Page 48 of Her Christmas Wish

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“Sure,” Brit smiled and took one from the bag. “I’m heading to Mack’s, is there anything you need?”

“Ah no.” Kim shook her head. “I was going to ask you if you’re doing anything tonight? I know you and Luke have been hanging out, so I didn’t know if you had plans or not.”

Brit scratched her forehead. “Ah kinda, Luke was going to make me dinner—”

Kim snapped her head up, a surprised look on her face. “Luke?!” She cackled. “Luke can’t cook!”

Brit laughed. “He said that, so I offered to cook for him, I’m just not sure where. He mentioned that Ben and Abbi are going to Springbank, and he would cook dinner there, but when I offered, he didn’t clarify.” She shrugged. “I’m just going to Mack’s to get the supplies and go from there.”

Kim's hand came down with an unexpected bang on the table, causing Brit to jump.

“I've got it all figured out,” she announced. “You should use this kitchen. For once there aren’t any guests, so Dean and I are going with Ben and Abbi overnight to Springbank, Christmas shopping. Jasmine isn’t going to be here cuz she’s sleeping over at a friend's place. I was worried about leaving the inn empty, which is why I was curious about your evening. But this? It's the perfect solution.”

“Wonderful,” Brit smiled. “I’d rather use this one to be honest. I would feel weird being at Abbi and Ben’s with them not there. Thanks Kim.” She looked at the clock on the wall. “I better get a move on. Enjoy your time in Springbank.”

Chapter 17

Brit left out the kitchendoor, crossed the patio and passed the solarium/dining room to the laneway that led towards the front of the inn to the road. The lake was dotted with people ice fishing, skating and the roar of snowmobiles flying across its frozen surface, despite the chill, it was a beautiful sunny day for outdoor activities.

She was walking along the road and came to the part that either went to the right up the hill towards the village or straight, where a sign posted read ‘private road’. That was where Ava and Mark’s house along the lake sat, and further down, the road ended at Ben and Abbi’s house. It was a short jaunt up the road to the village and in no time, she was passing Tim’s bar on her way to Mack’s store.

She pushed open the door and the tinkling of the bell overhead announced her arrival.

“Brit, how are you doing?” Mack called out from behind the breakfast bar that he was wiping down.

“I’m good Mack, how about yourself?” she asked with a smile as she stamped her feet on the rubber mat.

“Good, good. Beautiful sunny day out there, isn’t it?” He asked.

She blinked her eyes a few times, trying to adjust her vision to the store’s interior. “It sure is, a little too bright bouncing off the snow the way it is though. Do you have any fresh chops by chance?” This time of year, when the tourist season was slow, Mack would offer his usual fresh meat selection, frozen instead to keep it from spoiling.

“As a matter of fact, I do!” He shot her a smile. “I’ll show you where they are.” He came around the counter and with a hooked finger, called her to follow.

Brit followed him to the back of the store, where a small meat case hummed softly. The cold air wafted from the glass doors as he slid it open and reached in, presenting a tray of four neatly trimmed chops for her inspection.

“These are some of the best cuts,” Mack said proudly. “Got them this morning from the meat packers outside of the village.”

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