Page 6 of Wickedly Tainted

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So now here I was,seated at my big empty dinner table while my cat snoozed at myfeet. I tilted my fry box into my mouth and scarfed down theremaining contents. Pathetic.

I finished my seconddinner and walked down the hall to the master suite. I thought Ishould try to take a hot bath so I could maybe relax enough tosleep tonight. One glance at the clock and I vetoed that plan. Iwould have to settle for a scorching hot shower instead.

Fishing the KravMaga card out of my pocket, I flipped the card between my fingersbefore placing it on the nightstand. I stripped out of my clothesand sorted them out by color into their appropriate baskets.Padding into my huge bathroom, I turned on the shower.

I turned to grab mytowel from the rack I always hung it on to find it missing. Ihuffed loudly as I looked all around for it. This was what I wastalking to Dr. Yorker about. I swear shit moved around by itself inthis house. I always placed the towel on this rack, but now I foundit clear across the room. I swore I was going insane. I grabbed thetowel and walked back to the steaming water pouring out of theshowerhead.

I had made sure thishouse was up-to-date with top-of-the-line appliances and luxuries,so it took less than a minute for the water to reach the hellishtemperature I craved. I stepped into the scalding water with ahiss.

I was so mentallydone for the day. I didn’t even have the energy to shut downdaydreams about things I shouldn’t be thinking about. As I sudsedmy hair with meticulous strokes, I let my thoughts wander freely. Ifinally let myself think of Damon Santos as I moved to wash therest of my body.

I pictured hiscallused hands were the ones rubbing the soap down my body. Imoaned lightly as I let my hands travel over my achy breasts,wishing he was the one touching me.

Damon stood behindme gloriously naked and wet, in my mind’s eye. My back was flushagainst his front. I could feel the tickle of his dusting of hairthat spanned his cut chest and ripped abdomen. His huge, hard cockwas pressed against the seam of my ass as his hands roamed mytorso.

“You feel sogood, Red,” he murmured against my ear.

I felt my smile as Ilistened to his term of endearment. Nobody had ever given me anickname before and it left a warm feeling in my belly. I couldfeel a gush of arousal flood my center as he kissed the side of myneck before his hands came up to cup my breasts, running his thumbsacross my tightened nipples.

“Do you want meto make you come, amor?” he rasped as he pinched and rolled mytender flesh.

“Yesss,” I heardmyself say.

He chuckled as helet his hand slide down my body, growing closer to where I neededhim most with each second. When he came to my core he slid hisroughened fingers between my labia, across my throbbing clitoris,and into my drenched pussy. I gasped as he pumped his fingers intome as he rubbed his excitement against my ass. Reaching my armsback, I grabbed onto his long hair and pulled. He groaned deep inhis chest at my rough treatment before pushing his palm onto myswollen nub.

“This pussy ismine,” he nipped my ear. “Say it,” he demanded roughly against meas he twisted my nipple with his other fingers.

“It’s yours!” Iyelped as the sharp discomfort turned to delicious heat.

His fingers keptpumping, and his palm kept grinding, building me higher. I wasabout to crumble in his arms, but I knew he would catch me.

I couldn’t stopmyself as my hips started to grind against his hand of their ownaccord. I moaned loudly as he told me to raise my leg. I followedhis direction, placing my foot on the lower shelf in the shower.Making more room for him to finger-fuck me. There was no gentlenessin his rough grasp as he squeezed and flicked his fingers over thetight peaks of my breasts. He held me tight.

“That’s right,baby. You take your pleasure. Fuck my hand with that little cunt,”he growled harshly in my ear again, making me pant.

I normally didn’tlike rough treatment for obvious reasons, but when it was Damon itfelt right. It felt hot. My hips undulated themselves further. Mymouth was wide open as I moaned and wailed.

“Yes, come forme, Red,” he commanded and my body listened.

I came hard in anexplosion of sensation. I screamed my pleasure as I felt a largewave of hot liquid run down my inner thighs.

My chest was heavingas I leaned further back against his chest, only to be met withcold tile. I opened my eyes and broke the illusion that he was everhere at all. For a while, I could pretend it was his fingersbringing me pleasure instead of my own. I swear I had felt his warmbreath as it spanned across my neck. Shamefully, that wasn’t thefirst time I ever masturbated to the thought of him. I felt a pangof regret in my chest as I found myself always wishing it had beenreal.

I shut the showeroff and stepped out with wobbly legs. I mentally kicked myself as Iwent through the motions of preparing myself for bed. I should havestopped myself before I had even gotten started. It was stupid ofme to be fantasizing about someone that I was likely to never seeagain in the first place. And even if I did see him again, it couldnever happen. People like him didn’t belong with people likeme.

I’d hoped that maybeat least the orgasm I had wrung from myself would have worn me outenough to finally get some sleep, but my restless energy was sayingotherwise. I laid down under my plush comforter and huffed afrustrated breath. I knew I should shut my thoughts of him downbefore they even started again. But I obviously had a longsleepless night ahead of me, so I let my mind drift. I closed myeyes as I remembered when he came to my rescue like some kind ofLatino knight in shining armor.

Chapter Four

Two Weeks Ago

Everything wasblissfully silent until it wasn’t anymore. The sound of a muffledvoice was starting to cut through the fog that clouded my mind.Then, it got quiet once more and I breathed a sigh of relief. Mybody was heavy and I didn’t have the urge to move. This felt likethe best sleep I had gotten in months. Before I could sink furtherinto unconsciousness, the sound of glass being shattered jarred meand I came crashing back to reality.

You know thatfeeling you get when you just step off a super-fast roller-coasterride? Where you get tunnel vision, become dizzy, and you’re notsure if you’re going to throw up. Add massive confusion to thatlist of symptoms and you get how I felt being thrust back toconsciousness, after passing out due to a panic attack.

My head wobbled backand forth as I looked around the inside of my car. Everythinglooked like it should for a moment. Polished leather interior,pristine, dust-free infotainment center, and clutter-freeorganizational caddy along the center console, all intact. The onething I couldn’t wrap my brain around was all the glass that was onmy passenger seat. That wasn’t right. I reached over and started towipe the shattered glass onto the floorboard. I would have to getout my Dustbuster later and clean it up properly.

Before I could getmore than two handfuls of glass brushed out of the seat, thedriver’s-side door jerked open roughly. I swiveled my head aroundso fast vertigo set in and I had to lean back and close my eyesagain. Holding my hand to my mouth, I tried to keep my stomachcontents in check.

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