Page 19 of Wickedly Tainted

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“We’re almost there,just around this corner,” he reassured.

And then I saw it.It wasn’t huge by any means but it was still impressive. The rusticcabin was something one would see in a dream or on the cover of amagazine. It sat in a clearing amongst the trees, surrounded bywell-manicured grass. The front of the home sat facing the bay withits huge floor-to-ceiling windows showcasing a beautifully loftedceiling. I couldn’t help but think it would be an amazing place towatch the sun rise and set. It was situated uphill from a largeboathouse that sported a big floating dock perfect for fishing andswimming. A few chairs surrounded a firepit that beckoned for oneto come and waste the night away with friends and family.

With the seclusionin the area, it wasn’t surprising that we couldn’t see any otherhouses from this little carved-out cove. I watched the moonlightshimmering off the gentle waves of the bay and one word came to mymind.


“Wow,” Imuttered.

Damon released myhand and started walking toward the dock. “Follow me,” hewhispered.

Alarm bells rangagain. “Why are you whispering?” My hushed voice sounded harsh inthe quiet night.

“I don’t want towake up the guy that lives here and get in trouble.” He waved forme to follow him with that stupid grin again.

“What!” I screechedbefore slapping my hand over my mouth. I looked back at the housebefore I jogged to catch up with Damon, who was currently laughingquietly.

“What do you mean?If we aren’t allowed to be here, then let’s leave. I’m not someteenager who enjoys breaking and entering,” I whispered harshly athis back.

He just continuedwalking onto the floating dock. I was still on the grass in frontof the dock when he faced me again with a mischievous glint in hiseyes.

“Come on, Jill. Oldman Boone sleeps so heavily, he’ll never know we were here,” heteased before he grabbed his shirt and brought it over hishead.

My mouth dried as Iwatched him strip. He held my stare as he hooked his fingers intohis shorts. He smiled at me before turning from my view and loweredthe garment. He stood with his back to me in all his glory. My eyesate up the sight of his strong thick legs, up to his deliciouslytoned ass I’d love to sink my teeth into. His tapered waist led uphis muscular back to his broad shoulders. The shine from the moonleft a luminescent glow against his olive skin. He was absolutelystunning.

Without saying aword, that dumbass ran straight to the end of the dock and plungedinto the bay. I was left there with my mouth hanging wide open ashe resurfaced with a splash.

“Come on,Roja. The water is so cool this time of night,” hecoaxed.

I half-ran to theend of the dock to look down at him. “What the fuck do you thinkyou’re doing?” I chided him like he was a small child. Even thoughthere was nothing small about him.

I shook my head toclear the lusty thoughts that filled my mind. Looking back at thehouse, half expecting lights to come on at any moment.

Damon laughed as helooked up at me. One of those deep belly laughs that made mystomach twist into knots.

“Are you afraidwe’ll get caught? Come swim with me.” He seemed to be amused withhimself.

“Unlike you, if Iget arrested for trespassing, I won’t be able to get that off myrecord by asking a few friends for some favors. Get out now! I’mnot going to swim with you,” I scolded. Wasn’t this man older thanme? Why was I having to be the grown-up in this situation?

“What’s wrong?Scared to get your hair a little wet?” he teased as I glared athim. “Chicken Shit.”

As much as Iwould’ve liked to show him that I was not a chicken, I wasn’t goingto play his game. “No, I’m not. I just don’t want to swim with you.Now let’s go before you get caught.”

He laughed. “I thinkI’ll stay right here. When you decide to not be a fun sponge, letme know,” he baited. I rolled my eyes. Fine, I wasn’t going tostick around to see him get caught.

I turned to marchoff the dock when I heard a loud splash right before I felt a hugeamount of water hit my back. When I turned around to face Damon, hewas looking everywhere else except at me. The mischievous look inhis eyes had me stifling a smile.

Fuck it,Ithought to myself as I brought my shirt over my head and stared himdown. “You’re in for it now, fucker,” I said as I stripped.

Never taking my eyesoff him, I brought my sports bra up and over my head, exposing mybreasts to the chilled night air. I watched as his gaze went fromhumor to hooded as I hooked my thumbs in my leggings and pulledthem down, removing my shoes with them. Soon, I stood in front ofhim naked as the day. He stayed where he was, treading water andscorching me with his gaze.

Before I could talkmyself out of it, I took off at a run and jumped into the waterright next to him. The water was cool and refreshing against myhot, too-tight skin. When I resurfaced, Damon was wiping water fromhis face with a smile.

“There, happy now?”I asked. The look he gave me could have thawed the polar icecap.

“Extremely,” was allhe said before he lunged for me.

I squealed anextremely girly sound as I tried to swim away from him. I didn’tget too far before he gripped his hand around my ankle and pulledme toward him. I giggled unabashedly and tried to wiggle out of hisclutch. He released his hold on me in favor of grabbing my hips,bringing me to his front.

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