Page 40 of Salvation

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“This doesn’t concern you, Volkov,” I growled, trying to buy time. “Walk away now, and we can forget this ever happened.”

Melor’s laugh was cold and mirthless. “Oh, but it does concern me, Mr. Hennessy. You see, Marcus here owes me quite a bit of money and women. And I’ve come to collect.”

In a flash, one of Melor’s men lunged forward, grabbing for Marcus. Without thinking, I shoved him back, and all hell broke loose.

Fists flew and bodies collided as the night erupted into chaos. I caught a glimpse of Kat, her emerald dress shimmering as she ducked under a swing and delivered a vicious uppercut to one of Melor’s goons. Pride swelled in my chest as I fought with my own attacker.

Connor was holding his own against two men, his face a mask of grim determination. But we were outnumbered, and I could see exhaustion setting in on Connor and Kat’s faces.

Just as I thought we were about to be overthrown, the roar of engines split the air. Headlights flooded the street as three black SUVs screeched to a halt, Declan and our men poured out with weapons drawn.

The skirmish shifted, Melor’s men falling back under the onslaught. But the Russian himself slipped away in the confusion, his cold voice carrying over the fray, “This isn’t over, Hennessy. Not by a long shot.”

As the last of Melor’s men retreated into the night, I surveyed the damage. Cuts, bruises, but no broken bones, and we were all still standing. Kat limped over to me, her dress torn and hair messy, but her eyes shimmered with fierce satisfaction.

Wincing as I probed a tender spot on my jaw, I shot her a lopsided grin. “Remind me never to get on your bad side.”

She blew a stray lock of hair from her face. “Please, Rory. You’re already on my bad side. You just happen to be useful… sometimes.”

Then she grinned, and I was floored. The woman was flirting with me.

I clutched my chest in mock hurt. “You wound me, darlin’. And here I thought we were becoming fast friends.”

She rolled her eyes and laughed. Before shecould respond, Declan strode over, his expression thunderous.

“What the hell happened here?” he demanded, glaring at me and Kat. “I gave you instructions to find out what was going on with the women in the club, and you two start a bloody war in the streets?”

I held up my hands defensively. “Hey now, it wasn’t exactly our idea. Melor Volkov showed up looking for Marcus. Things got a bit... heated.”

Declan’s scowl deepened. “That was Volkov? What the hell did he do, bleach his hair?”

I looked at Kat and in a way of explanation said, “He used to have jet black hair.”

But Declan was on a roll and cut in with, “Christ, that’s all we need,” he muttered, looking around. “Where’s Marcus now?”

I glanced around, suddenly realizing I’d lost track of him in the chaos. “Uh... good question.”

Kat cursed under her breath. “He must have slipped away during the fight. Sneaky bastard.”

Declan pinched the bridge of his nose, looking like he was fighting off a migraine. “Fantastic. So now we’ve got a Russian mobster out for blood and a missing idiot. Any other disasters you two would like to add to my plate?”

“Not that I can think of,” I said.

Declan raised a brow at me and for a second, I thought he was going to deck me. But then he looked away as if he were counting to ten then said, “Find Marcus and get him over to the warehouse on Yonge Street. If my suspicions are right, he’s been making a nice little nest egg on the side with the Russians. And where the hell is that damn notebook?”

Connor stepped forward with it in his hand. Declan snatched the notebook and started flipping through it with a scowl. “Christ, this is worse than I thought. Marcus has been dealing with Volkov for months.”

I whistled low. “That explains the new Rolex he’s been flashing around.”

Kat crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing. “So, what’s the plan? We can’t exactly let this slide.”

Declan’s jaw clenched. “No, we can’t. Rory, I want you and Kat to track down Marcus. Use whatever means necessary, but bring him in alive. I’ve got some questions for our friend.”

I locked eyes with Kat, seeing her determination reflected in them. “We’ll get it done,” I said.

As we spun around to make our exit, Wren leaped out of one of the SUVs, her cheeks flushed.

“You brought Wren along?” I questioned,surprised.

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