Page 42 of Dirty Ultimatum

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“She’d better be sleep or something,” he muttered.

If she was, then he couldn’t be angry at her. The woman was a workaholic, and if sleep had claimed her then he would do nothing but join her in bed.

But with the way the hairs on the back of his neck were raised, he knew deep down something was wrong. He snagged a smaller pistol and strapped it to his ankle before he felt he’d be prepared. He turned to leave and caught sight of one of his blades.

What the hell? He might as well go extremely prepared. He lifted it from where it was perched on a shelf on display and the ankle sheath for it. He bent down and strapped it to his other ankle. His jeans would hide both weapons. Rhys stood then headed out of the room. He carried his Glock in his hand, prepared to place it in the glove box of his vehicle.

He slipped from the house without Nova or Honor coming to find him. He definitely didn’t want to have to explain why he was taking guns with him to Jordan’s house. He jogged over to where his oversized pickup truck was parked. He slipped inside and hit the button, the engine flaring to life.

Rhys reached over and placed his gun in the glove box. He caught sight of his extra badge that was on a chain. He drew it out and tossed it over his head. Hopefully he wouldn’t need to use it.

Putting the truck into drive, he guided the vehicle around the dirt track in the back of the house and drove toward the front. Once on the actual driveway that led to the main road, he pushed the gas pedal a bit harder. Gravel flew up in the air behind the truck as he sped along.

A sense of urgency filled him. He had to get to Jordan’s house. He sent up a prayer that he was overreacting.

But had they been in the same shoes, Jordan would come with guns blazing.

Rhys gripped the steering wheel tight when he arrived at the turn onto the main road. He slowed just enough to not put his truck on two wheels. Once he was on the road, he punched it. If he got pulled over by a squad car, he’d show his badge to get out of a ticket. Tonight was one night he wouldn’t mind using his status as a cop to get out of a traffic stop.

His heart pounded. He drove toward town. This was one time he wished he lived closer to town. His farm was a nice distance from city life. He loved being out in the rural areas. Life away from major cities or towns was different, and he loved it. Even the air seemed fresher.

Rhys hit the hands-free button on the steering wheel. An alert came through the speakers.

“Call Jordan Knight,” he commanded. He held his breath waiting to hear her voice, but he wasn’t lucky. The callwent immediately to voicemail. The default voicemail message played. He hit the button to kill the call.

Rhys glanced down at the speedometer and allowed his foot to go down a little more on the gas. His truck responded with the engine roaring, and he flew down the highway. He scanned the roads to keep an eye out for any patrol cars, but his mind and heart were on Jordan.

Where the hell was she?

Rhys slowed downand turned onto Jordan’s street. His knuckles were white from how tight he was holding on to the steering wheel. His heart pounded again, and he coasted up to her home. No sign of her car.


He doubted she would have put her car in the garage if she was only planning to be home for a short time before meeting him. He drew his car to a halt and parked in front of her home on the street. Rhys took in her house, an eerie feeling overcoming him. There were no lights on. She always had a few lights on at night. He surveyed her neighborhood and didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary.

But something still didn’t sit right with him.

He reached over and opened the glove box. His hand wrapped around the familiar Glock. He took it out and slid it in the back of his jeans. He didn’t want any of her neighbors to be alarmed by a man walking up to her house with a loaded gun. If they were good neighbors they would call the police.

Blowing out a deep breath, he opened the door and slipped out. He quietly closed the door and casually strolled up thedriveway to her home. The street was clear from what he could see. No neighbors on their porches and no kids outside playing.

Weird, but nowadays he knew that kids didn’t play outside as much as they had when he was growing up. Shrugging it off, he continued up the driveway and headed toward the back of the house.

Jordan kept a spare key hidden in the backyard. Rhys studied the yard and didn’t see anything out of place. He stooped down over where a large rock was near the fence that divided her yard with the neighbors’. He lifted it and found the key slightly buried in the dirt. Rhys brushed it off and made his way to Jordan’s back door. He slid the key into the lock and paused.

Reaching behind him, he pulled his gun out of his jeans and flipped the safety off. He gripped the handle tight while unlocking the door. He paused and listened.

No sounds came from the house.

He gently pushed the door open and tiptoed silently inside. Jordan definitely wasn’t home. The woman always had music playing or the television on or even a candle burning when she was relaxing in her domain. The quietness was telling.

Rhys raised his gun while he crept through the kitchen. The hairs on the back of his neck and his arms were raised at attention. His gut screamed that something was off, and he was following it. He paused in the doorway that led to living room and dining room, and again, didn’t notice anything out of place. He glanced toward the stairs and cursed, wishing he had remembered to bring a flashlight with him.

Rhys didn’t want to turn on any lights. Doing so might as well announce to any bad guys that may be hiding in the shadows where he was.

Shoving the thoughts of anyone hiding in the dark, he moved to the stairs. He took them quietly and arrived at the landing. He checked every room and found them empty. It wasn’t until hegot to Jordan’s bedroom that he saw his premonition had been correct.

“Fuck.” Even in the dark he could see her room was in shambles. He tightened his hand on the gun and went over to one of the overturned lamps and turned it on. For all he knew she could be lying on the floor bleeding out and he couldn’t see her. He placed it upright on the floor and allowed his gaze to take in the room.

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