Page 41 of Her Christmas Wish

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“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Is it okay if Tim pays you tomorrow?”

Brit took off her apron and sat it on the bar. “Absolutely, there’s no rush, I know he’ll come good for it.”

Evelyn gave her a hug. “Do me a favor though Brit, can you track Jason down and tell him to watch for my signal to let everyone know when it’s last call for the bar?”

“Absolutely,” Brit said just as they heard the screech of a mic. “I better hurry before they start.”

She hurried off to the stage and grabbed Jason by the pant leg, giving it a tug, she mentioned for him to bend down, when he did, she relayed Evelyn’s message.

Feeling a little lost at this point, with Luke not being there she went over to where Kim and the others sat at a round table.

“Brit come sit by me,” Abbi said, smiling as she patted the empty chair next to her. Brit did as she was told and slumped into the seat. Abbi looked at her and saw the tiredness on the young woman’s face. “You have had a long day I bet. Did you get yourself a drink?”

Despite waiting on the edge of her seat for her phone to vibrate in her hand, Brit nodded and said, “I am tired. And no, not yet. Maybe I’ll go do that. Will you excuse me?”

“Of course.”

She got up and was headed to the bar when she felt it go off. Stopping in the middle of the dance floor, she swiped the screen to see it was Luke. Excitement and relief filled her when she read that he was waiting for her in the car outside. She quickly went and grabbed her coat from the kitchen and pulled it on. Not wanting to dodge between the patrons she decided she would get her purse tomorrow from the safe and exited out the doors by the pool table.

It was starting to snow; a light dusting covered the sidewalk in front of the bar as she made her way around the building to the parking lot. She headed for the only car that was sitting there idling, its exhaust curling in white curly plumes in the chilly night.

Once he saw her, he flashed the high beams at her then Luke got out and held the door open as she climbed in and buckled up. He hurried around to the other side and climbed behind the wheel.

Without a word he narrowed the distance between them by leaning over and claiming her lips with his. A soft searching kiss, as if he were trying to gauge the feelings, they had in the stairwell at the inn were still stirring or if they had just been a one-time thing.

Brit leaned into him and opened her mouth to his seeking tongue. The second they danced with one another she was spinning in a vortex of emotion. She had never wanted a man as much as she did this one.

He eased away from her and looked down at her mouth. The tip of her tongue darted out, running along her bottom lip as if she were tasting it, tasting him and his cock hardened just from the thought of it.

He looked away and settled himself behind the wheel, because if hadn’t he was going to take her right then and there. And the back seat of a car is not where he envisioned making love to her their first time.

“So.” He cleared his throat, thankful that it was dark he adjusted the tightness in his jeans, then looked over at her. “I ah took the liberty of booking us a room over at the lodge for the night if you’re okay with that, two beds not just one. I figured we had already spent the night in each other’s arms, but I didn’t want to seem presumptuous that we would have a repeat of that any time soon so that’s why I—”

Brit reached over and covered his mouth with a finger. “Shhh, you’re rambling.”

He laughed. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

That was one of the things she found attractive about him, the way he could be nervous, even bashful sometimes around her and not always feeling like he had to put on the fake macho image.

“It’s fine, I know you’re not the type of guy that would ever think just because you rented us a room to share that I would think you did it just to get in my pants.”

He sat there for a moment, and she could tell he was running her words through his mind when he grinned. “You don’t know how relieved I am right now.” He put the car in drive and steered towards the road. “Did you need anything at the inn?”

“Nope, I’m good.” She looked at the phone in her hand. “Although I should let Kim know that I won’t be home tonight.”

“It’s all good. I told my mom what I was doing and those two, tell each other everything, besides, they are going to the spa remember? Jasmine is already there, I dropped her off there on my way over to the bar.”

She nodded. “That’s right. It’s been such a long day that I completely forgot.”

“Here,” he moved his right hand from the steering wheel and reached down to the center console. “I’ll just turn the heated seat on for you, so you sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. It will take a bit longer than usual to get there...”

Fear gripped her when he said that. Did that mean he was taking the long way around past the emu farm? God, she hoped not, she didn’t want a repeat of the last time she went by there.

He glanced her way, noticing her reaction he said, “Brit I will never put you in a situation that will trigger you. It’s snowing a bit harder is all, that’s why it will take us longer.”

Relief spread through her at his words, and she sent him a shaky smile. “Thank you for that. Maybe one day I can go past there without a complete meltdown.”

He reached for her hand and laced his fingers with hers. He gently squeezed it while he said, “If the day comes that you decide to, I’ll be there for you every second of it. Now sit back and relax.”

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