Page 53 of Salvation

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I watched his expression change as he listened, hope blooming in his eyes. “You’re sure? Alright, we’re on our way. In the meantime, keep searching.”

He hung up and immediately made a sharp U-turn, tires squealing.

“What is it?” I demanded. “Did they find her?”

“One of our informants spotted a group of Russians entering an old meat packing plant on the outskirts of town,” Declan explained, his foot flooring the gas pedal. “It’s not much, but it’s the best lead we’ve had all night. But just in case, Connor is still on it.”

My heart raced as we sped through the darkstreets. Hold on, Kat, I thought fiercely. We’re coming for you.


After sneaking in and searching the empty building, we knew it was a bust.

And as we drove back to the estate, my mind raced with possibilities. Where could they have taken Kat? What did Volkov want with her? The image of her unconscious body being dragged away haunted me despite not seeing it.

“We need to think this through logically,” Declan said. “Volkov wouldn’t risk taking her out of the city so soon. He’ll wait until the heat dies down.”

“But where?” Wren asked, her voice tight with worry. “He must have dozens of safe houses.”

I closed my eyes, trying to focus past the throbbing in my head. “The notebook,” I said suddenly. “The one we found at Marcus’s place. It had addresses - places where they kept the trafficked women.”

Declan nodded grimly. “Good thinking. We’ll start there.”

As we pulled up to the estate, I was out of the car before it had fully stopped. We burst into thehouse and went straight to Declan’s office, where Connor was waiting with a grim expression.

“Any news?” I demanded.

Connor shook his head staring at a laptop. “Other than Tomas is sound asleep up in his room with Ian and Charlie standing guard in the hallway, nothing yet. But I’ve got our tech guys working on tracing Volkov’s known associates, cell phones, anything that might give us a lead.”

Connor spun around on his stool and looked at Declan. “The hospital called. Apparently they tried calling you. Anywho, they want to know when you will be bringing Tomas back.”

“They are the reason why Volkov took him in the first place! Call them back and tell them they can go fuck themselves. He’s staying right here.”

Connor nodded. “With pleasure.”

As he walked off to make the call, frustration and fear gnawed at my insides, I paced the room like a caged animal. “It’s not enough. We need to do more. Every second we waste...”

“We’re doing everything we can, Rory,” Declan said firmly. “But we can’t just charge in blind. That’ll only get Kat killed.”

I knew he was right, but it didn’t make the waiting any easier. As the others pored over maps and made phone calls, I found myself staring outthe window, my mind filled with memories of Kat. Her unwavering fierceness, her quick wit, the way her eyes lit up when she smiled...

I silently vowed that I would find her, no matter what it took. And when I did, I’d make Volkov pay for every second of fear and pain he’d caused her.

Suddenly, Connor’s voice cut through my thoughts. “I think I’ve got something!”

We all crowded around his laptop as he pointed to a blinking dot on a map. “One of Volkov’s lieutenants just used his credit card at a gas station out near the old industrial district.”

“That’s got to be it,” I said, already heading for the door. “Let’s go.”

As we geared up, strapping on bulletproof vests and checking our weapons, I caught Declan’s eye.

“We’re bringing her home,” he said, his voice full of quiet determination. “No matter what it takes.”

I nodded, a grim smile on my face, as I stuck a Glock in each of the holsters wrapped around my thighs. “No matter what it takes.”

Chapter 26


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