Page 52 of Salvation

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“Your boss can go fuck himself,” I spat, anger overriding my fear.

The Russian clicked his tongue disapprovingly. “Such language. But no matter. My orders are not to kill you... yet.” His gaze shifted to Kat, and I felt my blood run cold. “The girl, however, she comes with me.”

“Over my dead body,” I snarled, pulling Kat closer to me.

The Russian shrugged. “If you insist.”

I saw the butt of the gun swinging towards my head, but I was too slow to avoid it. Pain exploded behind my eyes, and I felt myself falling backwards. And this time I saw stars as my world started to close in around me. The last thing I heard before succumbing to the darkness was the Russian’s voice, cold and amused: “Sweet dreams, Mr. Hennessy. When you wake up, your little friend will be long gone.”

My last conscious thought was of Kat, and the terrifying knowledge that I had failed to protect her.


I awoke with a pounding headache, the tasteof blood in my mouth from biting my tongue. For a moment, I couldn’t remember where I was or what happened. Then it all came rushing back - the warehouse, the explosion, Kat...


I bolted upright, ignoring the wave of dizziness that threatened to send me back to the ground. My eyes frantically scanned the area, but there was no sign of her. Flames still licked at the vehicle, casting an eerie glow on the front yard of the estate.

“Kat!” I screamed, my voice cracking. “KAT!”

Only silence answered me. Panic clawed at my chest as I stumbled to my feet. How long had I been out? Where had they taken her?


I spun around to see Declan and Wren getting out of their car and running towards me, their faces etched with concern.

“What happened? Where’s my father, where’s Kat?” Declan demanded as they reached me.

I rubbed the goose egg size bump on the back of my head and winced. “Your dad is in the house with Connor. And Volkov’s men,” I growled, the memory of the Russian’s cold eyes making my blood boil, “they took Kat. I couldn’t... I failed her.”

Wren put a hand on my shoulder. “It’s not your fault. We’ll get her back.”

Declan grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet, his expression hardened. “Damn right we will. No one takes my sister and gets away with it.”

I nodded, pushing aside my guilt and self blame. There would be time for that later. Right now, Kat needs us.

“We need to move fast,” I said. “Every minute she’s with them...”

I couldn’t finish the thought. The idea of what Volkov and his men might do to her was too horrifying to even think about.

“I’ll get men combing the streets,” Declan said. “We’ll find her, Rory. I promise you that.”


The hours crawled by like years as we scoured the city for any sign of Kat. Every lead turned into a dead end, every possible hideout empty. The frustration and fear were eating me alive.

“Nothing,” I growled, slamming my fist against the dashboard as we pulled away from yet another abandoned warehouse. “How the fuck can they just disappear like this?”

Declan’s knuckles were white on the steering wheel. “We’ll find her, Rory. We have to.”

I ran a hand through my hair, trying to push down the panic threatening to overwhelm me. “What if we’re too late? What if Volkov’s already...” I couldn’t bring myself to finish the sentence.

Declan’s jaw clenched. “Don’t think like that. Kat’s tough. She’ll hold on until we get to her.”

I nodded, trying to believe his words. But the image of Kat, scared and alone, possibly hurt, kept flashing through my mind. I should have protected her better. I should have never let her get involved in this mess.

Just then, Declan’s phone rang. He answered it quickly, his voice tense. “What is it?”

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