Page 40 of Her Christmas Wish

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Thinking it would take him time to respond she started to put the phone back in her pocket when it lit up and vibrated in her hand.

A little birdie told me, aka Jasmine... and babygirl is reserved for... special moments...

A thrill shivered up her spine when she read that and was so engrossed in these new feelings this guy was creating in her that when Mike popped his head in the window, she jumped a foot in the air.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you. I just thought I’d let you know that people are starting to come in.”

“Oh wow, already?” She said, stuffing her phone in her pocket for real this time and with one last look around the kitchen she went through the doorway and followed him.

“Yeah, there’s already about ten people, don’t worry, I got their first rounds,” he said as they both walked across the dance floor.

Brit went behind the bar looking for a pad of paper and a tray just as another five people entered through the door. “I think it’s going to be a packed house tonight,” she said as she found what she was looking for.

“I agree, the band is likely what’s drawing them in.”

“That and the fact that there’s nothing to do here in the village in the middle of winter,” she laughed then turned to the patrons that were standing there with a huge grin. “Hey ladies and gents, find yourself a table and I’ll take your order for you.”

She was turning to head back to place their order when she spied Evelyn exiting the door to the upstairs.

“How’s he feeling,” Brit asked, as she sat a tray down on the bar. Ripping off the paper from the pad she had written on she handed it to Mike who went straight to work on filling the order.

Evelyn sighed. “He’s not fevered anymore and seems to be resting better.”

“You’re worried about him, aren’t you?” Brit asked as she took the bottles of beer Mike had sat on the counter and placed them on her tray.

“Yeah.” Evelyn nodded. “He’s been sick for close to a month. I just hope he feels better come morning.”

Mike joined the conversation/ “If he wakes up let me know and I’ll make him a hot toddy.”

Evelyn smiled. “Thank you, that would be great.” Grabbing her own pad of paper and a tray, she looked at Brit and asked, “Did you get that table of guys over there?” She jerked her chin towards the four men that sat looking expectantly at the bar when Brit looked at her.

She shook her head as she picked up the tray. “No, not yet they all just sorta came in at the same time.”

“No problem, I’ll take care of them,” Evelyn said, as she grabbed a pen from a cup behind the bar.

Brit nodded her thanks and took off to deliver the drinks to the party of five. The rest of the night proceeded in the same fashion until Mike said he had to close the doors. She cast a worried glance at the door. All of Luke’s family was there helping except Luke as far as she could tell. The place was jam packed with bodies and Brit was sure they were violating at least one code. She took a quick glance around once more at the table and noticed a loan man sitting there. He had been there for some time, but he never called her over. It would be just like Luke to pull something like that. Dodging between people dancing she made her way over to him and smiled. “There you are, I didn’t think you were going to make it.”

The guy looked up at her and she froze. That was not Luke. “I’m so sorry, I thought you were someone else.” Without waiting for him to respond she spun around and headed in the opposite direction. Setting her tray on the counter in the kitchen she made her way to the washroom taking her phone out of her pocket as she did.

Once inside, she found an empty stall, sat down on the toilet and started to text him.

Hey there, are you inside the bar? Ben and Dean are turning people away at the door and I was just wondering...

She sat there waiting for a response and when there wasn’t one, she knew she had no choice but to return to work. Washing her hands, she left the washroom, gathered her tray and headed back to the bar when she saw the guy that she had approached earlier staring at Evelyn.

She was leaning against the bar, when Brit went and stood beside her. She sat her tray on the bar and jerked a thumb over her shoulder. “You better watch that guy over there, he keeps staring at you.”

Evelyn straightened and looked at Brit and pointed to see a man waving at her. “Oh, he’s fine. That’s Kyle, seems to be a regular as he’s been here every night since we opened.”

“Not him, that guy is old enough to be your father. I meant that guy.” Brit took her by the shoulders and pointed her in the direction of the man who was now standing but still had the hood on his head.

“Oh, well he’s new.” Evelyn turned to face her.

“Yeah, so just watch it, the guy is giving me super creepy vibes.” Brit shivered; he reminded her of Brian.

“I will, you can go sit with the others if you like. Everyone is too busy watching the band to want drinks.”

“Are you sure?” Brit asked.

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