Page 41 of Dirty Ultimatum

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What. The. Fuck?

He had lost his marbles.

But she would play by his game. It would buy her time until she could figure out a plan.

“I need to think about it,” she said. She tried to relax a little. She leaned into his palm as if wanting his touch. She beat downthe nausea that rose in her belly. She just prayed her acting skills were up to par.

“That’s right. You remember how it was between us.” His other hand came to cradle her face. His eyes even softened. He was falling for her act. “Get rid of him.”

She didn’t have to ask who the ‘he’ was that Bravon was speaking of. Like a lot of men, he wanted to conquer, and she was the one who’d got away from him. In his eyes, he had to have her. Jordan knew now what type of man Bravon was. He wanted what was his, and right now he was demanding to have her back like a little boy taking his toy car from another kid.

Jordan fought the urge to knee him in the balls and kick his ass for even mentioning she leave Rhys.

“And if I do, will you leave him and his family alone?” she asked quietly.

It pained her to even ask the question, but she had to know. He quietly studied her. Jordan held his gaze steadily without blinking.

“I’ll erase him from my mind,” Bravon replied.

“I need time, Bravon. This is so sudden,” she breathed. Apparently, her acting skills were better than she had realized. This Oscar-award-winning performance was certainly convincing Bravon she would get back with him.

“Twenty-four hours.” He kissed her lips hard before backing off.

Jordan blinked in shock at the abrupt move. She hadn’t even had time to react. He spun on his heels and stalked away from her toward where his goons stood. Jordan’s heart slammed against her chest as she exhaled. She hadn’t even realized she’d been holding her breath.

“I’ll be in touch.”

She stood frozen, caught between a rock and a hard place. Bravon strode confidently. His goons surrounded him andwalked along with him, leaving her standing alone. She blinked and looked around to ensure no one still remained. She glanced down at her hands and found them trembling.

What the fuck was she to do? He wanted her SWAT team and her.

She could never betray them.

And as for Rhys, could she break things off with him in order to save him?


“I’ll be back, girl. Stay with Nova,” Rhys ordered.

Honor sat on the couch with her ears pointed in the air. She tilted her head to the side as she watched him with a confused look.

“Is everything all right?” Nova asked. She sat up higher on the couch and eyed him. It was amazing how she and the dog both could sense something was wrong.

“Of course it is,” Rhys lied.

Hell, he wasn’t sure what was wrong but he could feel it in his gut that something was. He had always been one to follow his gut, and it had never led him wrong. Jordan was late, and she wasn’t picking up her damn phone. This wasn’t like her. He’d called her multiple times, and not once had she answered or texted back. He had come close to calling the station to find out if SWAT had been sent out on a call. It would explain why she wasn’t responding, but he hadn’t.

“I thought Jordan was coming here after work,” Nova said.

“Plans changed. I’m going to meet her at her house,” he replied. He hated not telling Nova the truth, but there was no sense in worrying her as well. He was sure there was a good reason why Jordan had gone dark. He spun on his heel and leftthe family room and stalked through the house. With the uneasy feeling that plagued him, he needed to take a few things with him.

Rhys was never a man who went into a situation unprepared.

Especially when it came to the safety of his loved ones.

He silently went into his little closet room where he kept a few of his guns locked up. He had to admit he might have a slight addiction problem when it came to guns, but he’d think about that another day. He flipped the light on, basking him in brightness. He immediately went over to the wall where he kept a few of his handguns. He took a Glock 19 off the wall then reached for the drawer where he kept his loaded clips. He grabbed a couple and slid them into his pockets before slipping one into the gun. That familiar click sound sent a chill down his spine. The cold, hard steel felt comforting to him. It was one of his favorites to utilize.

He just prayed he was being overdramatic showing up to Jordan’s home with loaded weapons.

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