Page 15 of Wickedly Innocent

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Chapter Seven

To say I was sore would be theunderstatement of the century. I lost track of how many times wehad gone up the lift to the top of the bunny hill, just to zoomback down and do it all over again. I had finally gotten the hangof getting off the lift, but I was still far from perfect at goingdown.

I had fallen so many times today,I would be surprised if I wasn’t covered in bruises. Anna hadhelped me down the mountain a few times but I could tell she waseager to get to the bigger hills. When I told her to go ahead she’dpractically vibrated with excitement. Remembering the way shebeamed at me made the falls I sustained worth it.

Ben had tried to get me to go downthe hill holding his hand more than once. Even though I could’veused the support, I didn’t want him to think that holding his handmeant more than it did so I’d politely declined. He made sure tostay close to me for the rest of the day, though. It seemed everytime I turned around, he was there watching me. I shrugged it offas him just keeping an eye out.

I’d only seen Ian a couple moretimes while out on the snow. Melonie seemed to be stuck up his assas she followed him around like stink on a skunk. I tried to ignorethe way she touched him at any opportunity. I didn’t like theinstant jealousy that flared each time I saw them together. Even ifhis eyes had been glued to me the whole time, that hadn’t trampeddown the feeling of rage as I watched her flirt with him.

It was ridiculous, really. Ishouldn’t be feeling any type of way regarding that man. Even if Iwas still shell-shocked at his revelation to me, I had told him noand meant it. I couldn’t jeopardize my friendship with hisdaughter, she was too important to me. Even if what he said wastrue, wewereall adults but that still didn’t make itright. But even so, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was missingout on something that could beso good.Even if it wasdoomed to fail.

After what felt like the hundredthtime getting a face full of snow, I finally said enough was enough.I very wobbly made it down the hill for the last time, took my skisoff, and trekked my way into the lodge. A sigh of relief escaped meas the heat from the building warmed my frozen cheeks.

The inside of the lodge screamedluxury. The floor to the walls and even the ceiling were covered inexposed logs, giving a rustic feel to the whole place. The ceilingwas lofted with skylights that let in the midday sun. I counted twofireplaces that warmed the interior of the building. Tables andcarved-out seating areas were scattered across the open floor plan.The delicious smells piping out of the kitchen made my mouth waterand reminded me that I hadn’t eaten much all day. I briefly thoughtabout ordering something to snack on but quickly dismissed it. Iwas sure Anna had a big dinner planned for us tonight.

I dusted the remaining snow offmyself before I made my way to the counter for a hot coffee. Afterpouring myself a piping-hot mug, I claimed one of the many windowseats that faced the slopes. It was an inviting little space withtwo big wingback chairs and a small table that sat between the two.Both were angled toward the huge windows so you could watch themountain. I chose the chair that faced the door but also offered aview of where my party was. I sat my coffee down, removed my coatand gloves, and sank into the plush chair. I gripped the mug andlet the warmth thaw my frigid fingers and nose as I inhaled therich aroma.

This was my idea of a good time.Sitting in this cozy alcove with a hot beverage and watching allthe other lodge visitors skim down the mountain. I was an introvertby nature so I always felt at home by myself. I could have just asmuch fun watching others enjoy themselves as I wouldparticipating.

I tentatively sipped at thescalding coffee when the little bell above the entrance rang and Iglanced over curiously. I immediately sputtered and coughed as thehot liquid burned my throat. Though it wasn’t the hot coffee thatmade me choke, but rather the hot doctor that just walked throughthe doors.

Ian’s gaze burned into me withmore heat than the interior of the lodge. It was as though he knewexactly where I’d been before he even entered the building. Igently placed my full cup onto the table in front of me beforefacing him as he stalked closer. The way he was looking at me rightnow almost made me think he was angry. He was the type of guy thathad probably never been turned down by the opposite sex. So itwould stand to reason if he was upset at me because I did justthat.

I inhaled sharply as I watched himbarrel down on me.Thirty feet away.My heart skipped a beatand raced as I watched his intensely blue eyes bore into me.Twenty feet.I could feel myself going soft in all the rightplaces at his approach.Fifteen feet.I couldn’t stop thevision that slammed into my mind of me sprawled naked on a bed forhim to devour.Ten feet.I nearly whimpered as if I couldalready feel his soft hands as they roamed my body.Fivefeet…

“There you are, Lindsey Bug.” Ijumped at the sound of Ben’s voice as he walked in front of me,effectively taking away my view of the bulking figure headed myway. I swallowed and squeezed my thighs together as the ache thathad built there fought for dominance over my mind.

