Page 55 of Salvation

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The corridor seemed endless, doors lining both sides. I had no idea where I was going, but I knew I couldn’t stop. Shouts echoed through the building – as his men were alerted now.

I rounded a corner and saw a stairwell. Without hesitation, I flung myself down the steps, taking them two at a time. I could hear Volkov scream, “Find her! Don’t let her escape!”

I reached the bottom of the stairs and found myself in a large room. Crates and shipping containers created a maze of potential hiding spots. I ducked behind a stack of boxes, trying to catch my breath and think.

The nail was still clutched in my hand, a pitiful weapon but it was all I had. I closed my eyes, listening intently. Footsteps and shouts were coming from all directions now.

I knew I wouldn’t stay hidden forever. Sooner or later, they would find me. I had to keep moving, had to find a way out. Opening my eyes, I scanned the area, looking for any sign of an exit.

That’s when I saw it – a small window high up on the far wall. It wasn’t much, but it was my only chance. Taking a deep breath, I prepared to make a run for it, knowing that my next move could mean the difference between freedom and a fate worse than death at Volkov’s hands.

But he reached me first. Grabbing me from behind, he turned me around then backhanded me across the face. Exhausted from the night, I fell to the ground. The next thing I knew he was shouting something in Russian as he pounced on me.

I struggled against his grip, but he was too strong. With his free hand, he produced a syringe filled with a clear liquid.

“Just a little insurance,” he murmured, bringing the needle closer to my neck. “Can’t have you causing trouble before your lover boy and brother show up now, can we?”

I thrashed wildly, desperate to avoid the needle. In my panic, I remembered the nail still clutched in my hand. With all my strength, I drove it into Volkov’s thigh. He roared in pain, his grip loosening just enough for me to bring my knee up between us and catch him in the balls.

The syringe clattered to the floor as he went down, and I scrambled away. Volkov’s men were closing in fast. I dove between two shipping containers, my heart pounding. The narrow gap was barely wide enough for me to squeeze through.

I could hear Volkov bellowing orders, his voice thick with rage. “Find her! Bring her to me alive!”

I emerged on the other side of the containers and sprinted toward the far wall. The window was my only hope now. Gunshots rang out, bullets whizzing past me. I zigzagged between crates, trying to make myself a harder target.

Finally, I reached the wall. The window was at least ten feet up, with no obvious way to reach it. I scanned frantically for anything I could use to climb. There was a pile of plastic milk crates stacked nearby. I began dragging them over, muscles throughout my body screaming with the efforts of the night.

The sound of running footsteps grew louder. I stacked the crates as quickly as I could, creating a makeshift set of stairs. It was rickety, but it would have to do. I scrambled up, my fingers grasping for the windowsill.

Just as I pulled myself up, a hand grabbed my ankle.

Chapter 27


We parked a block away and went on foot. Sixty men, an army of Irish Clansmen, had one mission and that was to save our own. For me, it was to save my woman. She, of course, didn’t know it yet, but I was not going to take no for an answer when this was all said and done.

With each step we took towards the dilapidated meat packing plant, my heart pounded harder in my chest for fear of what I might find when Kat was found.

The stench of rust and decay hung heavy in the air as we crept through the shadows, weapons at the ready. I could feel the tension and fear radiating from my team as we approached the building.

We had received information that Kat was being held inside, and I would do whatever it took to get her out alive. The plan was for me to take thirty men, Declan the other thirty, and surroundthe building. I signaled for my men to spread out and cover all potential exits while I led the main assault through the front.

As we prepared to breach the building, I could hear the muffled sounds of armed men patrolling inside. My jaw clenched with determination as I glanced back at my team. This was it - no turning back now.

After giving the signal, we burst through the doors, catching Volkov’s guards by surprise. Gunfire exploded, echoing off the walls of the cavernous space. We moved forward, taking cover behind anything we could find.

Amidst the chaos and carnage, I searched desperately for any sign of Kat. Room after room was empty, and I couldn’t help but feel disappointment and growing dread in my chest.

But then, just as hope began to fade, I heard a woman’s cry from behind a heavy metal door. Without hesitation, I ordered my team to cover me as I sprinted towards her voice.

When I kicked open the door, my blood ran cold at the sight before me. A woman was strapped to a chair, her face bruised and bloodied. And standing over her with a knife in his hand was Volkov. But it wasn’t Kat.

Pure rage consumed me as I raised my gun and fired at him. He fell to the ground with a cry of pain,clutching his shoulder.

The woman screamed and bolted out of her chair and past me.

“Where the fuck is Kat, Volkov?”

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