Page 7 of Wickedly Tainted

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Big hands grabbed myupper arms and pulled me from the car in a fast, panicked motion.That didn’t help with my dizziness at all.

I hadn’t even seenwho had taken me from my car before I was pushing away to vomit inthe bushes. I heaved what was left of my dinner into my azaleaswhile I tried to stay upright. My legs were no more than wetnoodles as they started to wobble and fail me. I lurched forwardand prepared for my knees to crash into the pavement of mydriveway.

But, before I couldfall, strong arms grabbed me around the waist. They held me tight,refusing to let me go as I wretched the contents of my stomach. Asoothing hand rubbed my back before gathering my hair and pullingit back from my face. If I hadn’t been in the middle of being sick,I would have swooned.

When I was done, Iused the back of my hand to wipe my mouth and tried to standupright. The arm around my waist held me up while the other thatwas holding my hair joined it, holding firmly along my hip.

Still dizzy andconfused, I leaned back into the hard body that held me. I sighedas my head rolled back against a broad chest. Warmth surrounded meas I closed my eyes again. A girl could get used to being held likethis, I thought to myself with a slight grin on my lips.

“Hey, Red, are yougoing to get sick again? If so, I need to get you inside so I cancall an ambulance.”

The deep voicestartled me and my eyes sprang open. I knew that voice. I sucked ina quick breath and spun in his arms. My confusion had finally wornoff and I needed to get the hell out of his arms before I made afool of myself.

As I spun out of hisgrasp, my heel caught on a rock, and I went careening to the side.I squealed as I waved my hands wildly, trying to get a grasp onanything. Before I could hit the hard pavement, Damon caught meonce again.

His hands caressedthe small of my back as he stood us upright, chest to chest. Isucked in another breath as the smell of him washed over me. Hisown spicy scent and leather. The smell reminded me ofsex—hot, sweaty, carnal sex. I had tocrane my neck to look up at him. My mouth went dry suddenly as Iswallowed past the lump in my throat while looking into hischocolate-colored eyes.

I ran my tonguealong my parched lips, his dark gaze following the movement. Thefeel of his hard abdominal muscles under my palms made me want totrace every divot and crest as I traveled down. His heart felt likeit was beating just as fast as mine as he slid one of his handsfurther up my side. I clenched my thighs together as his thumbgrazed the underside of my breast before he removed his hand tobrush back the hair that had fallen over my eyes. He tucked itbehind my ear before traveling lower. His fingers came to rest onthe pulse point on my neck where he made tiny circles with the padof his thumb. He was still staring at my lips when he opened hismouth.

“Are you all right?”he asked in a hushed tone.

As if his talkinghad broken a spell, I shook my head to clear the lust that hazed myevery thought.

“No…” I murmured. “Imean, yeah … yes, I’m fine. You should let me go,” I said, clearingmy throat.

I pushed away fromhim and his hands reluctantly fell to his sides. I stood andcrossed my arms across my torso, suddenly cold. I felt a finetremble course through my body as I regained my bearings. I lookedaround at the state of things and let the events of the nightfilter back in.

Damon put his handsin his pockets and rocked back on his heels. The movement onlyadded to his charm.

“So, are you goingto tell me why you called me in a panic and scared the shit out ofme? I thought you were being attacked. God only knows how manytraffic laws I broke on the way here.” He looked down at me with ascolding expression.

I winced as Irecalled the events of the evening. I’d come home from helping Katemove. I remembered how tired I felt as I walked through my frontdoor. I was putting my keys up and felt a breeze rake over myknuckles. That’s when I noticed my broken window and freaked thefuck out. I’d run out of the house like my ass was on fire allwhile poor Fiona went along for the ride.

I scrunched my eyesclosed and brought my hand up to my forehead, rubbing the ache thatsuddenly appeared. God, I was such an idiot. Why did I have to callhim of all people? This was completely embarrassing.

“Would you believeme if I said it was a slight slip in judgment?” I asked with myface still pinched.

His eyes hardened ashe glared down at me, not saying a word. I deflated with a sag ofmy shoulders. I gave in and spilled my guts. I told him all aboutfinding the busted window and locking myself in the car. I voicedhow I had called him in the middle of a panic attack that hadresulted in me hyperventilating and eventually passing out. I usedmy hands in wide gestures as I explained that I was evidently notin the right state of mind when I decided it was a good idea tocall him. The whole time I spoke he stared down at me, listeningintently.

When I was done hestepped toward me like he was going to gather me in his arms. Alarmbells rang in my head as I felt every muscle tense infight-or-flight mode. I held my hands out to stop his approachwhich did little to halt him as he grabbed my right wrist. I triedto jerk my hand out of his grasp but he used his other hand to gripme at the elbow. Before I could protest he turned my hand over toinspect my palm.

I gasped at thesight of my shredded flesh. I had angry red cuts all over my palmwith blood seeping out. I must have not felt any of the glasscutting me as I tried to clean my front seat earlier.

I sucked in a sharpbreath as he brought attention to the wound like it hadn’t hurtuntil right now. Damon shook his head and started to walk me to thehouse.

“Um, where do youthink you’re taking me?” I asked with an indignant tone. I dug myheels in to halt his forward motion.

He stared back at mewith a look that could have frozen hell. “We are going inside so Ican clean the glass out of your hand. Unless you would like me totake you to the hospital?” he challenged.

I scrunched my nose.“I think I’m capable of cleaning my own hand, Detective Santos,” Iretorted.

His eyes flaredbefore he crowded me. I’d never backed down to a man before and Iwasn’t about to start now. I stepped forward, our chests a breathaway from touching as I stared him down. Orupwas more likeit. I smiled when he backed up but it was quickly wiped from myface when he squatted in front of me. He put his shoulder againstmy belly and tossed me up and over like a sack of potatoes.

“What the fuck areyou doing?” I yelled as I tried to squirm out of his fireman’shold. “You are such a child, put me down right now!” I shrieked asI tried to spit my hair out of my mouth.

He said nothing ashis powerful legs carried me up the steps to my front door.

“Are you fuckingdeaf? I said put me down!” I tried again.

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