Page 92 of Wicked Submission

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“You underestimate our teeth, sister,” Reid assures her. “And we don’t even have to be angry to show them.”

Someone opens the door. “We need you, Reese.”

“On my way,” Reese calls over his shoulder, before looking at me. “I need to speak to your mother.”

“We’re flying her in from the Hamptons,” Gabe supplies.

“Call Cat when she arrives,” Reese instructs. “She’ll communicate with me.”

Gabe nods at Reese and Cat pats the table in front of me. “Be strong. This will all work out.” She’s sweet and kind, her support appreciated but I don’t miss the way her voice is now a different octave, defeat just below the surface. Her father’s involvement has changed this for her. She’s worried and I’m not sure what to make of just how worried.

She and Reese stand, followed by Reid, and in a splatter of fast activity, Gabe and I are left to watch the door seal us inside the room alone, every mistake I’ve made since meeting Gabe tormenting me with its closure; the only kind of closure we have right now. Kenneth is the only one who has closure. The kind you don’t come back from.

Chapter fifty-four



Hand in hand, Gabe and I follow the rest of the group, stepping out into the courtroom hallway where Cat is awaiting us. “Why don’t you go to our place? There’s no chance you’ll get sideswiped that way. All the reporters stalking Reese are here right now.” She looks at me. “Have your mother come to us, too. Then Reese can meet with her as soon as he’s free.”

“I have a dog now,” Gabe says. “We need to get home.”

“Bring him with you,” Cat offers. “We love furbabies. We babysat Reid and Carrie’s cat and dog while they were gone.”

“What if my dog eats their cat?” Gabe challenges and despite all of this, I laugh.

“He named him Dexter,” I explain, “and he did so because, despite all his friendliness, Gabe is certain that he’s a killer.”

Cat gives her brother a dubious look. “I’m certain that comes from a deep-rooted distrust of pretty much the entire world. Bring Dexter for a playdate. It sounds fun, and I think the baby wants pizza so we’ll order pizza.” She places her hand on herbelly, considers a moment and then confirms. “Yes. Pizza. Non-negotiable.”

I laugh but it comes out choked, my emotions masked but not buried. “Thanks, Cat, for everything. You two—or—” I glance at her belly, “three, have been nothing but wonderful to me, and even my mother. I know it’s about protecting Gabe, but you’ve made me feel like an old friend.”

“A new friend,” she says. “You’re one of us now and our clan protects our own, except for the father who would eat his own children.” She hugs me I suspect to hide the emotions radiating in those words. “You’re good for him,” she whispers next to my ear. “You just don’t know it yet.” She releases me, and as she hugs Gabe, I’m quaking inside.

I’m good for him.

I want to be, but she’s right. I really don’t know it right now. Cat hurries back to court while Reid joins us. “Party at Cat’s house. I heard.” He eyes Gabe. “We need a minute.”

“Because you want to talk about me and you can’t when I’m with you?” I ask, because he couldn’t get more obvious.

Reid’s eyes dance with unfettered amusement. “You have a mouth on you, don’t you?”

“Yes,” Gabe says. “She does.” He steps into me and cups my face. “Use it to get all of my secrets later when we’re alone.” My cheeks heat with the comment that Reid has to have heard, but Gabe is already kissing me. “Give me two minutes, baby.” He releases me and walks away with his brother, that endearment of “baby” doing funny things to my belly.

I turn away from the two brothers, and stare down the long hallway, watching people hurry past, headed toward the courtrooms that hold destinies for both those who are on trial and those affected by the trial. I feel as if this is where I’m going to end up, with Reese defending me. I just have to make sure Gabe and my mother don’t end up here, too.

“Ready, baby?” Gabe asks, sliding his arm around my shoulders and setting us in motion.

“What was that, Gabe?”

“Reid’s going to take Dexter out. I told him to leave him at home. It might be too much for him to come with us. And I don’t want to take any chances of us getting cornered before we can get a game plan going with your mother.”

“You’re that worried?”

“Yes. Dexter is a killer.”

“Gabe,” I say. “You know what I’m talking about.”

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