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“If you did all you claim you did for her, you wouldn’t let her go that easily.” Lev twisted to Owen. Their eyes met, and a deadly smile played on his face. Whether Owen noticed how deadly that smile was, Lev couldn’t tell. “You’ll want something back for all the trouble.”

“Ah, that.” Owen caught on quickly. He bit his lips, clearly exasperated by whatever it was that was running through his mind. “I almost had my chance with her the other day. Some fucking dude hit me from behind and knocked me out before I could do anything.”

Lev’s gaze floated to Konstantin. The other man smiled a bit. Lev knew Konstantin wasn’t the type to attack a man from behind. He wasn’t the type to not give his opponent a chance for a fair fight. The fact that Owen was lying only proved how pathetic he was.

It drove Lev insane that a man as weak and disrespectful toward women as Owen had hurt Zia. He didn’t even deserve tobe in the same space she was. He didn’t deserve to breathe the air as her, yet here he was, acting like he deserved some kind of trophy for hurting the woman who loved him.

And how the hell did he not remember Konstantin? A face like his was hard not to remember.

Konstantin had a face and body that men feared and women loved. He was a killing machine, brutal to the core and deadly to the roots. Unless Owen was so smitten by the idea of free drinks that he couldn’t care less about the man sitting at his other side.

Which made him seem even more pathetic.

An hour passed. Owen never stopped yapping or talking for all fifty minutes they spent together. Both Konstantin and Lev had grown too angry by the end of the drinking date to listen to any more of his shit.

Lev cleared the bills, and all three men walked outside.

“You need a ride?” Lev asked, opening the passenger seat of his Lamborghini.

Owen’s eyes widened at Lev’s car. “Fucking Christ.” He scurried over to the Lamborghini, caressing it as if it was something more valuable than Zia ever was to him. “Is this a Revuelto?”

“Yeah,” Lev drawled. “Wanna get in?”

“Fuck, yes!” Owen shouted.

Lev cringed at how shameless he was. If only he knew the consequences of his answer. “Get in. I’ll show you around, and then we can have a drink at my place.”

Owen hopped in like a bird into a hole of worms.

Lev signaled for Konstantin and the other men to follow before he rounded the car and got in the driver’s seat. Starting the engine, he pulled the car from the curb.

Owen’s eyes were still wide in awe when Lev drove through the driveway of his mansion.

When Lev stopped the car at the entrance of the mansion and they got out, Owen asked, “Do you live here alone?”

“With my wife,” Lev answered proudly. His chest tingled at that word. That was who Zia was to him, his wife. She was his other half, and he would be damned before he would let anyone get away with hurting her.

Owen’s eyes shone with disbelief. “You’re married?”

Lev raised his hand. The golden ring on his finger caught the crescent moonlight overhead. “Did you somehow miss this?”

Owen opened his mouth to speak, but Lev cut him off with a raise of his finger. “I think we started off on the wrong foot, Owen. The woman you called a dumb bitch happens to be my wife.”

Fear flashed on Owen’s face. He took a step back. “Zia… is your wife?”

“Yes.” Lev took a step toward Owen. “She is. You not only hurt my wife and insulted her, but you also hit her and tried to rape her.”

“Fuck!” Owen readied his leg to run.

Lev gave him a disapproving shake of his head. “Look around, and you’ll find that running is not in your best interest. You saw the men at the gate. You can’t outrun or outfight them. You’ll be a dead man before you even make it to the gate.”

Just then, Konstantin and the other men drove in, their cars lining up behind each other.

Owen’s eyes glistened with tears as he took in his environment. Realizing that he didn’t stand a chance, he did the first smart thing he’d done since Lev met him—he got on his knees and begged. “I’m sorry, Man. I didn’t know she was your fucking wife.”

Lev snorted in derision. Would it have been okay to rape her if she wasn’t my wife?”

The other man’s lips quivered. “That is not… Fuck. I’m sorry. I was out of it that day and crossed a line I shouldn’t have. I regretted it.”

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