Page 39 of Salvation

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“Agreed,” Connor said, already moving towards Marcus. “I’ll take care of our friend here. You two head back to the estate.”

I hesitated, torn between wanting to stay and help Connor and knowing we needed to get the evidence to safety. Rory sensed my indecision and placed a hand on my lower back, gently guiding me towards the door.

I shook my head. “No, this is too dangerous, we aren’t leaving without you Connor.”

“She’s right.” Rory reached beneath his jacket and produced a gun. “Take her out into the hallway, and call the cleanup crew,” he said to Connor as he twisted a silencer onto the end of his pistol.

Connor reached for my arm, but I shook him off and held out my hand to Rory. “Give me the gun.”

Rory hesitated, his eyes darting between me and it. “Kat, I don’t think—”

“Give me the damn gun, Rory,” I snapped, my patience wearing thin. “I’m not some delicate flower you need to protect. I’ve dealt with worse than this piece of shit.”

Connor chuckled, earning a glare from bothof us. “She’s got a point, mate. I watched the warehouse video.”

“Shooting a person is not the same as shooting a target on a bale of straw,” Rory sighed, his eyes almost pleading with me. Finally, when he saw that I wasn’t backing down he reluctantly handed it to me. “Fine but be careful. Declan will have my head if anything happens to you.”

I rolled my eyes, checking the gun’s clip. “Declan can kiss my ass. I’m a big girl, I can handle myself.”

As I approached Marcus’s unconscious form, a surge of anger rushed through me. This scumbag had hurt so many innocent girls, and for what? Power? Money? The sick thrill of it? He reminded me of Xavier.

“You two, out,” I ordered, my voice steady despite the rage bubbling inside me.

Rory opened his mouth to protest, but Connor grabbed his arm, shaking his head. They left quietly, closing the door behind them.

I stood over Marcus, gun trained on his head. It would be so easy to pull the trigger, to end his miserable existence right here and now. But that would be too quick, too merciful for the likes of him.

Instead, I grabbed what little hair he had onhis head and yanked it back. His eyes fluttered open, confusion quickly giving way to fear as he recognized me.

“There you are, sunshine,” I growled. “You and I are going to have a little chat about that notebook of yours.”

Suddenly, Connor burst into the room, his voice low and urgent. “Kat, wait. We might need him alive.”

“For what?” I spat, letting go of his hair and was satisfied to hear his head thud on the floor.

“There is more to that notebook than meets the eye. It’s a code for something that Rory and I can’t figure out.”

“Where is Rory?” I asked.

Connor jerked his thumb over his shoulder. “On the phone with Declan. He said to bring him in.”

I sighed and looked at the piece of shit at my feet. “Well, this is your lucky night Marcus,” I said, knocking him out again.

Chapter 20


As we dragged Marcus out to the car, the night air thick with tension, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. The streets were too quiet. My eyes darted from alley to alley, searching for any sign of movement.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the darkness, followed by another, and another. Before I could shout a warning, we were surrounded by a group of men in dark suits, their faces hard and unforgiving.

“Well, well, well,” a smooth voice cut through the night. “What do we have here?”

A tall man with silver hair stepped forward, his eyes glinting dangerously in the dim streetlight. I recognized him instantly - Melor Volkov, the Russian mob boss we’d been trying to push out of our territory for months.

“Looks like you’re having some staff issues,”Melor smirked, nodding at the unconscious Marcus. “Perhaps I can be of assistance?”

I felt Kat tense beside me, her hand inching towards the gun she had somehow hidden beneath her dress. I subtly shook my head, hoping she’d understand. We were outnumbered and outgunned.

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