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“Nothing… for now.” Lev stood from his chair and prowled to the man. Squatting in front of him, he gripped his hair tight and pushed the man’s head up. “What is your name?”

The man’s breathing was labored, and he winced each time Lev’s grip on him tightened. “Viktor.”

Lev clenched his teeth for control. “I’m not in a very happy mood right now, so whether your family makes it out alive or not depends on how satisfied I am with your answer. Do you understand?”

Blood dripped down Viktor’s mouth as he chuckled. “I know you don’t hurt women and children.”

Of course, the asshole would know since he’d worked for him for a while. But Lev didn’t give a flying fuck about rules and moral codes. He’d thought falling in love and becoming a father softened him. He was right, but it also made him an overprotective beast.

He tugged harder on the man’s hair until, reveling in his whimpers and screams. “You would be right if this were a normal day, but you just tried to kill my wife and unborn child, so I won’t have mercy for yours.”

Viktor’s eyes widened and sparkled with tears. The threat had hit him right where Lev wanted. “I work for Cillian,”

“Come on, Man. That can’t be the only thing you’ve got for us,” Ivan chided from where he sat. “We know the basics, so go into details. Tell us everything about your boss and all the secrets he’s keeping.”

“I wasn’t the one who tried to poison your wife. I wasn’t the only spy.” Viktor paused and winced. “The other guy, Dom, he was the one who tried to poison her.”

Lev looked at Cillian. “Who the hell is Dom?”

“One of the new guards,” Ilya answered.

“Where the hell is he now?”

“He was one of the guards who took Amy to the hospital.”

“For fuck’s sake.” Lev let go of Viktor’s hair and stood up. He ran a hand over his hair. How did Cillian infiltrate him so easily with all the precautions he took to stop that from happening? “Bring me that son of a bitch. If it’s too hard, just kill him.”

“Yes, Chief.” Ilya glared at Viktor one time before he left the room.

Ivan plopped his legs on Lev’s table. “Seriously, is that all you know?” Taking his legs down from the table, he leaned toward the man. “Let’s play a game. Tell me ten secrets about Cillian Moore. Each secret counts for each of your toes. How much you’ll have left by the end of the game depends on how much you’re willing to share.”

Viktor nodded. “And you won’t hurt my family?”

“Like my brother said, that depends on whether he likes the answers you give. I’ll ask the first question: what is Cillian planning? I’m sure he wouldn’t make such a bold move if he didn’t have a plan.”

“He wanted to take her out and attack when Lev is weak and vulnerable.” Viktor groaned and reached for the ribs on his right side. “I didn’t want to do anything. He threatened me into this.”

“You should have thought of the consequences before you did what you did.” Lev walked back to his desk and sat on the edge. “How long have you worked for Cillian?”

“Ten years. I started working for you on his order two years ago,” Viktor answered. He coughed, and every sound from him sounded like he was in a lot of pain. “Contrary to what he makes you believe, his fight has nothing to do with Dostoevsky’s death. It’s merely an excuse for him to attack.”

Adrian sat up, seeming to take interest in the conversation for the first time. “What was it about?”

“Territories. He thinks your brother took over some of his territories, thereby weakening his authority. He wants revenge for that.”

Anger churned in Lev’s chest, but he laughed. Cillian’s foolishness was hilarious. The fucker had no right to any territories. He’d been given one after the outfits lost their control over the city. His greed was going to be his destruction, and Lev was more than happy to take that destruction to him.

It crossed his mind that Zia had mentioned her father. Lev had looked it up, but his family had never had a connectionwith James Kincaid, although the news around his death was suspicious.

For the next question, I need you to think very carefully.” He crossed his leg over the other. “Have you heard of James Kincaid? He was a cop who was brutally murdered years ago during an investigation.”

Viktor shook his head. “I don’t think—”

“I need you to think very carefully,” Lev said. Since it had already got to this, he wasn’t taking no as an answer tonight.

Viktor appeared lost in thought for a couple of minutes, then his eyes shone as a memory flashed through them. “He died while investigating the case of missing girls twenty years ago. That case involved Dostoevsky. Cillian helped take care of the cop to show his loyalty to him.”

Cillian had not just killed James; he’d tried to kill his daughter and unborn grandchild as well. He needed to be stopped.

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