“Ben,” I breathed as he sat in thechair opposite me. “How’d you know I was here?” I asked as I staredat Ian. He had stopped his forward advance as he watched Ben. Hiseyes darkened as he looked between the two of us.Was hejealous?

Ben’s mumbled voice wasovershadowed by the ringing in my ears as I watched Ian. He wasstill five feet away from me as if he was rooted in that same spot.I could see anger practically vibrating off his expressive form ashe stared a hole in the back of Ben’s head. After what felt likehours, he raked a frustrated hand through his hair and turned onhis heel. I watched as he receded and slammed out of the lodge andback outside into the cold.

“Lindsey?” Ben’s voice finally cutthrough the fog. I blinked rapidly and shook my head beforespeaking.

“I’m sorry, what?” I asked.

Ben squinted his eyes as hestudied me. His hazel eyes seemed so intense and I found myselfhaving a hard time wanting to make eye contact. His inky black hairwas mussed and wild, making him seem more feral than I’d ever seenhim. His dark black tattoos stuck out like a beacon around thebrilliant white surrounding us. He looked so out of place here. Ialways thought someone like Ben was a little too intense for aperson like me, what with his overall persona and look.

He then turned in his seat andlooked toward the door that Ian disappeared out of. “I said, Ialways know where you are,” he repeated as he regarded meseriously. I nodded and brought my coffee back to my lips, takinganother sip. “Do you have a thing for Anna’s dad?” he askedseemingly out of the blue.

I coughed and choked again, onlythis time sending piping-hot coffee from the top of my mug,splattering it all over the table between us. I hastily slammed themug down and grabbed as many napkins as I could, vigorouslycleaning my mess as my face flamed in embarrassment. “What? No! Whywould you ask me such a thing? That is completely inappropriate,” Irambled. “Not only is he Anna’s dad but he’s also way older thanme. I would never be with someone like that,” I lied through myteeth as I continued to clean my mess and keep my eyes averted fromBen’s criticizing ones. “I mean, yeah, he’s not hard on the eyesbut I would never…”

I trailed off as Ben watched me,never once offering to help me with my mess. When I risked a glanceback up at him he was scowling.That was weird.The wholetime I’d known Ben, he had never looked at me with anything otherthan that silly golden retriever expression. In fact, this was thefirst time I had ever seen him … angry.

As if I’d imagined it, his scowldisappeared and he moved suddenly. He gripped a handful of napkinsand started to help me clean up the coffee. I laughed nervously aswe both stood to throw the trash away. When I turned to walk to thegarbage can, Ben gripped my elbow, causing me to stop.

“That’s good, Lindsey Bug,” hesaid. He smiled at me before it wavered and he got serious. “Guyslike him only want one thing and one thing only. I know you’re toogood of a girl to give it to him, right?” he asked.

I nodded when I realized he waswaiting for an answer. His smile returned as he grabbed thecoffee-soaked napkins out of my hands. He gripped them in one ofhis before he bopped me on the nose with his index finger andsauntered off to dispose of them.

I furrowed my brows in confusionas I watched him walk away. Ben had never taken any kind ofinterest in any other guys in my life. I mean, sure, he alwaysseemed to show up when the date was finishing, but I always chalkedit up to timing. There were only so many hang-out places on campus,so when I hung out with other people someone I knew was bound toshow up sooner or later.

Still, I found it strange that Beneven knew where I’d been at all. The last I’d seen him was out onthe slope. I hadn’t told anyone that I was going to the lodge. It’dalmost been like he was waiting for me to show up. And he hadwaited until Ian was almost to me before interrupting.

At that moment the bell for thefront entrance rang again and I swung my head in that direction.Was it Ian again?I flinched at the thought.Did I wantit to be Ian again?I couldn’t tell if it was a sigh ofdisappointment or relief as Anna came into view. I waved her overjust as Ben returned to my side, sliding his arm around mywaist.

I stiffened at the touch beforepulling away from him to walk to Anna. I didn’t know what was goingon with him, but I needed to make sure I wasn’t giving him anyhints that I wanted him to be anything more than what he was. Benwas just a friend and up until now I thought he knew that. Maybe Iwas thinking too much into it.

“Are you having fun?” Anna’s smilewas contagious and I found myself grinning back at her. Her noseand cheeks were cherry red from the brisk winter breeze. Even ifskiing wasn’t my thing, that didn’t stop the joy I felt at seeingmy friend enjoy the thing she loved.

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