Page 87 of Dirty Ultimatum

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Jordan bent down and gave Honor head rubs that somehow ended in her kneeling and rubbing Honor’s belly. Rhys blew out a deep breath and spun his cap around.

That was a close one.

He was going to have to set more boundaries with Sara Beth. She just couldn’t show up at the farm any more unannounced.

“I was thinking we could go get Chinese tonight. What do you think?” Jordan said. She stood from where she knelt.

Honor jumped back up and remained by Jordan’s side.

“That sounds good. Let me finish up here then I’ll get in the shower.”


Jordan’s eyes flew open. She wasn’t sure what had woken her up, but her body was tense. Rhys sat up next to her. It was pitch-black in the room, but she could feel his eyes on her.

“What’s wrong?” Rhys asked.

“Did you hear that?” she whispered.

She strained to hear what had pulled her from sleep. The sound of Honor growling outside their door was enough to send her and Rhys flying out of bed. Jordan stood, reached inside the nightstand, and took her loaded Glock out. Her training immediately kicked in. Thankfully, she’d had some sense to throw some clothes on before she’d fallen asleep. A cami and shorts was what she was going to wear to confront whoever had dared to enter this house.

Jordan immediately crept to the door, gripping her weapon tight. It felt good to hold her baby again. Rhys moved silently next to her. He put his hand on her shoulder and pulled her back.

“Where the hell do you think you are going?” He went to the door and looked back over at her.

Jordan’s eyes had adjusted to the darkness, and she could see him staring at her.

“Seriously, Rhys? You do know what I do for a living, right?” She smirked.

“Don’t care. Get behind me,” he replied.

He opened the door, and Honor met them there. There was a small night-light in the hallway that Jordan had placed there so Honor could see. Rhys had tried to talk her out of it, but on the nights Rhys allowed Honor to stay out of her crate, she usually slept outside Nova’s or their bedroom.

“Honor. Come.”

The command kicked in for the dog. She was now in work mode. Honor must have picked up on their emotions and knew this was not fun and games. She immediately went to Rhys’s side as they silently walked down the hall. Rhys paused outside Nova’s room and placed his ear to her door. He slowly opened it and peeked inside. Jordan held her breath until he closed it and then motioned toward the stairs.

Jordan rested both hands on her gun, readying herself. They crept down the stairs and through the living room toward the front door. It almost reminded Jordan of the formation she and the SWAT team took when they approached a building. Even inside they worked with pristine precision to clear a building.

Rhys held his gun true as they stood in the living room. Jordan strained to listen. The house was quiet, and the only sound greeting her was the hum of the fridge from the kitchen.

Was the sound she had heard just a part of her imagination? She was beginning to feel a little stir-crazy. She needed to go back to work. She had a doctor’s appointment coming up, and if he cleared her, then she would be good enough to return. No light desk duty. Back in the trenches where she thrived.

“Maybe it was nothing,” Jordan whispered. But her gut was screaming that shehadheard something and it wasn’t her imagination.

Rhys lowered his weapon and turned to her.

“Then why was Honor growling?” he asked.

That was a good question. She didn’t growl for no reason. Jordan eyed the dog who stood by Rhys, waiting for a command.

He glanced down at Honor. “Honor. Search.”

The dog immediately trotted out of the room and disappeared into the dark house. Jordan stepped over to Rhys, the sense of unease continuing to wash over her.

“I don’t like this,” she said. Her heart pounded. Searching an unknown house didn’t bother her at all, but knowing that they were having to walk through their home with guns drawn didn’t sit right with her.

“I know.” Rhys kissed her forehead and moved over to the front window. He paused and cursed. He turned and dove for her. “Get down!”

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