Page 52 of The Toughest Play

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“Perfect,” he finishes for me.

I nod slowly. “Yeah, it is.”

He releases my hand, framing my face between his palms. His eyes intensely search mine, as if he’s not sure what he’ll find. There’s a pull between us, an electric charge to the air that can’t be denied, and I’m tired of resisting him.

His face lowers toward mine, accelerating my heart rate so much, I’m convinced it’ll pound free of my chest before I can experience his kiss. My eyelids shutter right before his warm lips briefly settle on mine.

He draws back slightly, nuzzling the tips of our noses together before he presses forward, kissing me again. All gentleness evaporates with the first meeting of our tongues. Myhands move up to clutch his shoulders and I push up onto my toes as the kiss deepens.

Wrapping an arm around my back, he draws me closer, licking the salt from my lips. A large hand lowers, gripping my ass. His other hand slides down from my cheek to possessively circle the front of my neck. The world around us falls away, leaving just the two of us sharing the kiss of my life with the waves rolling in to lap at our feet.

When we finally part, my lips are swollen, and they’re not the only part of me that’s tingling. We stare at each other in stunned silence. I dare say he’s just as surprised as I am at how powerful our physical connection is. I knew I was attracted to him, how could I not be? And I knew he was interested in me, but this could change everything.

He rests his knuckle under my chin. “What could possibly be wrong after that kiss?”

I smile. “The kiss was amazing.”

“And now you’re freaking out?”

“No, I wouldn’t say that. I’m just worried this will change everything between us.”

“I fucking hope so,” he says.

“I fucking hopenot,” I counter.

A flash of annoyance crosses his face. “Would it be so bad if we got romantically involved with one another?”

“I don’t know. It could be good. Or it could be horrible.”

“Or maybe it’ll be mostly fantastic with some bad mixed in. Isn’t that what life is all about?”

“Yeah, it is, but we need to be smart about this. You’re at a crossroads in your career. You’re on the verge of making your goal your reality, and you don’t need anyone or anything to distract you from doing that.”

He nods. “I am, but I hardly think caring about someone else will prevent me from achieving what I want.”

“Do you really want to take that risk?”

He unblinkingly stares into my eyes. “Yes, I do.”

“You do?” I imagined he wouldn’t want to.

“Yes. I told you I’m confident in my ability to handle my job and a relationship with you. Unless you’re a high-maintenance mess who’ll make unreasonable demands of me.”

“I might be,” I tease.

“No way. I don’t get that vibe from you at all.”

“How about we hang out as friends before we decide anything?”

He sweeps a damp lock of hair away from my eyes. “Haven’t we been doing that?”

“This is only the second time.”

“Third if you count dinner at your place,” he corrects.

“Even so, that’s not much.”

He groans. “I can’t believe I’m asking, but what are you thinking?”

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