Page 82 of Dirty Ultimatum

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Sara Beth’s eyes widened even more at Jordan’s statement.

I bet she wasn’t expecting that either.

“I am Nova’s mother,” Sara Beth huffed. She took a deep breath, but Jordan cut her off.

“I don’t give a shit. If you wanted to speak with her, you are more than welcome to call her on her phone,” Jordan snapped. Everything about this woman rubbed her the wrong way. She was one of those people who felt entitled to have what she wanted, when she wanted. Well, she was going to learn that Jordan didn’t roll that way. One needed to earn respect from her, and she held little to no respect for Sara Beth.

“Where is Rhys?” Sara Beth practically screamed.

Jordan rolled her eyes and almost said the first thing that came to her mind, but she bit back a smirk.

Hysteria was certainly not going to get her anywhere with Jordan. It may have worked in the past with Rhys, but not her. She was two seconds from closing the door in Sara Beth’s face. It would serve her right for the way she had treated Rhys in the past. He was a good man, had a big heart, and definitely knew what he was doing behind closed doors.

He was too good for the woman before her.

Hell, he was too good for Jordan.

“Probably in the barn.” She shrugged.

Sara Beth spun around and headed down the stairs of the porch. Jordan sighed and slid her feet into her flip-flops that were by the door. She pushed open the screen door and stepped outside. She followed Sara Beth around the house. This was not how she’d imagined spending her afternoon.

Jordan strolled behind Sara Beth at a safe distance. Once they were in the backyard, Sara Beth shot straight toward the barn. Music blared from the speakers Rhys had installed. There was a small corral off the side where he let the horses stretch their legs while he cleaned out their stalls. For the past month, he had taken in a few boarders so he had extra horses to take care of.

Jordan didn’t see Honor. She must be inside with Rhys. Sara Beth arrived at the opening of the barn and stopped. She glanced over her shoulder at Jordan. She tilted her chin up in defiance before turning back around. She hesitated for a moment, then took few steps in. She called out Rhys’s name, but he wouldn’t hear her over the blaring music. Jordan smirked. From what Nova had shared about her mother, she hated farm life and getting a little dirty.

Again, what the hell had Rhys seen in this woman?

Sara Beth had assumed that once she and Rhys were married, they would live inside the city limits. Rhys, on the other hand, had dreams of owning his own small plot of land, a few animals, and remaining in the country. It had been how he’d been raised by his parents with his brother. Rhys was a country boy at heart, and even though he worked in the city, he would never want to live there. Jordan respected it.

She sighed and went into the barn behind Sara Beth. She strolled along and saw the stalls were empty. Two wind tunnel fans blew from each end of the barn to try and keep the structure cool enough for the animals, adding to the noise.

“Rhys!” Sara Beth shouted. She moved from stall to stall until she ended up at the rear entrance of the structure. She glanced back over her shoulder again as if Jordan had disappeared.

“This broad,” Jordan muttered. Her curiosity was piqued with the way Sara Beth sped up. Jordan stepped out of the barn and took in a few of the horses grazing off in the distance. Her gaze landed on the lone figure holding a hose and filling up the horse’s water trough.

Jordan’s mouth went dry at the picture he made.

Rhys had thrown on one of his dusty old baseball caps to keep his hair and sun out of his eyes. He stood shirtless with his t-shirt hanging out of the back pocket of his jeans.

The Lord certainly knew what he was doing when He made Rhys Newman. His skin was tanned from spending so much time out in the sun. His muscles rippled as he casually sprayed Honor who had been drinking from the trough.

Honor jerked away, giving a bark. Rhys laughed at the way the dog began running her zoomies in circles in the pasture.

Sara Beth stumbled slightly in her walk as she made her way to Rhys.

“Rhys,” Sara Beth shouted.

Rhys’s head snapped their way. The smile on his lips disappeared the moment his attention landed on Sara Beth. He flicked his gaze to Jordan who took her time ambling over to him. She was so damn curious as to what Sara Beth wanted with him.

Didn’t she just ask to go inside to speak with Nova?

But now she needed Rhys.


Jordon eyed the back of Sara Beth suspiciously. Not that Jordan didn’t trust Rhys. She did. It was the woman in front of her that she didn’t. She was up to something.

“Sara Beth,” Rhys drawled.

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