Page 98 of For You I'd Break

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He shook his head and ran his fingers down my face. “I’ve never had sex without a condom. And never with someone I loved.”

“Oh, I got tested while I was in the hospital, and I’m on the pill.”

His eyes bore into me.

“All that is probably in my medical charts, huh?”

He nodded.

He wanted me to tell him how I felt. My mouth went dry. Tears burned my eyes, and my stomach sank.

“Come here,” he said, pulling my head to his chest and running his fingers through my hair. “I’ll be here when you’re ready. Until then, I’m going to spend every day showing you how much I love you.”

I nodded, embarrassed that I’d ruined the moment with tears. His heart thudded fast against my ear.

Chapter thirty


This had to bethe longest workday of my career. At least, it felt like it. Rowan and I were only fifteen minutes late to her session. A fact I’m not proud of. Which, on top of our reunion sex ending with her in tears, left me uneasy. I relaxed as we worked through her exercises, my confidence building every time she smiled, the warmth in her eyes impossible to hide.

I meant every word I’d said. I’d been crushed when Avery dumped me after high school, but even then, I knew it had more to do with my ego than my heart. What I felt for Rowan scared the shit out of me and made everything brighter at the same time. I swear the damn birds were singing during our session like some scene in a Disney movie. I couldn’t wipe the stupid smile from my face.

After she left, I counted the hours until I could see her again. I needed to prove what she meant to me, and I intended to start the moment my last patient left. Unfortunately, Adam had other ideas.

“Dr. Cardoso,” he said as I headed for the door. “A word.”

Cammie gave me an encouraging double thumbs up as I followed him into his office. I took a seat in the chair in front of his desk and waited while he woke his computer.

“Cammie tells me you’ve sorted your online mess,” Adam said, clicking around.

“I have.”

He nodded, scanning the screen. “I hate these sites. Word of mouth is great. People recommend you to someone they know because they’ve experienced your abilities. But this,” he said, waving his hand at the screen, “There’s no accountability. People make decisions for their care based on recommendations in anonymous posts. Many of which, as you’ve had the misfortune to learn, are lies. I’m getting too old for this. And if I’m being honest, too old for the work itself. Which is why, if you’re ready, I’m willing to discuss selling the practice to you.”

“Really?” I said, leaning forward. Weeks ago, he’d been ready to fire me, and now he trusted me to take over the practice he’d built from the ground up. Before the Avery debacle, I wouldn’t have been surprised. I’d joined Adam because I knew he was nearing retirement age and would be looking for someone to buy him out. I’d assumed Review-gate would delay his transition plans, not accelerate them. “Are you sure?”

Adam nodded. “It’s bad enough I have to deal with all the electronic charts and tablets. Now Cammie says she’s been offered a full-time job at that coffee place she loves. I do not have it in me to hire and train a new front desk person. It’s time. Find a lawyer for your end, and we can get together next week to discuss the valuation and transition plan. We’ll omit the numbers from this past quarter to come to a fair price.”

I stood. “Thank you,” I said, shaking his hand.

He waved me off. “Let me know when you have representation, and we’ll schedule a meeting.”

I nodded and closed the door to his office as I left. Cammie was bouncing on her feet by the reception desk, silently cheering. I motioned with my head to the glass door, and she grabbed her bag and followed me into the hallway.

“Congrats,” she said, pulling me into a hug.

“You’re quitting?” I asked, holding her at arm’s length.

She shook her head. “Let him think that until the paperwork is signed. Honestly, I didn’t enjoy working for him, and Lauren really did offer me a full-time job at Karma, but if you’re in charge, I’ll just keep my part-time hours there.”

“Until you decide to become a famous singer.”

“We do not speak of that. What happens in Church—”

“Stays in Church,” I finished. “Thanks, Cam. The thought of replacing you was the last straw for Adam.”

She giggled. “If I’d known, I’d have threatened to quit months ago. Now come on, you’ve been checking the clock all day.”

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