Page 88 of Dirty Ultimatum

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The front window shattered. Rhys’s body slammed into Jordan’s. The air escaped her lungs as they landed on the floor with a thud. Honor’s barking filled the air. The dog ran back into the room. She didn’t hesitate and headed for the window. Honor went soaring through the air and disappeared through the destroyed glass.

“Honor.” Rhys rolled off Jordan and stood all in one motion with his gun pulled. He strode to the front door and was out it in a flash.

Jordan pushed off the floor and winced. The ache in her back and side began to set in again. She assessed the room and grew tense. The floor was covered in glass and debris. There were two large bricks that had been thrown through the window. She went over to them and bent down by them. They were heavy-looking, and one of them had a piece of paper on it.

Jordan pulled the paper loose from the rubber band that kept it in place. Ice filled her veins at the message.

You lied and will pay, bitch.

He was coming for her. Panic set it. She had to get outside. Rhys and Honor were already out there, and for all she knew, Bravon’s men could still be out there, too. She rushed over to the front door, ignoring the little pain she felt from stepping on shards of glass with no shoes on.

Jordan aimed her gun. There was no telling what she would encounter outside. She didn’t hear Honor barking or growling. Fear set in. Had they been attacked and were lying out on the ground, unconscious?

Bravon was going to have to be dealt with.

This was getting too close to home. Nova was asleep right upstairs. Jordan snuck out of the front door and stood on the porch. Rhys stood in the center of the driveway while Honor trotted back toward the house. The dog must have tried to chase down the vehicle.

“Go back inside, Jordan,” Rhys snapped.

“Not a fucking chance,” she replied smoothly. She was a trained SWAT officer and she was more qualified than Rhys to be out here searching for the intruder. She walked slowly to the top of the porch stairs. Off in the distance twinkled the taillights of a vehicle speeding down the long driveway toward the highway. She didn’t relax. Just because one vehicle was leaving, didn’t mean someone hadn’t stayed behind to finish the job.

“Jordan, stay in the house with my daughter. Please.”

Jordan froze where she was. That last word—please—caused her pain in her heart. Rhys was asking her to protect his child. She looked his way and nodded. She would never want anything to happen to Nova. Jordan spun around and went back in the house. She froze at the sight of Nova standing at the bottom of the stairs.

“What the heck is happening down here?” Nova whispered. She moved over to where the light switch was on the wall.

“Leave the lights out,” Jordan said. She rushed over to Nova’s side and kept her gun down in what would be considered a casual hold, but it was anything but that. Jordan was still prepared if she needed to be. “If someone is out there watching us, we don’t want them to see us.”

“What?” Nova’s voice shook.

Jordan grabbed her into a one-armed hug. The younger girl trembled but held on to Jordan. She pushed away and turned to the living room. She motioned to the window and floor. The large bay window was wide open, glass on the floor.

“Who would do this to our house?”

“Don’t worry, Nova. Your father and Honor are searching the outside.” Jordan motioned for Nova to follow her.

They went into the kitchen away from the wreckage. Jordan was still on alert as she leaned back against the island.

“Does this have to do with you and why you moved in with us?” Nova asked.

Jordan blew out a deep breath. She hadn’t thought of what she would tell Nova if she ever asked the real reason why she’d been staying here.

“Yes,” Jordan replied. She had to be honest. She refused to lie to Nova. The girl was young, beautiful, but not a dummy. She would have figured it out eventually. “I promise no one is going to get hurt.”

“Are you sure you can promise that?” Nova’s voice was low.

Jordan hated hearing the fear in Nova’s voice. This girl should be living her best life right now. On break from school, about to go sailing off to Europe. She shouldn’t have a care in the world and she damn sure shouldn’t have to worry about a deranged gangster trying to harm her family. Jordan had sworn she would protect Nova at all costs, and she would do that.

“No, I can’t, but I will do my damnedest to ensure no one will be.” Jordan moved over to the patio door and peered through it.The lights were off, and the yard was bathed in darkness. There were so many places someone could hide out there. Worry set in. Were Rhys and Honor okay? She wasn’t used to sitting inside while someone else took care of business. Jordan was used to doing things on her own, and currently she felt like she was dying a small death while waiting.

She loved the adrenaline rush when in formation with her team. She missed it desperately and couldn’t wait to get back to it. With all of her training, it was hard to shut it off. She was irked that she was to stay in the house, but it was the way he had asked for her help. There was something in his voice that had given her pause.

“Shouldn’t we be calling the police?” Nova asked.

“We are the police,” Jordan replied automatically.

Nova snorted behind her. Jordan’s lips curled up in the corner. At the moment, she needed to interject a little humor into the situation. Not seeing any movement, she glanced over her shoulder at Nova.

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