it before I looked at the others walking around us. Nobodypaid us any mind now as we made our way to the restaurant.

We were still somewhat early as weentered the warm cafe. The bell above the door dinged as Ian heldit open for me. I smiled and flushed slightly as I ducked past him.Why did the simple act of him holding the door for me make me blushwhen I all but fucked him outside?

We gave the waitress the number ofpeople for our party and she led us to a back corner booth. Ianhelped me out of my coat and I couldn’t help my grin as I watchedhis expression flicker to something darker. He pulled the sash onmy coat until the knot came free as he locked gazes with me. “I’llnever be able to look at this coat the same way again,” I muttered.He flashed me a devastating grin as he removed his own coat then.His tight-fitting shirt and jeans were now fully uncovered for myhungry gaze. I’d seen him naked but that didn’t stop me fromgetting turned on by looking at him fully clothed.

He took our coats and hung them upbefore gesturing for me to slide into the curved booth. As Isettled in the vibrant red round seat, I pulled my phone from mypocket and sent Anna a quick text letting her know we were here. AsI pocketed my phone Ian slid in beside me. He wound his arm aroundmy shoulders and pulled me into his side. I sighed a sound ofcontentment as he kissed the top of my head.This felt …normal.

I pressed my hand against hisjean-clad thigh before glancing up at him. He was staring down atme with some indiscernible emotion flashing in those sea-coloredeyes. He leaned down and kissed me softly before pulling back up.He rubbed his thumb against my shoulder as he searched my eyes. Awarm feeling expanded in my chest at his gentle caress.

“I like this,” he murmured.

“Me too,” I whispered. It was onlythe truth.

He moved his other hand and pushedmy hair away from my forehead before trailing his fingers down myjaw. He swallowed thickly before he spoke again. “I can’t waituntil I can finally make you mine. Like legitimately, no hiding,mine,” he murmured.

I mimicked his swallow as a kernelof dread roared to life in my stomach.Anna.“Tomorrow,” Iwhispered.

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