Page 91 of Before It Was Love

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“I know, silly. I’m going to pay half.”

“You’re what?” He explodes.

“Simmer down, pirate man. I have money saved up. Plus, I’m not paying rent now because my landlord isn’t meeting his obligations.”

“You should use your money for you.”

I scowl at him. “I’m using the money how I want to. To help a fellow smuggler. This is how we do it on the island or have you forgotten?”

“Fine,” he grunts. “I’ll give you the materials at cost and I’ll do as much of the labor myself as I can.”

I squeal and throw my arms around him. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

He gives me a brief hard kiss. “Don’t thank me until you have the estimate. It may be more than you’re willing to spend.”

I wave his concern away. “It’ll be fine.” I grab the door handle. “Now, come on. We have work to do.”

“Wait for me.”

I pause with my hand on the handle. I could yell at him that I’m an independent woman. But there’s nothing wrong with a man opening a door for me.

He opens my door and offers me his hand. “I’m surprised you didn’t bitch at me.”

I keep hold of his hand as we walk into the rear entrance of the bakery. “My momma didn’t raise no fool.”

Parker rushes out of the kitchen. “Oh, thank goodness you’re here. Wait. Why are you both here? My business will boom if Flynn works behind the counter.”

She’s not wrong. “Is it okay if Flynn checks out the apartment upstairs? You need an estimate for the repairs to prepare the apartment to rent.”

She smiles but it’s forced. “Go ahead. Appreciate it, Flynn.” She hands him a key.

“Behave,” Flynn tells me before leaving.

Parker sighs once he’s gone. “You got bitten by the love bug.”

I grin. It’s true. I love that man something fierce. But he doesn’t know yet. I wipe the grin off of my face.

“You can’t tell anyone.”

She scowls. “Why? Are you his dirty little secret?”

I lock my muscles before I flinch. Keeping a secret and being a dirty little secret are not the same thing, I remind myself.

“No. But I haven’t told him I love him yet. I want him to hear it from me and not the advertisement in theSmuggler’s Gazettemy girlfriends will place once they find out.”

Her brow wrinkles. “Your girlfriends don’t know?”


“They’ve seen you two together?”

“They have.”

She laughs. “Girl, your friends know. The heart cartoons in your eyes are nearly blinding.”

“Whatever,” I mutter since I’m afraid she’s right. “Put me to work.”

“Come on. I’ll show you how the cash register works since you can’t bake.”

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