Page 11 of Disaster Stray

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“I have plenty of experience with one-night stands,” he says. “You don’t need to worry about that.”

For some reason, that stings. He shouldn’t have so much experience with that. Someone should be obsessed with him. Someone should be getting him breakfast in bed, remembering his birthday, buying him gifts, wooing him. But that person can’t be me, so I suppose this works just as well.

He holds out his hand, and the moment I take it, he pulls me across the threshold, into the dark, into the mirror world that is Sebastian’s apartment.

For a second, I’m standing in the dark alone while Sebastian locks his door behind us. Then he’s got my hand again and he’s guiding me through the dark. I can’t see a damn thing, not even him. I stumble blindly after him untilhe pushes me down — and I find myself sitting on the edge of a bed.

Before I can orient myself, Sebastian is in my lap, his weight on my thighs, his arms around my neck. He slides into my space effortlessly and runs his fingers through my beard like he’s been waiting to touch it all night. But when he cups my jaw and starts pulling me toward him, I stop him.

“Not that,” I say before our lips can meet.

He makes some little noise. A laugh. A snort. I’m not exactly sure, but all he says is, “Not a problem.”

Then his machinations shift course. He unbuttons his shirt and slides it off while sitting in my lap, then tugs my shirt off after it. I let my hands follow the curve of his back up and down, and Sebastian rocks into my touch. My hands feel massive on him, especially along the slim taper of his waist. When I reach his shoulder blades, his chest is so close that I can’t help but bend down to taste him. I may not be willing to kiss his mouth, but that doesn’t mean I won’t do it other places. I just can’t let myself have something as intimate as a mouth. It’s too… It’s all the things I know I can’t have, not living the way I currently do, and I don’t want to hurt anyone with false promises. Every encounter in my life has been like this instead: warm bodies writhing in the dark, lips and hands turned toward impersonal pleasure. It makes you move fast, like a hungry animal who might only get a couple bites before something bigger and scarier chases you away.

Sebastian lunges at my neck, kissing and sucking his way down, reversing our roles as he gets his mouth on my chest instead. He slides his whole body downward as he goes, and soon he’s sliding right off my lap and the edge of the bed. Even in the dark I can feel the gleam of mischief in those perpetually laughing eyes of his as he looks up at me from his bedroom floor, a sliver of shadow in this shifting fantasy world we’ve stepped into.

“Never expected this night to go this way,” he says as he undoes my pants. “But I’m so glad it did.”

I raise my hips so he can get my pants down, then brace my hands behind me. For what Sebastian has planned, I’m pretty sure I’m going to need all the bracing I can get.

He nudges my knees open wider so he can fit himself between them. Then he strokes me over my boring underwear, the sort of hideous black things that come in packs of eighteen and which would probably mortify Sebastian if he could see them better. Fortunately, he can’t, and he pulls them down without comment so he can grasp my cock in his hand.

“Oh,” he says when he’s holding me. “You’re a big boy everywhere, huh?”

I swallow and don’t dare respond. I’m not the kind of guy who ever bragged about his size, but … yeah, it’s not small. And that’s not empty boasting. It’s just a fact of the universe. Nothing I can do about it.

Though Sebastian seems to have plenty of ideas about whathe’sgoing to do about it.

He strokes me slowly in one hand, like he’s assessing the size and shape, taking stock. It’s kind of weird, but his hand feels so good that it squeezes out the awkwardness. My hands curl in the sheets behind me as my breathing deepens. Sebastian’s attention is addictive. I think I could sit here and let him wander up and down my cock all night.

I have to admit, however, that the switch to his mouth isn’t exactly a burden.

It happens so quickly that I gasp in surprise. One moment he’s stroking; the next his lips are around my head, his tongue running around me in tight little circles. He groans before sinking deeper, taking more and more of me into his mouth. It’s not unheard of that a guy will stop before getting all the way down me, and that’s perfectly fine. I never ask them to go all the way if it’s going to be uncomfortable. But Sebastian doesn’t even pause. Every time I think he’s going to stop he simply keeps going, until he’s got all of me sitting heavy on his tongue and nearly tickling his throat — at least, that’s how it feels to me.

“Oh shit wow,” I sigh before I realize I’m speaking out loud.

If Sebastian notices my babbling, he ignores it in order to plant his hands on my thighs and start bobbing his head. I tilt my own head back, lost in his mouth, my eyes shut despite the dark. The whole world shrinks to this one littlebedroom shrouded in darkness, to this one man and his incredible mouth. Sebastian bobs along me with no hesitation, even as he picks up speed. He’s fearless, hungry, and I don’t think I could convince him to stop even if I wanted to.

But I really, really don’t want to.

I reach for him on instinct, not pushing, just resting my hand on the top of his head. It gives me an even clearer picture of the motion of his body, the way he’s throwing himself into this with such wild enthusiasm. That’s hot all on its own, independent of the incredible things his mouth is doing. In all my cold, distant, one-time-only hookups, I’m not sure I’ve ever met anyone who was willing to fuck a total stranger with such … devotion. Plenty of guys will fuck hard or whatever, but Sebastian is sucking my cock like he wants me to feel the echoes of this orgasm for the next week of my life.

And I just may.

I can feel it building up inside me already, and it isn’t because of the beer. Two beers isn’t getting a guy my size drunk. This is all Sebastian, his tightening lips, his flicking tongue, his mouth so hot around me. I feel like I’m hitting the back of his throat every time he plunges down me, and it has me trembling on the verge of explosion.

“Sebastian,” I grit out, finally prying my eyes open to look down at him.

“Mmmmmm,” he responds.

I don’t know what that means, but he’s an adult. He can do whatever he needs to do with this information.

At first, he keeps sucking me, not seeming to care if I explode in his mouth. But right when I think I’m tipping over the edge he suddenly pops off, and in the split second when I realize he’s gone, several things happen all at once:

Sebastian slides his hand rapidly up and down my saliva-slick cock.

He looks directly up at me, his eyes striking mine through the dark.

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