Page 49 of Her Christmas Wish

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Brit nodded. “They're perfect, Mack. I'll take them.” She smiled, picturing the finished dish in her mind.

“Anything else you'll be needing?” Mack asked as he handed them over to her.

“Potatoes and mushroom soup, if you have them, oh and I’ll also be needing one of your pies and a veggie too,” Brit replied, and wondered if she should get a bottle of wine to go with it. The inn had an ample supply in the cellar, and Kim likely wouldn’t care if they helped themselves to it but Brit herself would feel better knowing she paid for the bottle.

Mack nodded and directed her back to the main aisles of the store. “Soup is in aisle three and you know where the produce section is. What kind of pie do you want? I have apple crumb, blueberry tart, chocolate dream and banana cream.”

“Hmm, how about you surprise me?” She grinned, knowing none of his pies would disappoint. “I’ll just get the rest of my groceries and meet you at the counter.” With the pork chops cradled in her arm, Brit headed to the veggie section, got a small bag of potatoes and was pleasantly surprised to spy a bin of asparagus. Snagging two bunches, she made her way to the wine rack and chose a red wine, hoping that it would go well with the chops.

As she headed to the checkout, Brit's phone pinged out a notification. She hurried over to the counter and set everything down then pulled out her cellphone. It was from Luke.

‘Everything ok? Need help with anything?’

She quickly typed a response. ‘I’m good, meet me at the inn.’

Mack came ambling over with a box in his hands and sat it down. As he started ringing up her purchases, he said, “I packed up the chocolate dream for you. It’s the tastiest in my opinion.”

She smiled. “I must agree with you on that. Anything chocolate is tasty.”

As he bagged up her groceries, she dug out her debit card and paid. “Mack, are you coming to the Christmas ball at the inn?”

With a twinkle in his eye, he smiled at her. “You best believe I am and with bells on, I’m coming as an elf.”

Brit chuckled. “It’s a masquerade ball, you don’t have to dress up in a costume.”

He winked at her. “Oh, but I do.” Kim wants me to come as Santa, I just need to convince Elanor to be my Mrs.”

She laughed and gathered her purchases. “Well, I’m sure you won’t have a problem with that. Just sweet talk her with a slice of pie and she will be eating out of your hand.”

He rubbed his chin. “You know, I think that just might work.”

“I know it will! You take care Mack,” she said, and left the store thinking that Mack and Elanor showing up together at the ball would be the talk of the town for months to come.

She was heading down the hill towards the inn when Abbi’s Land Rover pulled off the private road with Ben at the wheel and Dean in the passenger seat. Ben steered towards her, and pulled to a stop beside her as the back window rolled down and Kim popped her head out. “We are heading to Springbank now. I locked up, do you have your key?”

Brit stood and thought for a minute then shook her head. “I don’t, I didn’t think to bring it.”

Kim tapped the seat in front of her. “Dean, give her your keys.”

As Dean dug out his keys, Abbi leaned forward. “I hear you’re cooking dinner for Luke?”

Brit smiled. “I am. I hope he likes pork chops?”

Ben leaned back in his seat and looked at her. “He would eat the snow off your boots if you fed him that.”

“Ben!” Abbi smacked him playfully as Kim cackled and said, “He’s right!”

Abbi knew full well that he was right. Her son was smitten with Brit and she, as his mother couldn't be happier.

Brit on the other hand couldn't help but blush at Ben's remark. His teasing did have a layer of truth that made her stomach flutter with a mix of nerves and excitement. “Well, let's hope I don’t burn the chops, or it might come to that,” she joked back, accepting the keys from Dean with a thankful nod. “You guys have fun in Springbank!” She waved them off and headed down the road that would take her to the inn.

Once inside she was a little unnerved to realize that it would be the first time she was ever alone in the old, haunted inn that for a minute she thought of calling Luke and telling him it would be better to make the meal over at Abbi’s house. But that would be worse, because she would have to return in the dark.

Heading to the kitchen, she flipped all the light switches on as she went until she was finally in the warm, comforting glow of the kitchen lights. Her favorite room of the inn, the large space came alive, casting away the shadows.

Despite it being a working kitchen, it still held its charm, from the copper pots and pans hung above the island, to the spice rack that was a palette of colors and heavenly scents. Brit inhaled deeply, the fragrant mix of herbs and spices mingling in the air like an aromatic lover.

Sitting her phone on the counter, she emptied the bags and put the pie in the fridge, then she took down a large pot, filling it with water for the potatoes. After peeling and slicing, she rinsed them, then placed them in the water and set it to simmer. Once she knew Luke was on his way, she would crank the burner.

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