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“No retort?” he smiled dangerously and lifted his brows. “Cats got your tongue, Malyshka?”

Ignoring him, Zia picked up the glass of water in front of her and gulped it down with force. She was certain Lev Nikolai was fucking unhinged. It was unthinkable that she would have to deal with his dirty way of talking for God knows how long.

After she finished the water, she kept the glass cup on the table. Squaring her jaw, she looked at Lev, pretending his words didn’t affect her, trying her best to ignore the wetness between her legs. “Don’t you have any self-control?”

“The only self-control I can manage is to wait until you’re begging me to fuck you, wife.”

Zia sighed. Her husband wasn’t just unhinged—he was mad, literally. “Dream on.” She threw a piece of grape in her mouth and chewed it. “Speaking of self-control, we need to come to an agreement on things to expect from each other in this marriage.”

Lev started to fill his plate with food. “And what are the things you expect?”

“A different room, which I already have, by the way.” She paused and thought. She’d made the list last night, but she could barely remember anything now. Being so close to Lev fogged her mind way too much. “Don’t expect me to cook. I don’t know how to.”

“I have a cook already, Zia,” Lev said calmly.

Zia rummaged her mind for more. There had to be a lot more boundaries to set. “You mustn’t come into my room without knocking.” She waited for his reaction, but he just focused on his food. “No sex.”

That one seemed to catch his attention as his head snapped in her direction. “How long do you think you can go without sex, sweetheart?”

She rolled her eyes. “I went twenty-two years without it. I can go twenty-two more.”

He snorted a laugh. “It’s different when you’ve had a taste of how good it can feel with the right person,Malyshka. You won’t last.”

“That’s up to me to decide.” Ignoring the dark amusement in his gaze, she went back to eating. It looked like she’d gotten him good.

Zia – 1. Lev – 0.

Lev wiped his lips with a towel. “Is that all?”

She didn’t bother to look at him as she returned, “Anything more you’d like to add?”

“Yes.” He straightened up and steepled his fingers in front of him. “You’re not allowed to go anywhere without the bodyguards I’ll assign to you. I have a lot of enemies, and soon, news about our marriage will start to spread. If it hasn’t already, that is.”

She shrugged. “That I can do.” However, the thought of having scary, big guys following and watching her wherever she went was unnerving. But after what she witnessed two nights ago, she didn’t ever want to be in a situation where there would be no one to save her.

Life had really been unfair to Zia—dying a gruesome death would be hammering the nail in the coffin. She may not have had a perfect life, but that didn’t mean she wanted it ripped from her.

“You’re free to do whatever you want as long as it does not hurt you or the Bratva,” he said, his tone firmer than it was before. He sounded like he could overlook anything else as long as it didn’t hurt the Bratva.

Zia wasn’t a coward, but she was no fool. She wouldn’t dare to cross a man like Lev in that way, not when shelived under his roof, and he could easily get rid of her if he wanted. She swallowed forcefully. “I won’t. I promise.” Her voice trembled more than she’d hoped, but it was good as long as he knew she meant it.

“Good, then we won’t have any other problems.” His serious mask slipped off, and a more playful one replaced it. “One last thing,Malyshka.”

Zia’s heart thrummed in her chest. She could already guess what he wanted to say before he said it.

“You’re mine, and I do not share what is mine.” His deep baritone voice was laced with a threatening tone as if the mere thought of anyone touching her was already driving him to insanity. “Let another man touch you, and you’ll know how fast I can end a life.”

Chapter 10 - Lev

Clubbing. Drinking. Fucking. Killing.

Those were the only things Lev found interesting enough to engage in. It was either one or the other every night. They’d been the only things he’d indulged in for fun since he joined the mafia and made his first kill at twelve.

Yet things had shifted to a different direction since he met the beautiful and insanely intoxicating woman sitting across from him on the dining.

Scarlet red kissed her cheeks as she blushed. Her big golden-brown eyes widened, and he could swear her breath hitched.

He could feel her body tense with both lust and hatred from the distance between them, and his own cock twitched in response. He barely knew this woman, yet she was his wife and his newest obsession.

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