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The only thing Zia needed was waking up to find that everything had been a dream, but she doubted Sasha could help her with that. Nodding, she said, “Nice to meet you, Sasha. I’m Zia.”

“I already know your name,” Sasha said, her green eyes gleaming. “It’s time for breakfast. Mr. Nikolai said I should let you know.”

As much as she would like nothing more than to turn down breakfast, her stomach churned and growled most of the night. She’d done herself a disservice by going to bed on an empty stomach. She’d never been the type to turn down food because she was angry, but last night had been different.

“Tell him I’ll be down in ten minutes.”

Sasha bobbed her head. “Ten minutes,” she repeated before gingerly walking out of the room and shutting the door behind her.

Flipping the cover off, Zia slid down from the bed and padded to the bathroom. Polina had given her a new toothbrush,toothpaste, and clean towels. There were already soaps and shampoos of different brands in the bathroom by the time she came upstairs after the wedding.

She quickly brushed her teeth, washed her face, and went downstairs.

Lev sat at the head of the table when she came in. He looked even more handsome this morning. His tousled hair, along with the plain black shirt that showed off the muscles on his bicep, did a perfect job of making him look sexy.

He had such beautiful visuals for a man who was so cruel and had blood on his hands.

Lev looked up from his phone and smiled at her. “Good morning, wife.”

She rolled her eyes as she sat on the chair farthest away from him at the opposite end of the table. Despite the distance, she inhaled the citrus and sandalwood scent rolling off him.

Good thing she sat that far away from him because she couldn’t guarantee she would be able to restrain herself from leaning in just to inhale more of that delicious scent.

He tilted his head to look at her. His brow raised inquisitively. “Were you able to catch some good sleep last night?”

Besides the hunger, she’d slept like a baby, only waking up once and wishing she could go downstairs to find something she could eat. But she was not going to admit that, so instead, she grabbed a plate from the center of the table and said, “I had nightmares. Guess who it was about?”

The corners of his lips quirked into a light smile. “Who?”

“You!” She watched his face for a reaction and was surprised when he had the nerve to laugh at her as if she’d said that to entertain him.

Her chest fluttered, but not with rage.

Lev looked even more handsome when he laughed, and it hit her right in the gut that it wasn’t a good thing. Hot, rich, handsome, dangerous, and a beautiful smile was a dangerous combination. Those were her weaknesses.

Her teeth sank into her bottom lips. God, this man must’ve been sent from the deepest part of hell to torment her and her heart.

He had the audacity to look so at ease, so breathtakingly charming, that Zia's irritation simmered beneath her skin. She stabbed a piece of fruit with her fork and chewed it with unnecessary force, avoiding his charismatic gaze.

Lev leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms as he observed her with an amused glint in his eyes.

“Nightmares about me, huh?” he mused, a smirk playing on his lips. “I must be making quite an impression on you then, my dear wife.”

Zia felt her cheeks flush with a mixture of embarrassment and frustration. She hated how effortlessly he seemed to get under her skin, how his mere presence could stir up a whirlwind of conflicting emotions within her. Swallowing the bite of fruit, she leveled him with a challenging glare.

“Don't flatter yourself; you were unbearable. I don’t think it’s a nightmare I’ll forget in a hurry,” she retorted, though the fire in her tone lacked the conviction she hoped to convey.

Lev's smile widened, revealing a glimpse of his dimples as he leaned forward, the glint in his eyes turning mischievous.“Oh, I aim to be unforgettable in every way, Darling. It seems I’m already succeeding.” He chuckled softly, watching her reaction with keen interest.

Zia tried to ignore the flutter in her stomach at his words, instead choosing to focus on her breakfast and not the man sitting across from her. She couldn’t let him see how much his teasing affected her; she had to maintain some semblance of control in this unexpected and unwelcome situation.

As she pushed the food around her plate, trying to appear nonchalant, Lev’s gaze lingered on her with a newfound intensity. “You know,” he began casually, “despite your apparent distaste for me, I can’t help but find your fiery spirit intriguing. Keep this up, wife, and I’ll actually give you a reason never to forget me.”

She raised an eyebrow at him, a mixture of wariness and curiosity swirling within her. “How are you going to do that? Keeping me locked up?”

Lev’s smirk softened into a faint smile. “No. I intend to do it with my head positioned between your legs while you moan my name.”

Zia froze. The heat on her cheeks worked its way between her thighs. He wasn’t bluffing, and she knew it. She knew how heavenly it felt to have him between her legs. She hadn’t forgotten it, and she didn’t think she ever would.

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