Page 41 of Salvation

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Declan sighed, “She insisted on coming.”

“And a good thing I did,” Wren chimed in, her eyes gleaming with excitement. “I’ve got some information you might want to hear.”

Declan’s expression softened slightly at the sight of his wife, but he still looked like he’d swallowed a lemon. “What is it, little goose?”

Kat’s eyes widened. “Did you call her a goose?”

“You’ve never heard him call me that before?” Wren grinned and waved her hand in the air. “It’s his nickname for me.” She saw the exasperated look on Declan’s face and said, “I will tell you about it someday. Anyway, while you were busy playing gangsters, I decided to make myself useful. Did a bit of digging on my phone. Turns out, our dear Marcus has been a busy boy. He’s got a storage unit rented under an alias on the outskirts of town.”

Leave it to Wren to uncover what we’d all missed. I couldn’t help but smirk, “Looks like we’ve got our first stop on the Marcus hunt.”

Kat nodded, a predatory gleam in her eye. “Good work, Wren. At least someone’s on top of things around here.”

“Oh!” Wren said, excitedly, “I thought you would like a change of clothes, come with me.” She took hold of Kat’s hand and led the way to the SUV.

I watched as Wren dragged Kat away, shaking my head with a grin. That woman is a force of nature.

“Alright Rory,” Declan’s gruff voice snapped me back to attention. “While the ladies are getting sorted, let’s make a plan. This storage unit could be a trap.”

I nodded, “Or it could be a place he holds the women he’s selling.”

I felt my jaw clench at the thought. Human trafficking was one of those lines even most mobsters wouldn’t cross. But Marcus? That slippery bastard had no morals to speak of.

“Agreed,” Declan growled, his eyes hardening. “We’ll need to approach this carefully. Can’t risk tipping him off or endangering any potential victims.”

I nodded, already running through scenarios in my head. “First we should scope out the place, see what kind of security we’re dealing with.”

“Good thinking,” Declan said, his tone approving. “Take Connor with you. He’s got a good eye for detail.”

“For food maybe. Declan, Connor has never done anything like this before,” I reminded him.

“I know, but with my dad in the hospital, he’s bored.”

“I thought he was supposed to be coming home?”

Declan sighed. “When I find a suitable nurse, he will be.”

Connor chose that moment to saunter over, a smile playing on his lips. “Heard my name. What trouble are we getting into now?”

I filled him in quickly, watching as his expression grew serious.

“Are you sure you want in on this Connor?” I asked.

He nodded. “I’m in. When do we leave?”

“As soon as the ladies are ready,” I replied, glancing over at the SUV where Wren was chatting excitedly to Kat through the open window of the vehicle’s door. “Though at this rate, that could be a while.”

Declan snorted, a rare hint of amusement crossing his face. “You’d think they were preparing for a night out, not a potential firefight.”

Just then, the SUV door swung open, and Kat emerged, looking like she was ready to take on the world. Gone was the disheveled woman from earlier, replaced by a lean, mean fighting machine in black clothing, her hair pulled atop her head in a bun.

“Alright, boys,” she called out, her voice carrying a hint of challenge. “Are we ready to do this, or are we just gonna stand around gossiping all day?”

“Declan,” Wren said, “We are going too.”

He opened his mouth to argue but instead threw up his hand in defeat. “Why the hell not?”

As everyone piled into the SUV’s, I looked at Kat. “You alright there, darlin’?” I asked quietly.

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