Page 14 of Wickedly Innocent

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“I can tell.” He chuckled and thenlooked between my eyes and lips. My pulse spiked at the thought ofhim wanting to kiss me. “Let me teach you,” he said in a hushedtone as if others would hear us. I could have sworn his words had adouble meaning at that moment.

I glanced back up to the group whowere patiently waiting on us. Melonie and Anna were talking to oneanother while Ben was watching both of us like a hawk. Ben alwaysseemed to be watching. When I looked back at Ian he was stillwaiting for my answer.

“I don’t think that’s a goodidea,” I mumbled as I started to pull away from him.

“Why not?” He didn’t let up. Now Iknew from his persistence that he wasn’t talking about skilessons.

I bit my lip and then consideredmy next words carefully. “Anna,” I hesitated then continued. “Annais my best friend.”

He nodded. “All of us are adults,Lindsey. Look…” He leaned into me and lowered his voice. “I’m goingto be honest with you. I haven’t been able to stop thinking aboutyou since that day in the hospital,” he admitted and my breathhitched. “When you came into your mom’s room holding thatridiculously huge bouquet of flowers.”

Was he fucking with me right now?He actually remembered that fleeting moment?

He grinned fondly at his memorybefore watching me closely. “You could barely see over that damnthing. But the way you looked up at me with those big grey eyes.You looked so… pure. And maybe I’m twisted for it, but thatpureness calls to me.” His jaw flexed as his eyes searched mine fora reaction.

“I don’t know if I can make it anymore obvious for you, but I want you, Lindsey,” he growled as hisdark gaze drank me in. He was so close it was making me dizzy. “Iwant to see what makes you tick, want to know what you feel likewithout the barrier of clothing.” I felt that deep pulse forming inmy core at his words. “I want to hear all the little sounds youmake when you come against my tongue, I want to know what yoursweet cream tastes like.” The shiver that crawled up my spine hadnothing to do with the chill on the mountain and everything to dowith this man’s words. Nobody had ever spoken to me like this. “Iwant to feel your wet pussy grip my cock like a vice as you rideme, Bambi.”

I hadn’t realized how close he wasto me but I swear he could hear my heartbeat, as loud as it was tomy own ears. I felt dampness gather between my thighs and mynipples tighten under my layers. At that moment, I wanted nothingmore than to lean forward and bridge the gap between us. I wantedhis lips on mine, I wanted to taste him. All of him. I wantedeverything he admitted and more.

I shook my head and leaned awayfrom him before my common sense left me completely. I couldn’t dothis. Maybe if he were someone else or I wasn’t his daughter’sfriend I could be this person. But he was him and I was a goodfriend.

“I can’t,” I whispered as I pulledmy arm away from him and started to walk back toward Anna.

“Lindsey,” he said betweenclenched teeth. He flexed his jaw as he looked at me but I pulledmy gaze away and kept walking. Ignoring the only man I had cravedas I returned to his daughter.

“What was that about?” Meloniesneered toward me as I climbed the hill and came nearer tothem.

I shook my head as I sat to put myskis back on. “He offered to help me learn to ski,” I muttered as Ikept my eyes trained on the task at hand. I could feel all theirattention on me and me alone. “I politely declined,” I said with ashrug.

Once I strapped my boots back intothe skis, I held my hands up for Ben to help me stand. I caught thelook in his eyes but quickly diverted my gaze. His was full ofquestions and curiosity. Out of all my friends, he would be the oneto pick up on something being amiss with me. He was way tooobservant for my own good.

Anna looked from me to her dad andthen back to me like she had questions but didn’t bother toask.

“Well, if you don’t want thelessons, I’ll take them.” Melonie practically bounced up and downas she waved at Ian. I scowled at her as she made a show ofbouncing just enough to make this an episode ofBaywatch.

“Didn’t you say you’ve done thishundreds of times?” Anna asked as she watched the show Melonie wasperforming just for Ian.

“It doesn’t hurt to have arefresher course, Anna,” she snapped. Anna flinched back as thoughshe didn’t expect Melonie’s venom.

I watched as Ian removed his skisand walked back up the hill to us. He stared at me as he trudgedthrough the thick snow. I sucked in a sharp breath as I turned awayfrom him, facing Anna and Melonie. I didn’t know what was worse,his heated gaze or her questioning one.

“Will you teach me how to ski?”Barbie pouted toward Ian. I didn’t even try to keep the disgust offmy face as she stuck her bottom lip out and pressed her chest outtoward him.What a skank.

I heard Ian chuckle behind me ashe agreed to help her. The jealousy I felt surprised me. I cringedas Melonie squealed and clapped her hands together. I shook my headand looked back up at Anna who mirrored the same disgust on herpretty face. I held my hand out for her and she smiled as shegrabbed it.

“Can you help me not kill myselfgoing down this hill?” I asked her as I ignored therefreshercoursegoing on at my back.

Anna smiled at me before noddingbriskly.

Ben went in front of us and madeit a few hundred feet before really picking up speed. He had beenskiing a couple of times but he was far from a professional. Wewatched him swing his arms aimlessly to keep his balance.

I couldn’t help the giggle thatbubbled up as we watched him. Anna snorted and muttered under herbreath. All I caught was “Stalker Boy.”

She squeezed my hand. “Ready?” sheasked as she watched after Ben.

I risked a glance back toward Ianto see him watching me with hunger in his gaze. Melonie was stilltrying her damndest to get him to look at her chest. I diverted myattention just as quickly. I didn’t want to see himteachingsomeone else even if it was just skiing.

I squeezed Anna back and nodded.“Let’s go.”

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