Page 29 of Wickedly Tainted

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He seemed socarefree all the time. How did someone grow up in the same world Idid and come out on the other end so clean? Even worse, he sawhumanity’s dark side daily in his field of work. I couldn’tunderstand how someone could see the underbelly of society so oftenand still be the same great person he was.

I tried to steer mythoughts away from the darkness that lurked inside of me. Maybe itwas because I was by myself in this place or because it was so damnquiet, but I was having a hard time keeping my intrusive thoughtsin check. I shook my head and dropped the blanket to my waist,hoping the chill air would wash away my haunted memories.

I knew Damonapproached me the moment he stepped onto the dock. His solidfootfall stalked me with determination. Soon his smell surroundedme, clearing my mind.

I sighed and leanedinto him as he wrapped his arms around my middle. “Hermosa,”he whispered along the crook of my neck.

I released a harshbreath and turned in his arms. I locked my lips with his and pushedmy fingers into his hair, dropping the blanket to the ground. Imoaned as he pushed his tongue in and plundered my eager mouth. Hishands gripped my hips and lifted me up his body. I don’t know if itwas my attempt to ward off my treacherous memories or if my needfor him was that great, but I wanted him at that moment enough tobeg for it.

He saved me theembarrassment of just that when he placed my rear on the railingand spoke, “You looked lost in thought,Roja.” His hushedtone raked across my kiss-swollen lips. “Let me help you get out ofyour head. I want you to experience what it genuinely means tosubmit to me. To fully trust me to take care of you and stopthinking for once. Will you let me do that for you?” hemurmured.

Jill was alreadytelling him to fuck himself, but Red nodded before sealing her lipsto his once more.


Damon carried meback up to the house without pulling his lips from mine once. Istill didn’t know how he managed to not fall along the way.

When we made it backto his bedroom, he allowed me to slide down his length. I had tosquash my moan of frustration as he released my lips and steppedout of my reach. I stood naked as I watched his hot gaze eat up thevision I created in front of him. He had a sultry grin on his lipsas he fixed me with his stare at last. I felt my need for him spikeas I waited for him to make his move.

He took a black hairtie off his wrist and handed it to me. “This is all you’ll bewearing tonight. Normally, I like to see that wild red hair ofyours splayed under you. But, I’m going to be using rope tonightand I don’t want any of it to get tangled,” he said with a wickedgrin.

I took theoutstretched band and quickly put my hair in a high pony. I don’tknow when I became so compliant, and if I stopped to think about itfor too long I might not like the answer so I brushed off thethought.

I watched as hepulled his shirt up and over his head with hooded eyes. The visionhe made standing with the low light streaming in the windows waswhat you would expect to see in a romantic movie. He wasstunning.

He unbuttoned hisjeans but left them on. The low-slung denim exposing the top of histhick cock was enough to make me wanton. It felt as if we stoodlike that for hours, just looking at one another before he finallyspoke.

“Sit,” was all hesaid.

I arched my eyebrowat him and promptly gave him a view of my backside as I strode tothe bed. I sat down and looked up at him as he approached me.

I watched as heopened the top drawer of his nightstand. Craning my neck, I triedto see what was inside before he closed it. He saved me the troubleof guessing when he pulled out a long length of red rope, avibrator still in its package, a bottle of what looked like oil ofsome sort, and two shiny metal things, I wasn’t quite sure whatthey were.

I frowned when Ilooked over the contents in his hands. Were those things in therefor other women this whole time? An unfamiliar feeling of jealousyclouded my thoughts as I stared at him. My face must have saideverything I was thinking because Damon grinned at me beforespeaking.

“I made a little pitstop at a certain adult store when I went to town,” he murmuredbefore placing all his effects on the nightstand, except for therope.

My pulse jumped andmy breathing picked up as I watched him unwind the rope withpracticed hands. Was I actually going to allow this?

“I’m going to tiethis around your torso. I’m also going to tie your hands and yourfeet to this bed. Then I’m going to put my jewelry on those prettylittle tits before I use this vibrator on your sweet pussy andtorment you for a while,” he explained as he grabbed one of myhands.

I felt a jolt ofpanic run through my body before I tried to stand up. What the fuckwas I doing? My chest heaved rapidly as my adrenaline spiked. Ididn’t know if I could go through with this.

Before I could standcompletely up, Damon stopped me. “Talk to me,” he said as hebrushed my hair back. He settled his big hand on my lower back,helping me sit back on the side of the bed. He knelt between mylegs and regarded me seriously.

“I don’t know if Ican do this. What if I want to get out?” I asked. “I feel like Ican hardly breathe right now. Let alone when you tie me up so Ican’t get away.” I exhaled in a rush. I felt like my heart wasgoing to beat out of my chest.

Damon reached intohis pocket and took out a pocket knife, placing it on thenightstand with the other items before he spoke.

“You say stop, andthis all stops immediately. I’ll cut you out and we’ll talk.” Heregarded me seriously. “I would never hurt you, Red. I want to tieyou up so you can focus solely on what I’m doing to you. My ropesmake it feel like I am touching everything at once. It’s for yourpleasure,” he promised.

I took a shakybreath and tried to calm my nervousness. I didn’t know if it was myearlier dark thoughts that had me stopping to think or if Jill waspopping back to the surface all of a sudden, but I was having ahard time with this. It was one thing when Damon held me down withhis hands, it was completely different thinking about him tying meup. I couldn’t easily get out of restraints if I didn’t have theuse of my hands.

I shook my head toclear my thoughts. I wasn’t going to let Jill’s past ruin whatcould be the best weekend of my life. Before I could talk myselffurther out of it, I leaned forward and slammed my lips ontoDamon’s. He groaned and grabbed the back of my head before leaninginto me.

I reached my handdown into his unbuttoned jeans. Wrapping my hand around hishardness, I squeezed. He pulled his mouth from mine and looked downat what I was doing to him with a gasp on his lips. He pumpedhimself into my hand a few times before standing, taking my funwith him.

“If that’s a yes,then I need you to sit still, Red,” he said with a crookedgrin.

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