Page 51 of The Toughest Play

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He’s right. I do like him.I like the way his hand feels around mine. I like how he seems to be in a perpetually good mood and how quick he is to smile or laugh. I like how easy having a conversation with him is. For someone like me, who doesn’t like making small talk, this is huge. I think it’s really sweet how whenever we’ve been alone, he’s gone out of his way to make sure I’m comfortable—emotionally as well as physically.

We take our time as we wander down the beach. With our hands clasped, we probably look like a couple to the other beach goers. My lips curve at the thought until I glance down at my rounded stomach.No, they’re most likely thinking, why is he with her?

“We haven’t really spoken much about your family. The only thing I know is you’re an only child. Do your parents live in Rhode Island?”

“No, my dad’s in the military and they’re currently in Germany.”

“Were you born in Rhode Island?”

“No. He was stationed in California at that time.”

“Did you have to move around a lot?”


“That must’ve been difficult for you.”

It wasn’t great.“I survived.”

“There’s a difference between surviving a situation and thriving in it.”

“I definitely wasn’t thriving, but I don’t know if I’m a ‘thriver’ in general. Not everyone’s meant to live their life largely. Some of us are content to quietly plug away.”

“There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to personalities or the way we choose to live.”

“Right. And I’m sure my nomadic upbringing has a lot to do with that and many other things.”

“Actually, that explains a lot. I thought you were just mean.”

I scoff and push my shoulder into his. “Now you’re the mean one.”

He laughs. “I’m just messing with you. Are you a little grumpy at times? Sure, you can be. But you’ve never been outright mean to me.”

I glance at him. “That can change at any time.”

“Thanks for the warning. But I bet fired-up Autumn is sexy as hell.”


“You heard me. I bet your cheeks get all flushed and your bosom heaves.”

I suck in a choked gasp and then a laugh bursts from me. “Bosom? Someone’s been reading historical romance novels.”

“Actually, I haven’t read one, but I’m not against it. We could read one together and act out the steamy parts.”

I glance up at him. “You just want to see my bosom heave.”

“Guilty. But can you blame me?” His blue eyes lower to my generous cleavage, then climb back up to meet my amused gaze. He waggles his eyebrows and grins.

Laughing, I shake my head and move my focus back to the seemingly endless shoreline that stretches out in front of us. Thewet sand is pleasantly cool under my feet and the sensation of my soles sinking into the soft surface is pure bliss. The cloudless sky is a deep blue that matches the color of Rogan’s irises. And every once in a while, a sea breeze washes over my sun-drenched skin like a gentle caress. Capping all that off is the fact that I’m holding hands with the hottest man on earth. I’m in the midst of one of those perfect moments life has to offer, and I’m thankful I’m recognizing it as so. This is something I’ll always remember. However, there’s a drawback with memories. They’re never quite as sharp as the original moments are.

“What are you thinking about?” Rogan’s deep voice pulls me from my thoughts. “You look so contemplative. Are you working out the mysteries of the universe?”

I smile. “No. Nothing that complex. I was appreciating how nice this is.”

He stops walking and our tethered hands keep me from moving on. “This?” he presses, moving in front of me.

I squeeze his hand. “This. Us taking a walk on this beautiful beach with the sun brightly shining and the sounds of the ocean all around us. It’s…”

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