Page 34 of Wickedly Innocent

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He used both of his hands tospread my thighs impossibly wide as he stared at my pussy. Irefused to allow my insecurity to shine through as I watched hisheated gaze gobble me up. He kept one hand on my inner thigh,holding the side of my panties while his other hand wandered. Herested his palm against my mound and allowed his thumb to rub tightcircles around my clit. I felt myself clench before jerking againsthim. I was already wound so tightly, I didn’t think I could lastmuch longer.

His resounding chuckle had mepulling my gaze back to his blue eyes. It felt as though he wereboring a hole straight into my soul as we stared at each other. Histhumb moved up and down from my entrance to my clit in a rhythm Itried to match with my breath. I felt my hips start to move oftheir own accord and that seemed to please him as he smiled up atme. “That’s it, Bambi. You like the way I touch you?” he asked.

I nodded my head vigorously as Ibit down on my gag. I was going to come and it was going to beexplosive.

Ian moved then and smoothly slid afinger into my drenched channel. I moaned and rolled my head backat the sensation. He fucked into me softly a few times beforeadding another digit. He moved his other hand to my clit andcontinued to rub me there, keeping me right on the edge. My hipsmoved faster as if they knew exactly what to do to get me to thefinish line.

“Fuck, you’re squeezing me sotightly. I can’t wait to sink my cock into this tight little cunt.”I moaned at his words as I felt the wave that was my orgasm crestover my head. My legs trembled and I became too weak to hold myselfup as I slid down onto my elbows. “That’s it, Lindsey. Fucking comefor me,” he rasped as he curled his finger inside of me. “Now,” hedemanded at the same time as he pinched my clit and I wentflying.

I bit my gag so hard that I wassurprised I didn’t break a tooth from the pressure. I tried to keepmy whimpers quiet as my body convulsed around his working fingers.He was staring at himself fucking into me as I felt a flood ofarousal coat his fingers. I could’ve sworn I heard him groan as hewatched me fall apart for him.

Before I could comprehend what wasabout to happen, Ian pulled his fingers out of me and gripped bothof my thighs. He pulled me to him before his mouth latched onto me.I laid back and immediately thrust my fingers into his hair. Eitherto push him away or pull him closer I had no idea. I was wound sotightly that when he sucked my clit into his mouth and groaned Iexploded again.

My back arched and I throbbed as Icame. Ian held me tightly against his mouth as my orgasm ensued. Helapped and sucked at me with such vigor that it prolonged everyfeeling. Just when I thought I was almost done, he twisted histongue a new way and I started all over again. Before I knew it myhips were moving against him of their own accord, fucking hismouth.

My vision became blurry around theedges before he finally came up for air. He crawled up my languidbody before settling between my still-open legs. I felt hisdenim-covered erection prod at my entrance as I looked lazily upinto his eyes. He pulsed his hips against mine, the roughness ofhis jeans so at odds with the softness of his lips.

“I was right, your cream tastedlike the sweetest dessert,” he whispered as he pulled the sash frommy mouth. I breathed deeply as I stared up at him and licked mylips. “Here, taste,” he rumbled before crashing his lips tomine.

He shoved his tongue inside and Itasted the taboo flavor of myself mixed with the taste of him. Imoaned as fresh arousal flooded me. He groaned as he pulled awayand brought me with him. I sat on the edge of the table and triedto catch my breath as he held me firmly.

He pulled my panties back intoplace before sitting again in front of me. He then pulled me to himand I slid easily onto his lap. I felt his hard length pressagainst my ass as he curled me against him. His arms wrapped aroundme and I allowed my head to lay against his chest in contentment.My earlier anger fully dissipated.

“Now, what’s the problem?” heasked as he kissed my hair. After the harshness of hisministrations, his softness with me now made me melt a littlemore.

