Page 81 of Dirty Ultimatum

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She pulled on her matching shorts. She eyed the pill bottle that sat on the nightstand. She blew out a deep breath and reached for them. She took one out and popped it in her mouth. Rhys was right again, but she wasn’t going to admit it. It had been pain she’d been experiencing. She knocked it back with some water from the bottle she’d kept on her side.

She quickly cleaned up the mess she’d made in the shower and hung her towel on the hook on the back of the bathroom door. She had brushed her hair back up into a high ponytail. She looked half decent, even if she did say so herself. Jordan studied herself in the mirror. Her lips were still swollen from that damn kiss Rhys had laid on her.

She had been two seconds from dragging him into the barn. There was an empty stall they could have had some fun in. She laughed and immediately regretted it. Her ribs were still sore. Her hand came to rest on her left side where it really hurt the most.

The last two days had been eye-opening. She would admit it had been nice to wake up not having to rush out of the house. Instead, she drank coffee, made breakfast, and relaxed on the patio. The weather had been beautiful and the air fresh.

But what Jordan really missed was the action of running after a bad guy.

Or kicking one of her SWAT brother’s asses in training. There was nothing better than sending a six feet three man sailing through the air to land on his ass. Jordan grinned. She remembered the first time she had bested Iker. The guys had thought they would need to take it easy on her when they practiced maneuvers. They must have only glanced over certain parts of her résumé where it listed that she was a black belt in a few forms of martial arts.

Jordan flipped off the light in the bathroom and paused. She stared at herself before turning to the side. The image of her sister came to the forefront. Omara had looked gorgeous at the hospital. Jordan rested a hand on her flat belly and tried to push it out. She tilted her head to the side to try to imagine herself pregnant with Rhys’s baby.

She knew without a doubt that he would be a doting father just as Zain was with her sister and Jason.

Jordan blew out a deep breath and exited the bathroom. She left their private suite and headed downstairs. She didn’t know how long Rhys planned to work out in the barn. He was a very focused man. With his police work, raising his daughter, then taking care of a farm, she didn’t even know how he even made time for her. She was thankful that he did. He was a good man and he deserved all the happiness in the world. She just hoped she was the one he would be happy with.


Jordan went into the kitchen and beelined it to the fridge. Maybe she would cook them dinner.

Something easy that wouldn’t get her in trouble with Rhys.

She opened the fridge and didn’t see anything appealing. They could always order out. She did have a taste for Chinese. There were a few of her favorite restaurants within a twenty-minute drive they could pick up food from.

Jordan pulled out a bottle of iced tea and decided she would do exactly as Rhys had ordered. She would go lay out on one of the chaises and watch him work. And if he was out in the field with the horses, she’d find a tree to lean against to observe him. There would be nothing better than to see her man out in the sun without his shirt on, doing hard manual labor.

Satisfied with her plan, she slammed the door shut and spun on her heel, happy with her decision.

See, I can follow orders.

The doorbell sounded, and she paused.

“Who the hell is that?” Jordan muttered. She opened the bottle and took a small swig of the sweet tea. She replaced the top and set it on the island.

Honor barked from outside in the yard. But it was the front doorbell that had gone off. Jordan walked through the house and made it to the door. She stiffened when she took in the figure that waited on the other side of the glass.

It was the ex-wife, Sara Beth.

What the fuck was she doing there?

Jordan wanted to hightail it back in the kitchen and act as if she hadn’t heard the doorbell. Sara Beth chose that moment to turn back around, allowing their eyes to meet. Jordan sighed heavily and continued. She arrived at the door and opened it. She didn’t touch the screen.

“I wasn’t expecting you to answer the door,” Sara Beth said.

She didn’t look any happier to see Jordan than Jordan was to see her. The woman was thin as a rake, long blonde hair, with dull brown eyes. Her nose was sharp and held an odd arch to it.She was dressed in a spaghetti-strap dress that stopped above her bony knees. Jordan’s gaze landed on the woman’s second toe that was fighting for its life by hanging over the edge of Sara Beth’s sandal.

“What do you want?” Jordan folded her arms in front of her. She wasn’t in the mood for this woman’s childish games. Anything she needed to discuss with Nova could have been by telephone. Nothing required her to stop by the farm. Jordan narrowed her eyes on her. She had heard Sara Beth had been asking about her and Rhys’s relationship. It was none of her business. There was no point in her trying to get a feel of Rhys again. That ship had sailed a long time ago, and her fatal mistake was Jordan’s reward.

“Can I come in?” Sara Beth clipped.


The blonde sputtered, obviously in shock that Jordan wasn’t opening the door for her. There was no reason for her to be walking through the house and trying to snoop. Rhys didn’t owe Sara Beth anything. If it wasn’t for their daughter, he wouldn’t communicate with her at all.

“My daughter lives here?—”

“So do I,” Jordan announced smugly.

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