Page 45 of Her Christmas Wish

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She let out the breath she was holding and softly said, “Yeah.”

“Don’t worry about it. He’s in the past and will get what he deserves soon enough. Now, instead of having sex, because quite frankly I think you need to do it more spontaneously than this. I know at least I do. I’ll just hold you in my arms instead and we can get some sleep? How does that sound?”

She grinned at him through tears and nodded. “That sounds good.”

He grabbed the pillow under her head and said, “Lift up.”

When she did, he took it and wedged it between them covering his groin with it. “Don’t want any unexpected slippage now do we,” he said, grinning at her. “It has a mind of its own most of the time.”

She laughed as he tucked his arm under her head and pulled her as close to his as possible with the pillow there. Settling his arm across her waist above the blankets he sighed a happy contented sound. “Get some sleep, we hit the slopes at dawn.”

After working three shifts, two at the inn and one at the bar and riding a roller coaster of emotions she fell asleep in a matter of minutes comforted by the fact that she was safe in his arms.


SHE WOKE UP TO THEsmell of food and no arms around her. Sitting up, Brit pushed her hair out of her face and looked around. Luke was nowhere in the room, but she could hear him singing. He was in the shower. Tossing the blankets back she jumped from the bed intent on throwing the robe on. But she spied her bra and underwear lying on the foot of the other bed along with her clothes. Turning beat red, she snatched them up and quickly put them on as she heard the shower turn off.

Feeling like a bag of shit, she made her way over to the table where a domed covered platter sat. As tempting as it was to dive into the food, she would wait for Luke to join her instead and reached for the coffee pot. Filling a mug with the dark brew she added cream and sugar because it was just that kind of morning and sat there quietly sipping it.

Pulling her cell phone from her pocket she noticed text messages. One was from Destiny and the other from Vince the cop. Frowning she started to read Destiny’s message and that’s the way Luke found her.

“Good morning beautiful,” he said when he saw her sitting there. But then he stopped when he saw the look on her face as she stared at her cellphone. “What is it?”

“Evelyn got attacked last night after I left the bar. It was that guy that was looking at her all night, I just know it. Tim came down and ripped the guy off her and threw him out. But that’s not all, the guy attacked her on the way to the spa too.”

“Holy shit. Did they find him?”

“I don’t know. I’ll ask.” She quickly sent a reply then set the phone down.

Looking at him for the first time since he got out of the shower, her blood zinged through her veins all the way to her core. The heavy feeling of lust that settled her in loins had her squirming in her seat.

“How did you sleep?” he asked, rubbing his hair with the towel.

She thanked God he was dressed because if he’d been in anything but his clothes, she would have tackled him to the floor.

“Ah... good. Great. I just feel scuzzy at the moment. I need a shower.”

He chuckled. “Oh really?”

She bit her lip, clearly, she didn’t need to share that tidbit of info with him. “Yeah, and a change of clothes.”

“Well then, let’s have our breakfast shall we.” He tossed the towel onto the bed and sat in the chair opposite her. Lifting the lid off the plater he continued. “And then we can take in the slopes another day, I’ll take you back to the inn. If you’re not working tonight maybe we can do something, then.”

Relief spread through her at his suggestion as they filled their plates. “Thank you. And actually, I have the night off.”

“Perfect.” He poured himself a cup of coffee. “Dinner it is, my mother and Ben are going to Springbank for the night, so I’ll cook you something really fancy over at their place.”

Her hand stilled halfway to her mouth with a forkful of scrambled eggs. “You can cook?”

He set his cup on the table and looked at her. “Ahh, no. Can you?”

She burst out laughing. “Yes. How about I cook dinner for you?”

“Sounds good,” he grinned.

Her phone pinged and she stuffed the eggs in her mouth before picking it up. “It’s Destiny. Yeah. They caught him. Tim and Dean went after him, and Vince was called in.”

When she said Vince’s name it reminded him about the text he had gotten from Lane last night just before they had headed out to the hot tub. The notification had shown the cop’s name. While Brit replied to Destiny, he dragged his phone from where it was still laying on the table and tapped the screen, going to the notifications he found Lane’s message and began to read it.

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