Page 25 of Wickedly Innocent

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“What did I ask you to call mewhen I’m touching this pussy?” he gritted into my ear. I flushed asI thought of saying it again. I’d felt a way I’d never felt beforewhen I said it the first time. It made me hot all over to thinkabout saying it again.

I must’ve taken too long to answerbecause before I could comprehend what was happening Ian moved hishand and gave my breast a sharp slap. I moaned as the sensationsank into my bones.

“Sir!” I screeched. I felt hishardness twitch as if my words had caused him to tighten behindme.

“That’s right, I’m your Sir andyou’re my dirty little slut,” he groaned before he tweaked mynipple again, this time not as hard but still enough to light meup.

He thrust himself against mybackside as he added another finger. I gripped his waistband sotightly that the button popped open, loosening the tight denim. Iheld firm as the fabric slipped past his waist. He groaned as theback of my fingers grazed against his thick length. The urge togrip him was almost too much to ignore.

“When you look at me like that, itmakes me want to strip you bare and bury myself so deep inside ofyou I can’t tell where I start and you end,” he growled as hisfinger dipped down further, circling my entrance. “Fuck, you’re soready for me, Bambi.” His tightly held control was slipping as herimmed my opening.

I opened my mouth with a cry as hesmoothly slid one big finger inside of me. His other hand traveledup my throat again toward my mouth. I whimpered as he clamped hishand over me, smothering my cries to come.

He dipped his finger in and outbefore smoothly adding another. My body shook uncontrollably as myorgasm rose.So close.

“You’re so tight, you’re going tostrangle my cock when I take this little cunt. Do you want tocome?” he whispered against me as his pace quickened. I nodded myhead as best as I could with his hand over my mouth. I pushed myhands down, taking his jeans with them. I felt his cock springloose and slap heavily against my lower back. My eyes flared as Ifelt its sheer weight against me.

He groaned and pushed himselfagainst me as he ground his palm against my clit and curled hisfingers. I threw my head back against him as I screamed my release.My hips moved with his hand as I rode out my orgasm. “Fuck, yes,Lindsey. Come for me,” he ordered as if I had a choice. His handover my mouth held me firmly as I fucked his hand, my arousalcoating his thick fingers.

I slumped against him as I cameback to earth. My body was languid as he continued to rub methrough the aftershocks. “You did so well, Little Bambi,” hepraised. Pride flooded me at his words.

When I could pick my head back up,I felt his cock twitch at my back. I licked my lips as I stared athim in the mirror. I wanted to make him feel exactly like he mademe feel.

With shaky hands, I released hiswaistband and gently gripped him. He hissed and pushed into my handat the contact. I watched his eyes as he pulled away to look downat what I was doing to him. Emboldened by the need that wasreflected in his eyes, I turned to face him, never releasing him asI did.

He didn’t move and simply let meexplore. I glanced down and finally got my first real look at him.He was rock hard but covered in velvety soft skin. His length wascovered in thick veins that looked almost painfully full. He curvedup toward his belly and was so long he almost touched his bellybutton. My mouth watered as I saw the drop of pearly liquid weepingfrom his bulbous head.

I swiped my finger against thesubstance there and rubbed it around the tip. He groaned as I toyedwith him. I gripped him timidly at first as I slid my fist from histip all the way to the root.

“Fuck,” he cursed as I tightenedmy grip. He crowded me and herded me back until my ass hit the coolquartz of the vanity. He leaned forward and gripped the sides ofthe lip of the counter with white-knuckle force.

He crashed his lips to mine as Ismoothly slid my tightened hand up and down his hard length. Heshoved his tongue into my mouth and tasted me. I becameincreasingly curious as I stroked him. I wanted to know exactlywhat made him go crazy.

I lowered my other hand to thebase of his cock and he pulled away from me with a hiss. I almostthought it was a painful sound until I saw the utter euphoria crosshis features. My lips twitched with a grin as feminine powerthrummed through my blood. I was going to make him crumble in myarms this time.

I slid my left hand down hislength and followed it with my right. He shuddered and jerked in myhand. Not that I had much experience in knowing what a man lookedlike when he had an orgasm but I had a feeling he was gettingclose. I gripped his base and held my hand firm against him as myright hand picked up the pace at the tip.

His mouth dropped open as hewatched what I was doing to him. When he looked back up at me Icould physically see when his thin thread of control finallysnapped. He crowded me and gripped my ass, pulling me up andsitting me on the vanity. He made a place for himself between mythighs.

I continued to stroke him fast ashe gripped my thighs so hard I was sure to have bruises by morning.“You feel so good, Bambi. You’re going to make me come,” he growledas he thrust into my hands.

I was still riding high with mynewfound power as I leaned forward and kissed his neck. I lickedand nibbled my way up toward his strong jaw. The way his facialhair tickled my lips would forever be ingrained in my memory. Hewas so close to me now that I could feel the head of his cock bumpagainst my clit with each pull of my hand. The feeling of hissmooth hardness rubbing made me throb all over again.

I thought it would be impossibleto have another orgasm so close to the last core-rocking one I’djust had. That was proving to be very wrong as I climbed that hillonce again. I knew this time I was going to fall off so fast Imight lose my sanity.

My closed fist and his cockknocked against me in a steady rhythm that kept me wound tight. Iwanted to come so badly but I needed him with me. I kissed my waytoward his ear and he shivered as I did. When I reached his ear, Ipulled away just enough to whisper, “Come for me.”

As if he were waiting for me tovoice it, he exploded. I felt his long-tortured groan in my ownbody as he thrust forward and rubbed his release onto my pussy. Imoaned with him as he fucked my hand. I watched as hot jet afterhot jet of cum drenched me.

His last shred of control snappedas he pushed his hand down to my pussy and circled my clit quickly.He rubbed his release around and around as if he was marking me ashis. “You too,” he groaned before he pinched my clit and I wentflying. I threw my head back and he caught me before I smacked themirror. He kissed me and drank down my cries of pleasure.

When the waves of ecstasy subsidedwe both stared at one another. Neither of us spoke as we caught ourbreath. Words were no longer necessary as something fundamentalseemed to settle between us.

Chapter Eleven

What the fuck are you doing,Lindsey?My internal voice kept asking me the same questionover and over again as I studied the sleeping figure next to me.Early morning light sparkled through the windows and danced on thebed around us. I’d been awake long enough to hear the birds wakewith the morning sun. All of them were eager to start their day. Ifonly I was as overexuberant as they were.

After my impromptu lesson on bodypositivity last night in the bathroom, Ian used my washrag from thebath to clean us up. First me, with gentle caresses one wouldexpect of a lover. Then he cleaned himself in fast hurried motionsas if he didn’t want to waste one more second not touching me.

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