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I feel closer to him after our short time together than I did during my marriage to Mike.

Maybe because, deep down, Christos never really left my head. He was always in my heart, no matter how hard I fought against it.

The night I gave myself to him again, he confessed that, since we’d parted ways, he hadn’t slept with another woman. If he was someoneelse, I wouldn’t take that seriously, but I believe him. Christos isn’t the type to sugarcoat just to please whoever is receiving the message.

Two years without touching another woman because I was the only one he wanted has to mean something. So I’ve decided that I don’t need him to tell me the exact words. SayingI love youis not as important as actions. I think, sometimes, actions mean more than declarations of love.

Mike said he loved me before we were married, and being the needy fool I was back then, I believed him. If I could take anything good away from our toxic relationship, it was that it helped me grow.

“You have no idea how relieved I am to hear from you. I prayed day and night. How are you feeling?”

“Like I’ve been run over by a truck. My whole body hurts, but the doctor thinks it’s because of the time I’ve been lying here. An evil bonus for being over forty. By the time I’m well enough to work out again, I will have lost all my muscles.”

Bia, unlike me, who thinks running is the only tolerable physical activity, absolutely loves working out and has a stunning hourglass figure.

“Does your head hurt?”

“No. And according to the doctors, everything is fine in there. What I’m afraid of right now is this virus. I want to get out of here as soon as possible, but the medical team told me that, besides waiting a few more days for observation until they confirm I’m okay to be discharged, I’ll still have to get tested to see if I’ve been infected.”

“Did they give you a date?”

“I’ll be officially discharged in three days, but I won’t be able to leave the hospital until the test results are in.”

“When you get them, I’ll ask Christos to send someone for you. I already talked to him. You can stay here with us.”

“With us, eh? I’m glad to hear you’ve got things sorted out. You deserve to be happy, Zoe.”

“I was stupid not to go after the truth sooner.”

“No, you were gullible, which is a flaw in today’s world. But now it’s all settled, right? Nick called me and said you guys talked.”

“Yes, he is a very good person. I think you should change your statusto ‘in a serious relationship’ on social media.Fuck buddyis not very flattering.”

“Did you say a bad word, princess?” she mocks.

“Maybe Christos is rubbing off on me. The man has such a foul mouth it makes you sound like a nun. But don’t change the subject. Seriously, now. Why were you never together for real?”

“Because we don’t like each other that way. We have good sex, but we don’t daydream about each other out of bed, you know? I want more, Zoe. I won’t settle for anything other than the whole package. I’m not even talking about getting married wearing a veil and all, but having someone to . . .”

“Make your body tingle?”

“That’s right. I think I’m waiting for my bad guy to show up.”

“There you go with that story again. Beware. I strongly believe in the saying: ‘When you want something, the whole universe conspires in order for you to achieve it.’ A mobster will come your way.”

“Don’t say that. Just the thought makes my heart race.”

I laugh. “Yeah, now I know you’re truly okay. Still the same crazy gal as always.”

“Yes, the same one. Changing the subject, I need to say something. That Ernestine deserves a slap in the face. Not only was she a liar who got in the way of your love story, but she made her daughter live in poverty by giving all the money to some random man. How could she be so stupid? First, she got involved with a man who used to drive under the influence with a little girl in the back seat, without wearing a seat belt, then she handed over the accident compensation to a thief.”

“When this is all over, I’m going to look for her. It may not help at all because I believe that a person who does what she did to her own daughter doesn’t have a shred of conscience. But at least I’ll tell her everything I need to say to her face.”

“We talked about everything, and I didn’t ask the most important thing. Did you get hurt?”

“My hand is scarred. Maybe I’ll get surgery, not because it bothers me but because it might be a problem for new jobs in the future. Now, more than ever, I need the contract with Christos. My parents lost everything, Bia. There’s not even a photograph of their wedding day left,nothing. The only reason I didn’t lose photos of my biological mother was because, a little over a year ago, I scanned them. Otherwise, I’d have to rely only on my memories.”

“If I ever find Howard, I’ll kill him with my bare hands. Nick tells me he’s on the run.”

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