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“I’m certain he didn’t pull a stunt like this and expect me not to react,” Lev said. “What did he plan to do if he fails?”

“There’s a shipment leaving for Sicily tonight. He planned to leave with it if everything failed.”

“What time does it leave?”

“Ten p.m.” Viktor bowed his head and took in deep breaths before he continued. “One more thing, I’m not certain but I heard something about an ambush as plan B.”

Lev peered at the man intently. “An Ambush. Plan B.” His whipped head to his brothers and they had the same calculative look on their faces as him.

“It was a trap,” Adrian said, suddenly jumping up to his feet. “Zia wasn’t the target. You were.”

Lev flew up to his feet, grabbed his phone, and called Konstantin. It rang for a minute and went dead. No answer. He tried again and Konstantin finally picked on the second call.

“Where the hell are you?” Lev barked, his heart throbbing against his ribcage. He didn’t have the patience for an answer. “Turn the car around. It’s a trap. Cillian’s men are probably following you.”

“I can’t hear you, Chief,” Konstantin yelled back. He never yelled, no matter how angry he was.

Something was wrong. Lev could feel it. Something was definitely off.

“Turn the car around, you’re being followed,” Lev yelled even louder, hoping Konstantin would hear him this time, but he didn’t.

There was a gunshot in the background. Zia screamed, and the call disconnected.

Chapter 24 - Zia

“Get down!”

Before Zia could make sense of what was happening and why Konstantin just yelled at her, the sound of gunshots reverberated in the car. The window next to her shattered, sending pieces of glass everywhere.

Adrenaline coursed through her veins. She held her stomach and inhaled deeply to calm herself. It was hard to think when she was tense and anxious. Someone shot a gun at their car. Someone was trying to kill them.

Her pulse raced as she sat up to look back and see if they were still being followed. They were. Two motorbikes raced toward them. There were other cars behind theirs, too, but she couldn’t tell if they were following them or just driving in the same direction. “What the hell is happening?”

“We’re being tailed,” Konstantin answered, his usually calm voice panicked. “Sit tight and don’t raise your head until I tell you to.”

“Was that Lev on the line?”

Konstantin nodded. “Call him back and tell him where we are. I’ll try to get us out of here.”

Zia picked up the phone. One of the motorbikes caught up with them. She froze as he pointed his gun at her.

Konstantin quickly wheeled the car between two other cars between them. The sudden movement made her lose her balance, and she fell to the side.

“Call him now!” Konstantin ordered.

Zia tapped Lev’s number. It rang once, and he answered.

“Holy crap! Kostya, where are you?” Lev asked. He was breathing heavily, and she could tell he was nervous from his voice.

“Lev.” She clenched her fingers around the phone to keep it in place despite her shaky hands.

“Zia, baby. I need you to turn on the phone location and hide it away just in case something happens, okay?”

“Okay.” Her eyes burned and tears streamed down her face. “Lev, please find us. I don’t want our baby to get hurt. I don’t want to die.”

They’d only found each other months ago. They’d only confessed their love to each other last night. She couldn’t die yet, not without meeting their baby or living the happy life she’d always wanted with Lev. She had to stay alive. They both had to stay alive.

“Just stay tight, baby. I’ll find you, I promise,” Lev assured her, his voice calmer than it had been when he first answered her call.

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