Page 42 of Salvation

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She shot me a glare that could have melted steel. “I’m fine. And stop calling me darlin’.”

I couldn’t help but grin. This was going to be interesting.

Chapter 21


I rolled my eyes at Rory’s grin, trying to ignore the way it made my stomach flutter.Focus, Kat. We’ve got a job to do.

As we pulled out onto the deserted road, I liked the familiar rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins. It had been too long since I’d been in the ring. The incident with Xavier may have ended my career, but it hadn’t dulled my instincts or my hunger for a good fight.

“So, what’s the plan?” I asked, leaning forward between the front seats where Rory and Declan sat.

“We’re gonna do a drive-by first,” Rory explained, his eyes flicking to mine in the rearview mirror. “Get a feel for the layout, security measures, potential entry and exit points.”

Connor nodded, looking more serious than I’d ever seen the usually jovial chef. “Then we’ll parksomewhere inconspicuous and do some on-foot surveillance.”

“Sounds good,” I said, settling back in my seat. “Just don’t forget I’m not a damsel you need to protect. I can handle myself.”

Rory chuckled, and I just knew that infuriating grin was back on his face. “Trust me, darlin’, I haven’t forgotten. You’re probably the most dangerous one in this car.”

I opened my mouth to snap at him for the ‘darlin’ again, but something in his tone made me pause. There was a hint of admiration there, maybe even respect. I felt my cheeks warm and quickly turned to look out the window, cursing myself for reacting like some schoolgirl with a crush.

As we approached the outskirts of town, the mood in the car shifted. Wren, who had been unusually quiet, suddenly piped up from beside me.

“Remember, we’re not here to start a war,” she said, her voice uncharacteristically stern. “This is about getting information and getting out. No unnecessary risks.”

I caught the look in Declan’s eyes as he glanced back at his wife, a mix of pride and concern on his face. It was clear he was torn between wanting to protect her and respecting her decision to be here.

As we rounded a corner, a sprawlingcompound came into view. High walls, security cameras, and what looked like armed guards patrolling the perimeter.

“Well, this isn’t a storage unit,” Connor muttered, “looks like this won’t be as easy as we had thought.”

I felt a grim smile spread across my face. “Easy is boring,” I said, cracking my knuckles.

Declan turned in his seat and looked at me. “I think you and Wren should stay here.”

“What?! Why?” we said in unison. But Wren added, “And miss all the fun?”

I rolled my eyes, ready to launch into a tirade about how we weren’t delicate flowers to be left behind. But Rory beat me to it.

“Now, now, Declan,” he said, his Irish lilt more pronounced than ever. “Let’s not go insulting the ladies. Kat here could probably take down half those guards with one hand tied behind her back.”

I shot him a surprised look.Was he actually defending me?

Declan’s jaw clenched. “It’s not about their abilities. It’s about keeping a low profile. The fewer of us there are, the less chance of being spotted.”

“He’s got a point,” Connor chimed in from the driver’s seat. “But so does Rory. We might need Kat for backup if things go sideways.”

Wren leaned forward, her eyes glinting with determination. “How about a compromise? Kat and I stay in the car. If you boys aren’t back in... let’s say, 30 minutes, we come in after you.”

I nodded, reluctantly admitting it was a solid plan. “Fine. But if I hear so much as a whisper of trouble, I’m not waiting for the clock to run out.”

Declan looked like he wanted to argue, but Wren silenced him with a look. It was almost comical how quickly the fearsome mob Captain backed down.

“Alright,” he grumbled. “30 minutes. Not a second sooner.”

As the men prepared to leave, Rory caught my eye. “Try not to miss me too much, darlin’,” he said with a wink.

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