Page 23 of Wickedly Innocent

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She looked at me curiously beforenodding and leaving the room. The giddy feeling vanished as dreadtook its place. I was in quite a dilemma. I wanted everything andmore Ian offered but I didn’t know how I was going to tell Anna.Would she accept our relationship or would she hate me? Nervousnessflooded me as I feared fucking this up.

Chapter Ten

“Fuck,” I cursed softly as Islipped into the scalding bath. Anna was trying to kill me. That’swhat I’d decided the moment she signed us up for snow biking at theski resort.Who in the world had invented such a tortuousactivity like snow biking?

As if skiing hadn’t been hardenough, someone had gone and made it all the harder by throwing youa bike and saying, “Here, go down this frozen winding path on twowheels in the slippery snow.”

Anna’s planned day started with aquick run into town where we ate breakfast in a cute little cafe.At least,Ithought it was cute. Melonie had complainedalmost the entire time we were there as they didn’t have alow-calorie menu. I had no such quarrels as I ordered the greasiestthing I could. After the activity I had the night before, I was inneed of replenishing some of my lost calories. I hadn’t even caredas Barbie flashed me a look of disgust when my food arrived.

Being trapped with my worst enemywas proving to be a good thing. The longer I sat and listened toher bemoan everything around her, the more I learned to tune herout. Anna on the other hand was starting to get annoyed with her. Iwould call this vacation with Melonie a win if Anna finally figuredout she wasn’t a nice person by the end.

We’d driven back to the resortafter breakfast, taking the slow route through town so we could geta feel for all the shops that littered the main street. I spotted acute little thrift bookstore on the way out of town and made amental note to visit it before we flew out at the end of the week.You never knew what you could find in those types ofbookstores.

Anna had then driven us all to theresort and promptly signed us up for the classes. I feigned a smileand told her I loved the idea. The look of pure joy she’d given mewas worth the small fib. But now as I soaked my weary muscles inthe Epsom salt bath, I wasn’t so sure anymore.

We’d been forced to sit through adull presentation on how the bikes were not only made to withstandsuch frigid temps but also how to not kill ourselves on one. A featI had almost accomplished more than once. When I said I was lessthan athletically inclined, that’s exactly what I meant.

The young girl who was no olderthan me who taught our class had to have been shocked by the sheernumber of times I’d fallen off my stupid bike. No sooner would Iget some speed and I would go careening off the path and wind up ina bush. I would be picking pine needles out of my hair for weeks, Iwas sure of it.

Needless to say, once theexcursion was complete, I was thrilled to park my happy ass infront of the fireplace in the lodge while the others went skiing.Anna must have known I was at my fill for the day as she didn’teven try to persuade me into going up the mountain with them.That’s what I loved about that girl. We were complete opposites butshe knew when to back off and let me have a timeout, and I knewwhen to step back and allow her to be her outgoing self without medragging her down. Our friendship was easy because of that. Andyet, here I was thinking I would ruin all of it.

Between the class today, herexploring the mountain, and not being away from Melonie or Ben, Ihadn’t gotten the chance to talk with her at all. I thought I wouldget a chance to speak with her when we got back to the cabin latethis evening, but that proved wrong. We had all been so exhaustedby the day’s activities that when we came through the doors,everyone had gone straight to their rooms.

I plopped the dry washrag into thehot water with a sigh before ringing it out. I was getting ready toplace it over my eyes when I saw movement out of the corner of myvision. I moved quickly to look out the huge window next to the tubwhere the movement had come from. It was a fleeting little movementbut still it made me leery of all the things that lurkedoutside.

I searched the darkened tree line,looking for any sign of life and seeing none. Gooseflesh racedacross my body as an intrusive thought of someone watching mebounced around in my mind. I swallowed thickly as I tried to calmmy frazzled nerves.

I was being ridiculous. We wereliterally in the middle of nowhere and I was worried about someonewatching me? I shook myself to rid the thought as I moved thewashrag to my eyes. I leaned back against the cool porcelain of thetub and tried to relax. The bath was helping with my sore body butnot in quieting my racing thoughts. Nobody was watching me, it wasprobably a deer or something.

Forgetting about sneaky woodlandcreatures, I contemplated what I would say to Anna. Even if I wasstill working out all the things I needed to say in my head, shedeserved to know that something was up with me and her dad. I wasbeyond terrified that I was making a huge mistake either way Iwent. Either I tell Anna how I feel about Ian and she ends uphating me. Or I tell Ian I can’t do this and I end up hatingmyself. Either way, I felt as though I was fucked.

I sighed again as I sank furtherinto the water. Allowing the bubbles that floated on top to ticklemy bottom lip. I could feel myself becoming increasingly sedatedthe longer I sat there. I would need to get out soon before I fellasleep again. I was so tired I half feared I would drown thistime.

“You look like my wet dream cometrue, Bambi.”

Ian’s voice jolted me out of mythoughts as I squealed and moved to cover myself. I ripped the ragaway from my eyes as I sat up to face the bulking man that filledthe doorway. It was as if seeing him made me remember I wascompletely naked and he could see everything. I covered my breastswith my arms and sank down into the water in an attempt to hideunder the bubbles. To my horror, most of the frothy water had sadlydisappeared, leaving little to no coverage for my naked form.

“What are you doing in here!” Iscreeched toward him. I flushed when his eyes darkened as his gazeblazed a trail from my face all the way down my body. I sucked in asharp breath as his scorching stare met my pussy. I quickly movedone of my hands to cover myself. The only problem with that wasthat my breasts were so big I couldn’t cover both of them with onearm. Either way I moved, he would see me.

“Don’t you remember ourconversation this morning?” he asked. When I said nothing he pushedaway from the doorframe and stalked closer to me. I sank furtherinto the water until my nose was barely above the waterline. Icould feel heat rising off my chest the closer he stepped. Therewas no way he wasn’t seeing absolutely everything. All mycellulite, my stretch marks.

“We agreed to see each othertonight,” he finally said as he stepped up to the tub.

I raised my lips out of the waterfar enough to speak. “I didn’t get to talk to Anna yet,” I exhaledin a rush before sinking back down.

Ian chuckled at me beforesquatting to my level. I tried not to shrink away from the lust hecarried in his gaze as he reached for me. His hand dipped into thewater before gripping my chin and pulling it up.

“Well, you can try again tomorrow.But that’s not going to stop me from being with you tonight, LittleBambi,” he muttered as his thumb grazed my bottom lip. I shudderedat not only the feeling of his touch but his nickname for me. Theirony of it wasn’t lost on me, he could clearly see I was anythingbutlittle.

I watched his lips as he leanedover the water at the same time as pulling me toward him. When hislips sealed to mine a whimper left my throat. I released the hold Ihad on myself as I raised my hands. Boldness I’d never felt beforeovertook me as I reached up and threaded my wet fingers into hishair. His groan of appreciation reverberated straight to my sex ashe dipped his tongue inside.

I followed his lips as he pulledaway from me. My upper torso now coming out of the water. He stoodto his full height in front of me and I couldn’t seem to stop mygaze from traveling lower. His jean-clad bulge was right at my eyelevel. I barely resisted the urge to touch him as the coolness ofthe room registered in my mind.

I sucked in another sharp breathas I realized he could still see everything. I started to covermyself again when he grabbed my hand. “Come.” The way he said itmade it sound more like a promise than a command.

I bit my lip as I sat still. Iremembered just how big he was compared to me as he towered overme. “I can’t stand until you leave,” I breathed.

He furrowed his brows down at meand didn’t budge. “Now, why would I leave?” he asked.

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