I took a couple of breaths as Imulled over what to say to him. I figured the best way would be tojust forge on. “I feel like everything is moving too fast and I’mlosing myself along the way. I feel like I’m deceiving my bestfriend as I try desperately to figure out how I’m feeling for you.I don’t understand what exactly you want from me or what I wantfrom you. Where is this going, what happens when we get back home,how is thi—”

Ian cut my words off as he grippedmy chin and kissed me softly. His lips gently ate at mine and allmy ramblings ceased. “That’s better,” he murmured as he gazed at mewith some indiscernible emotion in his expressive eyes. My heartfluttered from the warmth I saw there.

“Let’s do this one question at atime, okay?” he said and I nodded. “You feel like this is movingfast and the truth is, so do I,” he admitted and my brows creased.For the first time since I’d met him, he looked like he didn’t knowexactly what he was going to say. “I’ve never felt this way foranother person before. Not even when I married Anna’s mom. Thatfelt like something I was supposed to do so I did. This feels likesomething that Ineedto do … like I don’t have a choice.”He swallowed as he continued to search my face.

I willed him to continue with myeyes. “That leads to your other question. What I want from you, theanswer is … everything.” His admission took my breath from me. Ididn’t know this was that serious for him. He huffed a laugh as herubbed his thumb against my bottom lip, his gaze following themotion.

“When I first saw you, I knew Iwanted to be with you in a physical way, Lindsey. Then I couldn’tstop thinking about you and I realized I wanted to be with you.Especially after last night. I know it’s fast, but I want to get toknow you not only physically but in every way one person can knowanother person. When we get back home I want to keep seeing you.This isn’t a one-and-done for me, Bambi. This is real.”

He was silent for a moment as Iallowed his admissions to sink in. Somewhere deep down I knew hefelt more for me than in a visceral way. The way he acted toward mewasn’t the normal way you acted toward someone you only wanted tosleep with.

He cleared his throat andswallowed heavily before continuing. “As for you not knowing whatyou want from me, I can only hope that you want this as much as Ido. I want to give you absolutely everything this world has tooffer. I want to take care of you. I’m sorry if you feel likeyou’re losing yourself, that’s not my intent. I just want you to beopen to the possibilities of this relationship. The only thing Ican offer in a way of making you feel better is to say that maybeyou feel like you’re losing yourself because you’re finding exactlywho you want to be,” he said. He kissed my forehead and pushed meback to his chest as if he didn’t just drop a bomb between us.

“You don’t need to give me answersright now. I just need you to know where I stand. And as far asAnna is concerned…” I tensed at the mention of the elephant in theroom. “We can tell her together if you want,” he said and I pulledmy head up to look at him again. He pushed my hair away from myface. “Tonight, if you w—”

“No!” I cut him off. “Not tonight,I need time to figure out what to say to her first,” I said and henodded. “Tomorrow?” I asked.

“Tomorrow,” he said with finalitybefore sealing his lips to mine again.

As he kissed me I felt a naggingfeeling tickle the back of my brain. I hadn’t told him about theextent of my innocence and now it felt like I was outright lying tohim. The fact really hadn’t made much sense to divulge to him untilnow. When I thought he only wanted me in a physical aspect itdidn’t seem relevant to tell him anything.

I needed to let him know exactlywhat he was getting into before we took another step. I pulled awayfrom him and looked him directly in the eyes.

“I’m a virgin,” I blurted a bitlouder than necessary.

Ian’s eyes widened and his mouthdropped open when someone cleared their throat. I jumped in hisarms and he gripped me tightly to him as someone spoke outside ofthe curtain.

“I don’t know what’s going on inthere and I’m not going to ask questions if you two leave withoutmaking a scene. I’ll give you five minutes,” the firm femininevoice sounded before the sound of retreating footsteps.

I know my face flushed bright redbut I said nothing as I scrambled off Ian’s lap and quickly put mypants back on. I tried not to look at him as he helped me into mycoat and quickly tied the sash in its proper place. I said a silentthank you to the universe when he grabbed my hand and led me out ofthe bookstore without another word.

Chapter Fifteen

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