Page 26 of Wickedly Innocent

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He’d then carried me to my bed,something I would have to get used to. You could drill the idea ofsomeone being the epitome of attraction into their head, but unlessthey truly felt it then it all meant nothing. One night of lookingat myself through his eyes wasn’t going to wipe away years ofself-doubt.

Not to say what he showed me lastnight hadn’t helped me see myself in a different light, itdefinitely did that. I have never in my life felt sexy before lastnight. What he forced me to see in that mirror would forever beingrained in my memory. I would always remember the time I feltlike the most desirable woman in the world.

I couldn’t even say that some ofwhat happened last night wasn’t still lingering this morning. Akernel of brazenness still smoldered low in my belly. It was sillyreally, but unmanning him the way I had, boosted my self-confidenceenough that I was having a hard time not wanting to see if I coulddo it again. My inner voice practically screamed at me to make himlose his mind as he did to me. It wouldn’t be hard to accomplishsince the object of my desire was still next to me and very muchnaked.

I’d lain here for countless hourswatching the very reason I didn’t want to leave this bed. Ianlooked so peaceful as he slept soundly next to me. Now that themoon’s light was replaced by the rising dawn, I could clearly makeout each one of his striking features. I had to admit, for a mantwice my age, you wouldn’t be able to tell just by looking athim.

He laid on his back with his armover his head as if inviting me to lay on his chest. The sheet wasslung low on his pelvis, exposing that smooth golden skin. Thesight of his chest and abdomen made me want to run my fingers alongthe tightly corded muscles that lay there. I wanted to trace everycurve and divot. I craved to find out how he liked to be touched inevery single way. To see what turned him on.

I inched closer with the urge totouch him. Clutching the sheet to my chest, I curled my arm undermy head so I could watch him. I released my sheet before clenchingand releasing my hand in self-doubt.Was this weird? Was I weirdfor wanting to explore him while he slept?My gaze shot back tohis face where I saw no sign of him waking. His steady breaths werea solid indication that he was still out for the count.Maybe alittle touch wouldn’t hurt.

My hand shook as I reached out forhim. When my fingers grazed the warm skin on his side and he didn’tmove I released a slow breath. I flattened my hand against his ribsbefore moving it further onto his chest. His soft speckling ofchest hair only added to the exquisite feeling of him.

I slowly propped myself up so myelbow held my weight and I leaned against my arm. I needed to seeeverything I was doing. I allowed the sheet at my chest to slipdown, the soft fabric raked against my tightening peaks. I almostscoffed at myself. I’d barely touched him and I was getting turnedon just by the sight.

I delicately moved my fingers upuntil I reached his nipple, licking my lips before I slowly circledthe dusty-pink ringlet. It puckered almost immediately and I smiledto myself before moving to the other. I repeated the same motionand was rewarded when it did the same. But when I moved to do itagain, he moved his head.

I held perfectly still as hereadjusted himself. He didn’t open his eyes and continued hissteady breathing while I held mine. My heart thudded rapidly in mychest at the thought of getting caught.What would he do if hecaught me exploring?I clenched my thighs together at thethought.

I bit my lip and watched his faceas I lowered my hand. He made no move to open his eyes as myfingers traced along the ridges of his abdomen. I almost closed myeyes as if my fingers would have a better chance at remembering thefeel of him without my other senses hindering them.

I slowly maneuvered my hips so Icould get a little closer without waking him. The move made mepainstakingly aware of how aroused I was. The inside of my thighswere wet as I had no panties on to catch any of my arousal. Isqueezed them together again and closed my eyes as pleasure fromthe pressure washed over me.

My hand kept its southbound routeuntil I reached his belly button. Just like with his nipple, Irimmed around it with a barely-there touch.

The deep grumble that came fromhis chest had my eyes springing back open. My adrenaline spiked asI looked back at his face while keeping my hand firmly on hisbelly. I was surprised to see his eyes still closed but his browswere furrowed. I grinned at the thought of him being frustrated inhis sleep. When I pulled my gaze from his face and traveled lower,I realized the reason why.

