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“Yet you bragged about it,” Lev drawled. He inched closer to Owen like a predator, ready to pounce on his prey. “You don’t regret it. You only regret that you’re about to pay for what you did.”

Konstantin walked in just then. He placed his arm on the wall and leaned on it. “I’m a little offended you do not recognize me, though. That punch wasn’t hard enough to have wiped your memories.”

“You… It was you that day at the Airbnb?” Owen stuttered, pointing at Konstantin.

A grin stretched out on Konstantin’s face. “Finally. I was afraid you would never recognize me. Glad you’re finally making a progress.” He raised his head to Lev. “What should I do with him, Chief?”

“Take him to the basement. I’ll take care of him there,” Lev ordered, shrugging off his jacket and handing it to one of his men.

“No, please let me go. I promise I’ll never do anything that stupid ever again,” Owen cried.

The fucker had real tears in his eyes, and he looked like he would actually piss himself before Lev began with him. He was so weak, yet so infuriating.

Lev ignored his pleas as the men carried him away from the entrance. One of them had a hand wrapped around his mouth to keep him from screaming. The last thing Lev wanted was for Zia to wake up and get in the way of his disciplining. She’d given him permission to punish Owen, but she was soft-hearted, and he had no idea how she would react to him doing it.

The men tied Owen to a seat. They left his mouth uncovered at Lev’s request. Lev needed to hear Owen cry for mercy as he tortured him. He wanted to hear him beg as he broke him.

Lev rolled his sleeve as he walked toward Owen in slow strides after the men stepped back. He stopped in front of the trembling man. Without warning, he rammed his clenched fist into Owen’s jaw.

A sharp cry followed the sound of Owen’s bones cracking. Blood dripped down his split lips. He thrashed and wrestled with the rapes bounding his hand to the chair, but he couldn’t escape.

Lev closed his eyes, thinking of how scared Zia must’ve been when Owen attacked her. Thinking of how damaged it would have left her if Owen had succeeded with what he had intended to do to her.

Rape existed in their world, and Lev saw how it affected the victims. He’d seen a few of the women and how broken they were after. He’d killed a few men for hurting those women like that. That is why the thought of that happening to Zia drained him of any mercy he might’ve mustered.

Clenching his fist again, he punched Owen in the stomach again, and again, and again, until the other man was spitting blood.

Something in Owen must’ve snapped when he looked up at Lev because he uttered the one thing that made Lev completely lose his mind. “I should have fucked that bitch. I should have hurt her. Then, I would have gladly died after. I’ll regret not ripping her clothes apart and having my way with her forever.”

Rage, like never before, flared in Lev’s stomach. His vision turned red, and his throat dried up instantly. He laughed, but it was mirthless and cold. “I’m not going to kill you, but I’m going to do something worse. Something that will make you wish you were dead.”

He stretched his hand out behind him, and one of the guards placed a piece of cold metal in his hand. It was a scalpel, one he’d used so many times. “Now, repeat what you just said you should have done to my wife.”

Chapter 15 - Zia

“Where is my husband?” Zia asked, clutching her robe tightly to her chest. She’d woken up alone minutes ago, which was strange considering Lev was always beside her whenever she woke up. At least for the past couple of days.

It was barely four in the morning. Way too early for him to already be out of the house if it wasn’t an emergency, which made it even more suspicious.

She’d come to two conclusions when she couldn’t find him anywhere around the house; either something urgent had come up, or he’d returned to his past routine. None of those conclusions were better than the other.

The tall man, Ilya, she’d heard Lev call him, glanced down at her. If it weren’t for the slight smile on his lips, she would have assumed she was bothering him.

“The Chief has a visitor.” He cleared his throat. “Please go upstairs, ma’am. He’ll join you soon.”

It was a lie. Zia could feel it. If Lev had visitors, he would be in the living room or his studies, yet she hadn’t been able to find him anywhere. Not in the living room and definitely not in his study. “Where is he and said guests?” she asked dryly, lifting her brow and daring him to lie to her face again.

His throat moved as he swallowed. “I’m sorry, ma’am, but I can’t tell you.”

“You’re lying to me,” she said sharply, not minding her tone. “I’ve looked for him everywhere. He’s not home, is he?”

Or maybe he was, but it had to be somewhere she didn’t know existed in the house. A secret room, maybe.

“I’m right here,” a rich, deep baritone said from down the hallway.

Ilya moved to the side to give Lev and Zia a clear view of each other.

Zia scrutinized her husband. He was in a black shirt and black pants, which meant he’d gone out. But it was the red rage in his eyes and the blood dripping down his hand that forced her to take a step back. “Where have you been?” she asked, her voice strained.

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