Page 20 of Wickedly Tainted

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I sucked in a breathand heated as I felt his hard length against my belly. I lost allsense of self-preservation then. I gripped his shoulders andtangled my legs around his strong hips. I could feel his thick cockprodding at my entrance, begging for entry. I moaned as I groundagainst him, dragging the head against my clitoris.

He kept us afloatwith his unyielding leg strength as he devoured my lips. My eyeswere closed but I could feel us moving. Soon I felt the rungs ofthe ladder at my back as he pressed firmly against me. He ate at mylips with firm presses. He licked, sucked, and nibbled at me. Everysecond made me hotter until I thought the water around us wouldstart boiling.

He pulled away and Igasped as he thrust against me, sending another jolt of pleasurethrough me as he raked against my swollen bundle of nerves.

“Reach up and grabthe ladder. Don’t move,” he ordered roughly.

I surprised myselfby obeying as I gripped the top rung and held myself up.

Damon wasted no timeas he brought his hands down my arms. Raking over my ticklish spotsmaking me squirm. He gave me a hard look before he twisted my rightnipple with firm fingers. I squealed and jerked against him as thepain turned to something hotter.

“I said don’t move,”he said roughly.

I furrowed my browsas I looked down at him. “Then don’t tickle me,” I gritted behindmy clenched teeth.

He chuckled beforegiving my other nipple the same treatment. Again, I yelped beforethe pain turned to that delicious heat that nearly ripped a moanfrom me.

“And no backtalking. Unless you want me to gag you,” he threatened with a darklook.

Taking a gag didn’tseem like much fun so I clamped my mouth shut but kept my scowl inplace. He chuckled before he looked back down at his task. I didn’tmove again as he brought both of his hands up my torso, lifting mefrom the water slightly. He sat me down so I was straddling histhick upper thigh.

I nearly groaned ashe rubbed against me. The coarse hair of his leg caused the mostwicked friction. He ran his hand up further until he was caressingmy breasts, bringing them up to his hot mouth.

“I’ve dreamed aboutthese tits for two weeks now. Look how perfect they fit in myhands,” he rasped before he sucked a tightened bud into his skilledmouth.

I shouted and archedtoward him. He used his thigh to rub against me in firm passes. Hesucked on me hard and I swear my eyes rolled to the back of myhead.

He went back andforth between my sensitive peaks, sucking and biting. All the whilehis thigh was driving me higher and higher. I was still wound tightfrom earlier in the locker room. I needed to come, desperately.

“Please, Damon,” Iwhimpered.

He groaned againstme as if my words gave him pleasure. He pulled away from my breastsand lowered his right hand into the water. Before I could protestthe loss, his fingers replaced his thigh. He rubbed my clit intight circles and I nearly came out of my skin.

“Since you asked sonicely I’m going to give you what you want, but you have to bequiet. If you can’t be quiet, I’m going to punish you in thesweetest way,” he threatened.

Then he was pullingme to him, away from the ladder. I wrapped myself around him andkissed his neck. I felt us moving and coming out of the water butit didn’t register what was going on around me. Before I knew it,we were on the dock and Damon was laying me on my back.

I shivered as a coolbreeze blew over my wet body. I waited for him to come over me andsettle between my thighs but he never did. I felt his big handsspread my thighs open further and further until he was satisfied. Ilooked down at him and my breath caught in my throat.

He was dripping wetand leaning over my most intimate area. His hair hung in front ofhis face in loose wet waves. Water droplets bounced off my heatedflesh. His breath fluttered across my pussy. His dark brown gazeleisurely ate up my body. He took his fingers and spread me apartso he could take it all in. I moaned and arched my back as he blewsoftly on my most tender parts.

“Remember, nosounds,” he reminded me with a devious smile.

Bastard. He knew Iwould never be able to be quiet.

Before I could sayanything he lowered his mouth to my pussy. I nearly screamed as hesucked and licked at me. When he added two big fingers to the mix Inearly lost it. He was pumping into me with one hand and keeping mespread wide open with his other as he flicked that wicked tongueagainst me. He licked me like a popsicle on a hot summer day. I waswrithing against the wet wood at my back as he ate at me. I bit mylower lip to stop my moans of pleasure before they came to thesurface. The only sounds you could hear were my labored breathingand the waves from the bay softly lapping the shore.

I was so close.Damon told me I had to be quiet, but he didn’t say anything aboutnot moving my arms. I thrust my hands into his wet hair and pulledhim closer to my center. He groaned deep against me as I moved myhips up to meet his eager mouth. I knew I was being rough but Icouldn’t help it.

I exploded againsthis tongue, arching my back and breathing heavily. How I managed tostay quiet was beyond me. Before I could come down, Damon pulledhis mouth from me and replaced it with his fingers. He pumped thosebig fingers into me with one hand and rubbed my clit in tightmovements with the other.

“Your cream tastesas good as I remember it, Red. I want to watch you come again.Ven por mí,” he ordered as his movements quickened.

I couldn’t help itthis time, I screamed my release as I came in a rush. I swirled myhips against his hands and whimpered loudly. He stared down at mywrithing body with lust in his eyes before he pulled his hands fromme and smiled.


“Oh, Red.” Hetsked

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