Page 54 of Salvation

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My hands were zipped tied in front of me and a black hood was pulled over my head. The car peeled away, tires squealing, I fought to control my panic. Where were they taking me? What did Volkov want with me? The questions swirled in my mind as we drove. I tried desperately to note each turn and bump in the road, but it was no use, I lost track.

I don’t know how long we drove. It could have been minutes or hours. Finally, the car came to a stop. Rough hands pulled me out, the gravel crunching under my feet as they marched me forward. A door creaked open, and I was shoved inside, the hood finally ripped off my head.

I blinked in the sudden light, finding myself in what looked like a room in an abandoned warehouse. Alone.

I paced the small room, my mind racing. The room was dimly lit, with boarded-up windows anda musty smell that spoke of how long the place had been unoccupied. My captors had left me alone, but I knew it was only a matter of time before Volkov or his men returned.

I needed to find a way out, and fast.

I scanned the room for anything I could use as a weapon or tool to attack the wood covering the window. But there wasn’t much - some old crates, bits of rusted metal, a rickety chair. But then I spotted it - a nail sticking out from one of the wooden crates.

Moving quickly, I worked the nail free. It wasn’t much, but it was better than nothing. I slipped it into my pocket just as I heard footsteps approaching.

The door creaked open, and Volkov sauntered in, flanked by two of his goons. His eyes raked over me in a way that made my skin crawl.

“Ah, my dear Katrina,” he purred. “I trust you’re finding your accommodations... comfortable?”

I glared at him. “What do you want with me, Volkov?”

He chuckled. “Straight to business. I like that.” He took a step closer. “What I want, my dear, is very simple. I want you to be my... guest for a while amongst other things. And until your brotherDeclan sees reason and gives me what I want because your father is feeble minded and doesn’t know shit.”

I raised my chin a notch. “How do you know Declan is my brother?”

“Like I said, your father is feeble minded. All I did was tell him that I was a nurse and taking him home. He was tickled pink thinking he was going to be able to see his daughter Katrina everyday going forward. It doesn’t take Einstein to know that Kat is short for Katrina,” he grinned.

What a fucking asshole. I resisted the urge to spit in his face and instead asked, “And what might it be that you want?”

His chuckle made my skin crawl. “Why, everything that the MacGallan Clan runs. And if he does that, I’ll let you go.”

“And if he doesn’t?” I asked, fighting to keep my voice steady.

Volkov’s smile turned cruel. “Then I’m afraid our time together might become rather... unpleasant.”

I felt a chill run down my spine, but I refused to show fear. “You’re making a mistake,” I said. “My family will come for me.”

“Oh, I’m counting on it,” he replied. “In fact, I’m rather looking forward to it.”

With that, he turned and left, his men following close behind. The door slammed shut, leaving me alone once more.

I let out a shaky breath, my hand closing around the nail in my pocket. Volkov was right about one thing – he would know when my family would come for me. And when they did, I’d be ready for him.

But I wasn’t. He came sneaking in when I dozed off in the chair.


I jolted awake, my heart racing as I realized he was looming over me. His cold eyes glinted in the dim light, and I could smell the faint scent of vodka on his breath.

“Sweet dreams, Katrina?” he whispered, his voice dripping with malice.

I tried to stand, but my legs were wobbly from sitting for so long. Volkov’s hand shot out, gripping my arm with bruising force.

“Not so fast, my dear,” he said. “We have some unfinished business to attend to.”

I fumbled for the nail in my pocket, my fingers closing around it just as he yanked me towardshim. In one fluid motion, I whipped the nail out and slashed at his face. He roared in pain, releasing me as he stumbled backward.

Blood trickled from a thin cut on his cheek, and his eyes blazed with fury. “You little bitch!” he snarled.

I knew I had only seconds before he recovered. I darted for the door, praying it wasn’t locked. To my relief, the handle turned, and I burst into the hallway. I could hear Volkov’s heavy footsteps behind me as I ran, my heart pounding in my ears.

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