Page 56 of Dirty Alliance

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“This motherfucker here blew my chance for SWAT.” Reeves pointed in Myles’s face.

Myles knocked it out of the way and pushed Reeves away from him.

“I blew your chance?” Myles roared, no longer able to control his fury. Reeves should be man enough to take responsibility for his own fuckups. If he didn’t make SWAT, it was his own damn fault. “How about you’re not fit to wear SWAT on your chest!”

“You son of a bitch!” Reeves swung his fist.

Myles blocked it and shoved Reeves back into Cruz. Arms clamped around him, keeping him from following Cruz.

“He’s not worth it,” Ash snapped.

“Let it go, big guy. Walk away,” Declan ordered. He pulled Myles backward.

“Reeves, leave! Now!” Mac positioned himself between the two of them.

Myles glared at Reeves from around Mac. His muscles were tensed, and his breaths were coming fast.

The son of a bitch was lucky.

Had his teammates not come out of the locker room when they had, Myles’s fist would be going upside his face.

“All of you can go fuck yourselves!” Reeves struggled against Cruz.

“Let’s go,” Cruz said. “You don’t want to be a part of their shitty team anyway.”

“What the fuck you say, Cruz?” Myles dove after him.

Ash and Declan tightened their hold on him.

“Get him out of here.” Mac pointed toward the front of the precinct.

Apparently having heard the commotion, a crowd stood at the end of the hall.

Cruz finally got Reeves to about face and walk away. Reeves continued to shout obscenities until he disappeared from sight.

Myles’s hands were balled into fists. It wasn’t until he didn’t see Reeves anymore that he turned his attention to Mac.

“I’m good.” He shook Ash and Declan off of him. He rubbed his face with a trembling hand. He needed to get out of there. He needed to burn off this adrenaline and energy.

“There’s nothing to see here.” Mac motioned for the curious bystanders to move. Once the last person was gone, he faced Myles. “Let’s go outside and get you some fresh air.”

Myles reached for his bag that had been kicked out of the way during the scuffle. He followed Mac through the doors he had originally been heading to. They walked into the parking lot toward where his truck was waiting. He opened the driver’s door and tossed his bag in.

“What the hell happened back there?” Ash asked. He tunneled his fingers through his hair before folding his arms in front of his chest and focusing on Myles.

“Reeves accused me of blowing his shot on SWAT.” Myles tried to remain calm. He took a few deep breaths and willed his heart to stop racing.

“You blew his shot?” Mac’s low voice cut through the air. “When did he ever have one?”

“Ya’ll already know my thoughts on him,” Declan drawled. Yeah, they all did. Declan didn’t make no qualms about his feeling for the beat cop. “I wished he would have run up on me.”

Myles nodded. Without a doubt, Declan would have whipped his ass. He’d been waiting for a reason to say something to Reeves.

“Why would he just go after you? It was a team decision,” Mac said. Always the voice of reason. “If he had a compliant, he could have come to me, or hell, even the captain.”

“Don’t know, don’t care.” Myles leaned back on his truck. At the moment, he didn’t give a rat’s ass. “But I will tell you one thing. If he runs up on me again, just move the fuck out of the way.”

“As much as I would love to see you beat the piss out of him, we can’t have blue fighting blue,” Mac stated.

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