Page 28 of Wickedly Tainted

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If I’d thought thatthe best view of the bay had been from his bedroom, then I ate myown words after seeing the rest of the house. His kitchen andliving room offered an open floor plan and it was where the bigfloor-to-ceiling windows came to their peak up to the top of theloft. The crystal-clear glass showcased the best view in the wholeneighborhood, I was sure of it.

I’d watched from theliving room sofa, with a big mug of coffee cooling in my hands anda soft throw over my legs, as Damon played fetch with Boone rightoutside the windows. He had put on a pair of athletic shorts,forgoing the shoes and shirt entirely.

Watching him withhis carefree smile and hearing his booming laugh as he played withhis dog was enough to make me melt. The sight he made with thedramatic backdrop of the bay behind him was stunning, to say theleast. What a girl wouldn’t give to be able to see this everyday.

When he caught mestaring at him, his eyes had darkened and his smile turned wicked.I felt heat flush up my body as he stalked back inside and over tothe couch I lounged on. He was glistening with sweat from hisearlier exertion as he took the mug from me and placed it to theside. Saying no words as he ripped the blanket from my lap. Hegrabbed my ankles before pulling me down the sofa causing my shirtto ride up, exposing me to him. A squeal of surprise parted my lipsbefore it turned into a delighted giggle.

He smiled down atme, his eyes glittering with amusement. “You don’t do that nearlyenough,” he’d said as he lowered onto me, making a place forhimself between my legs.

“Do what?” I asked,feeling myself getting ready as I squirmed beneath him.

He kissed me softlyas he rubbed himself against my naked sex. “Laugh,” he murmuredagainst my lips.

His statement hadalmost brought me out of my lust fog until he pulled away longenough to pull his hard length from his shorts.

When he descendedonto me again, all thoughts of laughing vanished. He slid inside ofme with ease. Pinning me down with his hips as he pumped into mewith long slow strokes that had me begging for him to fuck meharder. Eventually, he had worked me into such a frenzy that I dugmy nails into his back hoping to spur him on. He’d growled andpinned my hands to my sides before he sat up and gave me what Ineeded. The sounds of skin slapping together and harsh breathingfilled the room.

I still marveled athow he played my body better than any man before him. When Damonfucked me, he showed me ecstasy I had only ever read about. Sure,I’d experienced orgasms before, but nothing like the total body andmind release he offered me. When we came together, it was likenothing else in this world existed.

After we werecompletely sated, we lay together nude on the sofa. I was curled upagainst his side, my head on his chest as I drew tiny circles alonghis belly with my finger.

His voice rumbledalong my cheek. He had spoken in soft words as he shared bits abouthimself with me. He told me story after story about growing up in abig Latino family. Apparently, he had three siblings, two of thembrothers, and his sister, Sofee, was the baby of the family.

I couldn’t help butfeel bad for the girl, growing up surrounded by men. But, it didn’ttake long for that thought to completely vanish as he told me hisfondest memories of his childhood. From the sound of it, she wasvery well protected and loved by all of her brothers.

I didn’t understandthe pang of jealousy I felt for the female I’d never met. Maybe itwas because I never had anyone to protect me. Maybe if I had, Iwouldn’t be the person I was today.

I shook off thethought as I listened to him talk more about his family. “Youremind me a lot ofmi madre,” he said.

I jerked my head upand pinned him with a flabbergasted look. “Hasn’t anyone ever toldyou that you’re not supposed to say shit like that to the nakedwoman laying on top of you?” I questioned, arching my eyebrow.

He looked down at mewith humor glittering in his eyes before he pinched my ass,eliciting a yelp from me. I couldn’t help but laugh at him. Hesmiled down at me, showcasing that crooked grin again. I felt mybreath catch in my chest, stopping my laughter.

“Daría lo quefuera por escuchar esa risa,” he muttered as he swiped histhumb across my lower lip.

I shuddered before Iturned away from the warm touch.I would give anything to hearthat laugh. Why did he have to say things like that? Thingsthat made me want more. I closed my eyes to ward off the burn Ifelt building there.

Damon placed hishand on my back and rubbed in firm strokes as if to soothe me. Hecleared his throat before he spoke again. “I mean that my mom wasthe strongest woman I know. My dad left us shortly after Sofee wasborn, so my mom was forced to be a single mother for most of mylife. That woman could makeEl Diablobow down to her.” Icould hear the smile in his voice as he spoke fondly of her. “Shedoesn’t take shit from anyone.”

He threaded hisfingers into my hair and gently tugged until I was forced to lookup into his piercing gaze. “She’s tough as nails but deep down shehas a heart of gold. She makes people earn her love and affectionand I always admired that.”

As he spoke thewords, I couldn’t help but feel he was no longer speaking about hismother.

Before I could takea breath, his lips descended onto mine again for anotherall-encompassing kiss. He ate at my lips gently and I felt myselfsoften right along with my resolve. I don’t know what wasscarier—that he could break through all mybarriers or that I was letting him.

I thought he wouldtake me again but he had surprised me by coming up for air andlaying my head back down on his chest. We both laid quiet afterthat and his deep breaths eventually lulled me to sleep.

When I had awoken,the sun was setting and I was alone. My body had been covered in aplush blanket and Boone lay on the floor next to me snoringsoftly.

I had sat up, insearch of Damon, only to find a note folded neatly on the coffeetable. It said that he didn’t want to wake me but needed to get hiscar and go to the station to check up on some cases. That he wouldbe back as soon as he could.

Not really knowinghow long he had already been gone, I contemplated what I was to doby myself. I stood, wrapping the blanket tightly around my nakedbody before striding to the glass door that led to the front yard.Walking outside into the crisp evening air, I let the sounds ofnature consume me. Everything was so clear out here, peaceful. Thecrickets had just started to chirp and the birds were quieting downfor the night. Soon, stars would fill the sky and it would get soquiet you could hear the waves of the bay gently lap at theshore.

I padded on barefeet down to the dock. The feeling of cool grass between my toeswas something I hadn’t experienced since I was a child. A softsmile spread across my lips at the memory it brought forth of Kateand me running around her backyard, playing some imaginativechildren’s game. I remembered the secrets we shared in the treehouse her dad had built. Oh, if only I could go back to that timein our lives. That was something everyone would wish for, I’m sure.Back before this world ruined fragile hearts.

Boone trottedhappily behind me with his tail wagging and tongue dangling fromhis jowl. I wasn’t sure why the dog felt the need to stay close tome but it was comforting nonetheless.

I stood at therailing overlooking the water for long moments, contemplatingjumping. I found myself becoming jealous of Damon at that moment,knowing it wasn’t fair to be that way. He got to go to bed and wakeup to this stunning view every day. This fresh oasis was all hisand he didn’t have to share it with anyone. So why did he choose toshare it with someone like me?

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