Page 24 of Wickedly Innocent

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I blushed further as I lookedaway. I would rather fall and bust my head open in a room full ofpeople again than sit here and explain to this man that I didn’twant him to see me naked with the lights on. Unfortunately, heseemed to be rooted in place and he wouldn’t be moved without anexcuse.

“I don’t want you to see me likethis,” I murmured under my breath.

His chuckle did nothing to ease myself-consciousness. “I’ve already seen you naked, Lindsey.”

I shook my head and kept my gazediverted. “That was in the dark,” I whispered and cringed. If Ididn’t say it now, I would never get it out. “What if … what if youdon’t like me with the lights on?”

The stillness that overtook Ian’sbody at that moment was enough to petrify me. Had I done it? Had Icompletely ruined the way he looked at me with myself-consciousness? I slunk into myself at the thought. He wasprobably used to women who looked and felt confident in their ownskin. Now was going to be the moment he decided I wasn’t worth hiseffort.

When the silence dredged on Itried to pull my hand away from him only for him not to relinquishit.

“Look at me, Bambi.” His voicedeepened with what sounded like anger. I shook my head, I couldn’tlook up at him just to realize that I ruined everything. “Now,” hespoke again when I didn’t move.

A shiver snaked down my spine athis harsh command. I didn’t know how I found the courage, but Ilooked up at him then.

His brows were still furrowed likehe was looking at the most frustrating thing he’d ever seen.Washe angry with me?He moved my hand and I sucked in a fastbreath and held it as he placed it on his erection. I could feelhow hard and long he was through the fabric of his jeans. My mouthwatered as my gaze bounced between my hand and his eyes.

“Does it feel like I don’t likewhat I see?” he asked as he pushed himself into my palm. Iswallowed hard as I shook my head. “Every time I look at you I’mpainfully hard, Lindsey. Your body is everything and more than Icould hope for.” His eyes darkened further as my hand twitchedagainst him.

“I can’t help but think that I’mnot good enough for you,” I blurted before I lost the will. “A guylike you can have any woman he wants. You could have someonethinner, prettier. You could have—”

My next words were cut off as Ianbent down and pulled me from the bathtub. Water sloshed over thelip and covered the floor as he sat me on my feet. Before I hadtime to cover myself he turned me around to face away from him. Hegripped both of my wrists and pulled them behind my back, trappingthem with one big hand. I could feel the water dripping off my bodyand soaking his shirt and jeans but he acted as though he didn’tcare.

“I’m just going to have to teachyou how to love your body like I had to teach you how to come,Bambi,” he whispered in my ear before moving us. The way he movedmy body to his whim should have frightened me. How he spoke harshlyand demanded I listen to him would scare most inexperienced women.But for some reason when he talked like this and touched me like hewas, it only turned me on.

He turned us around and with hisfree hand grabbed my throat, turning me to face the huge mirrorover the vanity. I felt a deep flush overtake my body but not fromembarrassment, from arousal. Wetness gathered between my thighs andit wasn’t from the bath. My chest heaved as I stared at the visionwe made in the mirror.

His shirt was just as soaked as Iwas. His eyes were dark with pure lust as his stare gobbled me upin the mirror. The sight of his hand around my throat unleashed anunfamiliar primal feeling deep inside of me. My pussy throbbed andmy nipples tightened painfully as arousal coursed through mybody.

He turned his face toward me andgrazed his teeth against my cheek as he spoke. “What do you seewhen you look in that mirror?” he said, never taking his eyes offme.

I whimpered as his hand moved downtoward my breasts. I clenched my hands together at my back asanticipation rose within me. “I see myself … naked.”

His fingers circled my left nipplebefore moving on to the right. He was teasing, never fully touchingme the way I wanted. “How do you look, Bambi?” he asked.

I squealed as he pinched hisfingers around the dusty-rose peak. Pain bloomed across my breastbefore a deep heat sank into me. Zapping the feeling right to mycore. A new wave of arousal dripped from my pussy. My brain was sofuzzy with my need for him that I could hardly think of anythingelse besides the way his hands felt on me.

He tweaked my other nipple to getmy attention and I bit back my scream. “Answer me,” he grittedagainst my cheek.

I whimpered as I really looked atmyself. For the first time in my life, I wasn’t seeing the frumpylittle girl I’d always seen. My face was flush and my eyes were sodark I almost didn’t recognize them. I was seeing a full-grownwoman as I stared at myself. From my full breasts down to my curvywaist. My needy pussy to my voluptuous thighs. This was a woman’sbody with a woman’s needs. With a beast of a man behind her,willing to give her everything she needed and more.

When I didn’t answer right awayIan pinched me again, harder this time. “I see desire!” I whined asI jerked against him. I wasn’t trying to get away at this point, Iwas begging for more. “I see a needy, sexy woman who wants you totouch her in all the ways a person can touch another person.” Ipanted.

His smile was feral as his handholding my wrists released me. “That’s my good girl,” he said ashis arm wrapped around my waist. Pride at his praise covered melike a thick blanket as his hand moved lower. “Hold onto mywaistband,” he ordered.

I moved my hands as quickly as Icould to do his bidding. I shoved my fingers past his waistband andwas met with the course, trimmed hair at his groin. I could feelthe root of his cock twitch at my touch as I gripped the denim.“Don’t move them,” he rasped.

It was hard to breathe as hishands danced against my skin. Gliding from my breasts down further,smoothing over the soft swell of my belly. “You want to know what Isee when I look at this body?” he asked and I noddedenthusiastically.

He chuckled as his hand dippedlower. His other fingers continued to pinch and play with mysensitive nipples as he turned his face toward the mirror. All hisfocus was now on what his fingers were doing to me.

“I see the temptress who looked atme on the mountain like she was going to eat me up. When you wereon your back looking up at me like I was your salvation,” he saidas his fingers slid easily through my folds. I sucked in a sharpbreath as he nudged my ankles with light kicks, commanding silentlythat I spread for him, giving him greater access. He chuckled againat my wantonness as I spread as wide as my position allowed. Ididn’t even flush that time, I wanted this too much.

“I imagined that’s the look youwould give me while you’re sucking my cock, Bambi,” he groaned ashe circled my throbbing clit. I gasped not only at his touch buthis words too. I’d never wanted to give anyone a blowjob before butI craved it with him.

His fingers worked faster andfaster as he rubbed me. I was winding up so tight, I felt as thoughI would snap in half soon. “Please, Ian,” I whined as my hipsundulated themselves and moved of their own accord.

His fingers at my breast tweakedmy nipple hard and I squealed at the sharp sting. It felt as thoughmy nipple was on fire before it morphed into something elseentirely, something I feared I would come to crave.

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