Page 99 of For You I'd Break

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“Was it that obvious?” I asked as we headed down the steps together.

She nodded. “I’m glad to see you worked things out with Rowan.”

I paused on the landing between the third and second floors. “Do you think I have? I told her I loved her, and she didn’t say it back.”

Cammie’s eyes widened. “You told her you love her?”

“Um, should I not have?”

“Well, do you?”

“Yes,” I said, simply.

“Oh, thank goodness,” she said, patting my arm. “If you’d rambled about how she was the best sex of your life or that you told her you loved her because you didn’t want her to move, I might have had to kick you in the balls and take that job at Karma.”

I cleared my throat. “Well, she is the best sex of my life, and I don’t want her to move. But I also love her.”

“Obviously,” Cammie said starting down the stairs again. “Passion is part of love, and no one wants to be far from the person who holds their heart. But knowing how you felt should be a simple yes or no. Because at the end of the day, love is simple. Or at least it should be.”

“So, she doesn’t love me?”

Cammie rolled her eyes. “I said it should be simple. Not that it was. She’s been burned, Cal. Big time. For all your rough edges, and your unfortunate experience with that she-devil, a lover has never broken your heart. Right?”

I shook my head.

“I’m sure Rowan is head over heels for you. She just needs to admit it to herself first. Give her time. Just don’t do something stupid like getting your ego hurt because she can’t say it back. It’s not about you.”

I nodded, but my chest still ached.

“Snap out of it, Cal. This is the best day of your life. You told a woman you love her, and she didn’t tell you to get lost. She’s staying in Peace Falls with you. She’s probably waiting at your house right now, as eager to see you as you are to see her. On top of that, Dr. Cohen is finally retiring. Smile, damn it.”

“You’re right,” I said, giving her a quick hug and running down the rest of the stairs. The last thing I heard as I pushed through the door was Cammie’s laughter echoing in the staircase.

Either Cammie was psychic, or texted Rowan, because she was waiting on my porch steps with Skye when I arrived home.

“Hey,” I said, bending to kiss her, eager to show her how much I’d missed her in the hours we were apart.

When I stood, Rowan seemed a little breathless. “I thought we could take Skye on a walk. She seemed so disappointed this morning.”

Skye flashed me a doggie smile, and I knew there was no use fighting it. My dog and I were completely in love with this woman, whether she felt the same or not.

“I have a better idea. How about we take her on a sunset hike?”

Rowan’s eyes lit up. “Give me five minutes to change and throw together some sandwiches.”

With that she took off down Sullivan Street, her steps more labored than they should be, but improved from when we met. Skye whimpered, and I rubbed her head. “Don’t worry, girl. She isn’t leaving us. We’re just getting started.”

Chapter thirty-one


Two Weeks Later

My stomach danced with nerves as I placed the last snickerdoodle onto a cooling rack.

“Want to talk about it now?” Poppy asked, not looking up from the delicate design she was icing onto a sugar cookie I’d baked earlier.

I blew out a breath and flopped into the chair across from my sister. “I think I’m in love with Cal.”

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