He was hard. By the looks of it,painfully so. His cock laid heavily against his lower belly, barelypoking out of the sheet. My hand was less than a breath away and myfingers itched to explore that part of him next. I circled hisbelly button one more time as I watched his cock. He made no morenoises but I was entranced by the way his length twitched, beggingfor more.

I swallowed thickly as I moved myhand lower. My fingers brushed over his bulbous head and hetwitched again. His heavy length lifted before falling against hisbelly. I opened my mouth as a breath shuddered out of me before Igently gripped my hand around him. My gaze bounced back and forthbetween his face and his cock in my hand. His breathing acceleratedslightly but his eyes remained closed.

I slid my hand down his hardlength and reveled in the way his lower belly clenched as if it hadno choice but to react to my touch. I bit back a moan of delight ashot need zinged to my pussy, further dampening my inner thighs. Islowly raised my hand back toward the tip before plunging again. Hefelt impossibly hard but incredibly soft at the same time. Histautly stretched skin was like velvet against my palm.

I surprised myself by not jerkingaway from him as his mouth dropped open and a deep groan releasedfrom his chest. He was close to waking but not quite there yet. Ididn’t want to stop, and I wasn’t going to. Even if he awoke. I wasfeeling way too powerful as I brought him the pleasure he didn’thave to ask for.

I smiled to myself when I glanceddown and noticed a pearly liquid collecting at the tip of his cock.My mouth watered as I moved down the bed, letting the sheetcompletely fall away. I never released him as I came face to facewith the monster between his legs. I’d never given a man a blowjoband never wanted to, until now.

I moved until I was on my kneesbetween his legs, trying to be as stealthy as I could. His legsmoved restlessly as I maneuvered myself, keeping one hand wrappedaround him. Maybe it was the pleasure of my touch or just thesimple fact that I had moved from my spot, whatever it was woke himfrom his sleep and we made eye contact.

His eyes darkened and his nostrilsflared as recognition clouded his features. His gaze flickeredbetween my hand wrapped around him and my eyes. I could see everymuscle in his abdomen and chest flex and release as if he wasbarely restraining himself from moving. I smirked slightly as hisarm above his head started to lower my way.

Without thinking any further, Igripped him tighter, leaned forward, and swiped my tongue againstthe head of his cock. Lapping up the liquid that wept from thetip.

“Fuck!” he growled. He arched hisback and gripped the sheets at his sides, barring the white of hisknuckles.

I sucked in a sharp breath andmoved away from him quickly. I’d never done anything like thisbefore so I thought maybe I hurt him. I pushed away from him andreleased my grip as my heart thundered like a racehorse runningdown the track. I felt a deep flush settle on my chest as he sat upon his elbows and stared at me.What the fuck am Idoing?

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean … I meanif I hurt you…” I stammered. I leaned away when he stopped me bygrazing his thumb along my plump lower lip.

“Why are you sorry?” He lookeddown at me.

I heated further as I locked gazeswith him. “I, ah … I’ve never done this before,” I admitted. Hearched an eyebrow and I sputtered. I knew what he was waiting for.“I’ve never done this before, Sir.” I quivered under his intensestare. His eyes flared as he gripped his length. Fresh arousalflooded me as I tried to keep my eyes on his as he rubbedhimself.

“You’ve never sucked a cock,Bambi?” he asked. At the shake of my head, he sat up and grazed hislips along mine. My breath left me in a rush as he spoke againstme. “It felt good, Lindsey. You just surprised me. Of all thethings I thought I would wake up to, your sweet mouth wrappedaround my cock is the hottest of them all. I want you to taste me.I want to shove past your lips so much that you have no choice butto swallow me down and take everything I give you.”

My eyes glazed over at his words.The way he spoke to me made me feel things I’d only ever readabout.

“But since you’ve never done thisbefore, I’m going to let you explore,” he whispered before kissingme softly and leaning back on his arms again.

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